Hitachi-AXF100W-mc-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf
CAUTION:CAUTION:Beforeservicing this chassis, itisimportantthat the servicetechnician read the“SafetyPrecautions”and“ProductSafetyNotices”inthisservicemanual.ATTENTION:ATTENTION:Avantdeffectuerlentretienduchassis,letechniciendoitlirelesPrcautionsdescuritetlesNoticesdescuritduproduitprsentsdansleprsentmanuel.VORSICHT:VORSICHT:VorffnendesGehuseshatderService-IngenieurdieSicherheitshinweise“undHinweisezurProduktsicherheit“indiesemWartungshandbuchzulesen.SERVICE MANUALMANUEL DENTRETIENWARTUNGSHANDBUCHSERVICE MANUALMANUEL DENTRETIENWARTUNGSHANDBUCHDatacontainedwithinthisServicemanualissubjecttoalterationforimprovement.Les donnes fournies dans le prsentmanueldentretienpeuventfairelobjetdemodificationsenvuedeperfectionnerleproduit.DieindiesemWartungshandbuchenthaltenenSpezifikationenknnensichzwecksVerbesserungenndern.September 2000MINI COMPONENT HI-FI SYSTEMSeptember 2000MINI COMPONENT HI-FI SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS AND PARTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE FOR IMPROVEMENTCONTENTSSPECIFICATIONS.3SERVICE POINTS.4WIRING DIAGRAM.8PRINTED WIRING BOARD.9CIRCUIT DIAGRAM.17BLOCK DIAGRAM.29EXPLODED VIEW.31REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST.35AXF100WUNAXF100WAXF100UCAXF100EBSAXF100ESM0100RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 ENGLISH SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WARNING: The following precautions must be observed.ALL PRODUCTS Before any service is performed on the chassis an isolation transformer should be inserted between the power line and the product. 1. When replacing the chassis in the cabinet, ensure all the protective devices are put back in place. 2. When service is required, observe the original lead dressing. Extra precaution should be taken to ensure correct lead dressing in any high voltage circuitry area. 3. Many electrical and mechanical parts in HITACHI products have special safety related characteristics. These characteristics are often not evident from visual inspection, nor can the protection afforded by them necessarily be obtained by using replacement components rated for higher voltage, wattage, etc. Replacement parts which have these special safety characteristics are identified by marking with a ? on the schematics and the replacement parts list. The use of a substitute replacement component that does not have the same safety characteristics as the HITACHI recommended replacement one, shown in the parts list, may create electrical shock, fire, X-radiation, or other hazards. 4. Always replace original spacers and maintain lead lengths. Furthermore, where a short circuit has occurred, replace those components that indicate evidence of overheating. 5. Insulation resistance should not be less than 2M ohms at 500V DC between the main poles and any accessible metal parts. 