MODELJPE3E2EKEAE1CE1KPMA-1520AEPPINTEGRATED AMPLIFIERVer. 5 Please use this service manual with referring to the operating instructions without fail. Some illustrations using in this service manual are slightly different from the actual set. For purposes of improvement, specifications and design are subject to change without notice.Please refer to the MODIFICATION NOTICE.eSERVICE MANUALeRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库ABOUT THIS MANUAL .3What you can do with this manual .3Using Adobe Reader (Windows version) .4SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .6NOTE FOR SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM .7NOTE FOR PARTS LIST .7TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .9DIMENSION .9DISASSEMBLY .101. FRONT PANEL ASSY .112. POWER AMP PWB .123. INPUT PWB .124. U-COM PWB .135. REC INPUT PWB .136. TRANS .13ADJUSTMENT .14IDLING CURRENT ALIGNMENT .14TROUBLE SHOOTING .151. The power can not be turned on. (Power indication LED does not light.) .152. The power turned on, but a sound does not output normally. (Both channels) .15LEVEL DIAGRAM .17POWER DIAGRAM .18WIRING DIAGRAM .19PRINTED WIRING BOARDS .20SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS (1/3) .24SCH01_AMP_POWER_FRONT .24SCH02_INPUT_TONE .25SCH03_U-COM_FUNCTION .26EXPLODED VIEW .27PACKING VIEW .29SEMICONDUCTORS .301. ICs .30目次CONTENTS2RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库Jump to the target of a schematic diagram connectorClick the Ref. No. of the target connector in the red box around a schematic diagram connector.The screen jumps to the target connector. Pagemagnificationstaysthesameasbeforethejump.ABOUT THIS MANUALRead the following information before using the service manual.What you can do with this manualSearch for a Ref. No. (phrase)(Ctrl+Shift+F)You can use the search function in Acrobat Reader to search for a Ref. No. in schematic diagrams, printed wiring board diagrams, block diagrams, and parts lists.1.Press Ctrl+Shift+Fonthekeyboard. The Search window appears.2.EntertheRef.No.youwanttosearchforintheSearch window, and then click the Search button.A list of search results appears.3.Click an item on the list. The screen jumps to the page for that item, and the searchphraseisdisplayed.CtrlShiftF3Using Adobe Reader (Windows version) Properties Click this button and check that the printer is set to a suitable paper size. Page to print Select the following checkbox.More Options : Current View Page Sizing & Handling Select the following checkbox.Size / Size Options : FitAdd notes to this data (Sign)TheSignfunctionletsyouaddnotestothedatainthis manual.Savethefileonceyouhavefinishedaddingnotes.Example using