6. No flashover or breakdown should occur during the dielectric strength test, applying 3kV AC or 4.25kV DC for two seconds between the main poles and accessible metal parts. 7. Before returning a serviced product to the customer, the service technician must thoroughly test the unit to be certain that it is completely safe to operate without danger of electrical shock. The service technician must make sure that no protective device built into the instrument by the manufacturer has become defective, or inadvertently damaged during servicing. CE MARK 1. HITACHI products may contain the CE mark on the rating plate indicating that the product contains parts that have been specifically approved to provide electromagnetic compatibility to designated levels. 2. When replacing any part in this product, please use only the correct part itemised in the parts list to ensure this standard is maintained, and take care to replace lead dressing to its original state, as this can have a bearing on the electromagnetic radiation/immunity. PICTURE TUBE 1. The line output stage can develop voltages in excess of 25kV; if the E.H.T. cap is required to be removed, discharge the anode to chassis via a high value resistor, prior to its removal from the picture tube. 2. High voltage should always be kept at the rated value of the chassis and no higher. Operating at higher voltages may cause a failure of the picture tube or high voltage supply, and also, under certain circumstances could produce X-radiation levels moderately in excess of design levels. The high voltage must not, under any circumstances, exceed 29kV on the chassis (except for projection Televisions). 3. The primary source of X-radiation in the product is the picture tube. The picture tube utilised for the above mentioned function in this chassis is specially constructed to limit X-radiation. For continued X-radiation protection, replace tube with the same type as the original HITACHI approved type 4. Keep the picture tube away from the body while handling. Do not install, remove, or handle the picture tube in any manner unless shatterproof goggles are worn. People not so equipped should be kept away while picture tubes are handled LASERS If the product contains a laser avoid direct exposure to the beam when the cover is open or when interlocks are defeated or have failed. RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库AX-F100? The caution labels on laser usage Notices de prcautions demploi du laser? Checking method? ?!?#? ?$%?INSTRUMENT(Exposed part)Insulation tester (DC 500V)CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCTLUOKAN 1 LASERLAITEKLASS 1 LASERAPPARATCLASS 1 LASER PRODUCTLUOKAN 1 LASERLAITEKLASS 1 LASERAPPARATAX-F100?&?SAFETY PRECAUTIONS?(? )?#?*?+?,? -?SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS? RECEIVER SECTION?.?/ 0?/?12?$?#?(%1?%?*3?%?(?*3? ?4?/ 0?/?12?$%?#?(%1?%?*3?%?%$?*3? ?,?,-)?5?546/ ?5/?$?%?#?(2(%?*3?(%?*3? ?4?5?546/ ?5/?$?#?(7(?*3?8?*3? ?,?,-)?5?546/ 95/?($&?#?1(?*3?(?*3? ?,?,-)? CD SECTION)?0?:?/ ;?(?*39?/ )? TIMER SECTION)?/ ?=?3?/ 5?7%? GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS?)?/ ?(%?#?(?2?%?#?;%?$%7%?*3?5?546/ ?(?%?7%?*3?4?/ ?&%?$%?*3?,?,-)?/ ;1?5?,?A#A6?/?(?5 ?,?,-)?5?546/ (?(?,?A#A6?/?(?5 ?4?.?A?/ &%?5?B?&%?5?7?*?(%C D?A?/ ?,?4E?A?A?*?)? SPEAKER SECTION)?/ ?5?-?.?)?)?)?4?/ 5?/?(%?(?/?$?(D?/ 7? DIMENSIONS*?4#.&%?4?/ ?(%?5 ?(?%?* ?&?$? ?)?4?/ ($%?5 ?2$?* ?2?9AA?.?.-#E0& ?-?,?0?5?546? ?)?F?AX-F100?;?Power cord134529876101134Top cover121Fig. 1Fig. 3Fig. 21 . Removal of Top Cover?( .?;?1? .?;?2?3 . Removal of Tuner P.W.B Board?( .? ? ? 5? ?5?-?A?-?SERVICE POINTS2 . Removal of Rear Plate and Power Cord?( .?(?3?4? ?5Connector AAX-F100?$?68Fig. 4-14 . Removal of Front Panel?( ?B?G?C?.?0?$#? ? .?&?6?& .?(?7?8?; .?D?5 . Removal of Front P.W.B Board?( .? .? (&? ? 9?77ClawFig. 4-2Volume knobNut9Connector BConnector CFig. 5-1Fig. 5-2AX-F100?$#Fig. 7-17 . Removal of Amp P.W.B. Board? ? ? ? #? ?$?Fig. 6-16 . Removal of Main P.W.B Board and Power Transformer? ? ? ? D? ? K? ?!? ? ? ?!? ? #?$? ?!? ?%?&()?*&()?+?#?)?#?#?)?,?#-)?.?#?)?/&-)?0?#-)-1?#?)?Fig. 7-2!KDEJIHGFLP.W.B. SupportFig. 6-2AX-F100?(?&%9 . Removal of CD Mechanism Assembly? ?&? ? ?&?8 . Removal of P.W.B. Holder? ?%?!?,?Fig. 8Fig. 9AX-F100?2?WIRING DIAGRAMTU PWBMAIN PWBTRANS PWBFL PWBAMP PWBTH PWBI/0 PWBVOL-SEL PWBFOR W/WUNAC-OUTLET PWBCN201A18P B-BTO CD MECHA11P PH-SAN CONN5P PH-SAN CONNPG503111CN601CN5013P DA-DA CONN3P PH-SAN CONN3P TXL CONN10P PH-SAN CONN8P PH-SAN CONNCN302 1CN301 1CN504BPG501PG6022P TXL CONCN901A11P PH-SAN CONN2P PH-SAN CONN5P VH CONNPG002PG601W8AW4APG0015001W5AW9ABLK RED YELW2AW3AGRYAC1W7AW6AREDREDW9BW1ABLKORGW11BW4BW7BW6BW5BRED3P MX CONNWHT5P PH-SAN CONNCN503PG502CN901B111111PG505PG003ORG(FOR UC/E/EBS ONLY)YELREDREDCN003CN002REDBLUBLKBLUREDGRYBRNREDREDW1BW2BWHTBRNW8BW11AW3B2P MX CONN1111CN201BCN701 1CN702CA701(30P FFC CABLE)REFER TO ILLUSTRATION B FOR DETAILSCA901 (18P FFC CABLE)REFER TO ILLUSTRATION A FOR DETAILSPG302 1PG301 12P MX CONNCN602CN504ACN502CN50512P PH-SAN CONNFFC CABLE INSERTIONILLUSTRATION ACN901AILLUSTRATION BCN701CN9018CD MECHAAX-F100?3?PRINTED WIRING BOARDTU PWBSoldering SideComponent SideAX-F100?2?Component SideMAIN PWBAX-F100?3?MAIN PWBSoldering SideAX-F100?Component SideFL PWBI/O P.W.B.AC OUTLET P.W.B.AX-F100?FL PWBSoldering SideI/O P.W.B.AC OUTLET P.W.B.AX-F100?Component SideAMP PWBVOL-SEL P.W.B.TRANS P.W.B.TH P.W.B.AX-F100?Soldering SideAMP PWBTRANS P.W.B.VOL-SEL P.W.B.TH P.W.B.AX-F100?AX-F100?CIRCUIT DIAGRAMMAIN/POWER Circuit?AX-F100?CIRCUIT DIAGRAMFL DISP. Circuit?AX-F100?CIRCUIT DIAGRAMTUNER Circuit?AX-F100?AX-F100?BLOCK DIAGRAM (MAIN)JK 101FE101B.P.FFM RFAMP &OSC MIXQ102,Q103,IFAMPBL1AMRFIC101LC72131MPLLIC251LC72720NMRDSRE 901ENCODERKEYIC602EEPROMBR9040FIC603KIA7045RESETCD MECHAJK602OPTOUTQ305, Q306L,R MUTEIC 303 BU4066BCFTA/MD REC SWIC302BU4066BCFTA/MD FUNC SWQ307, Q308L, R MUTEQ309, Q310LR MUTEJK 301JK 302MD OUTMD INAUXTAPE OUTTAPE INIC501STK 402-405POWER AMPLIFIERJK501H.PHONEQ505MUTEJK502MONOOUTJK503SP TERMINALRY501SPEAKERRELAYJK601SYSTEMBUSQ105,Q106, Q107, Q108L,RMUTET203,T20419 KHzLPF( E & EBS ONLY )IC301 LC75342FUNC SW,EQUALIZER &ELECT VOLUMECONTROLIC901LC75725EFLD DRIVERFL901FL DISPLAYIC201LA1838AM RF MIXAM/FM IFFM MPXIC601MN101C12GPTconFM ANTAM ANT(E/EBS & UC ONLY)AX-F100?FLDSUPPLY-27V+40V-40V+23V-23V+9V+12V+6V+5V3.5VIC501POWERAMPLIFIERSUPPLYSWITCHING IC301303& TUNERSUPPLYCD MOTORSUPPLYCD SUPPLY/FLD DRIVER/BUS/TUNER SUPPLYFLDFILAMENTIC001KIA7805RECTD002D005RECTD012RECTD011POWERTRANSFORMERPT1SUBTRANSFORMERPT001S001VOLTAGESELECTORFOR W,WUN ONLYF001F003AC OUTLET JK001FOR W,WUN ONLYF002Q005KTA1267IC004KIA7812IC003KIA7809IC002KIA7806-CON/EEPROM/RESETBLOCK DIAGRAM (POWER)AX-F100EXPLODED VIEW (Cabinet Chassis) Nos. are reference Nos. of part list?TRANSFORMER 9753141523241617FL DISP PWB43424544443434141434242133840422FOR E, E(BS)414142313439344833MAIN PWB2622FOR W, W(UN)122121212372525352729363032TU PWBAMP PWB1819182120474620202010681128FOR W, W(UN) THE UPDATED PARTS LISTFOR THIS MODEL IS AVAILABLE ON ESTA Hitachi, Ltd. Tokyo, Japan International Sales Division THE HITACHI ATAGO BUILDING, No. 15 12 Nishi Shinbashi, 2 Chome, Minato Ku, Tokyo 105-8430, Japan. Tel: 03 35022111 HITACHI EUROPE LTD, Whitebrook Park Lower Cookham Road Maidenhead Berkshire SL6 8YA UNITED KINGDOM Tel: 01628 643000 Fax: 01628 643400 Email: consumer-servicehitachi- HITACHI EUROPE S.A. 364 Kifissias Ave. & 1, Delfon Str. 152 33 Chalandri Athens GREECE Tel: 1-6837200 Fax: 1-6835964 Email: service.hellashitachi- HITACHI EUROPE GmbH Munich Office Dornacher Strasse 3 D-85622 Feldkirchen bei Mnchen GERMANY Tel: +49-89-991 80-0 Fax: +49-89-991 80-224 Hotline: +49-180-551 25 51 (12ct/min) Email: HSE-DUS.servicehitachi- HITACHI EUROPE S.A. Gran Via Carlos III, 101-1 08028 Barcelona SPAIN Tel: 93 409 2550 Fax: 93 491 3513 Email: atencion.clientehitachi- HITACHI EUROPE srl Via Tommaso Gulli N.39, 20147 Milano, Italia ITALY Tel: +39 02 487861 Tel: +39 02 38073415 Servizio Clienti Fax: +39 02 48786381/2 Email: customerservice.italyhitachi- HITACHI Europe AB Box 77 S-164 94 Kista SWEDEN Tel: +46 (0) 8 562 711 00 Fax: +46 (0) 8 562 711 13 Email: csgswehitachi- HITACHI EUROPE S.A.S Lyon Office B.P. 45, 69671 BRON CEDEX FRANCE Tel: 04 72 14 29 70 Fax: 04 72 14 29 99 Email: france.consommateurhitachi- HITACHI EUROPE LTD (Norway) AB STRANDVEIEN 18 1366 Lysaker NORWAY Tel: 67 5190 30 Fax: 67 5190 32 Email: csgnorhitachi- HITACH EUROPE AB Egebkgrd Egebkvej 98 DK-2850 Nrum DENMARK Tel: +45 43 43 6050 Fax: +45 43 60 51 Email: csgnorhitachi- HITACHI EUROPE AB Neopoli / Niemenkatu 73 FIN-15140 Lahti FINLAND Tel : +358 3 8858 271 Fax: +358 3 8858 272 Email: csgnorhitachi- Hitachi Europe Ltd Bergensesteenweg 421 1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw BELGIUMTel: +32 2 363 99 01 Fax: +32 2 363 99 00 Email: sofie.van.bomhitachi- HITACHI EUROPE LTD Na Sychrove 975/8 101 27 Praha 10 Bohdalec CZECH REPUBLIC Tel: +420 267 212 383 Fax: +420 267 212 385 Email: csgnorhitachi-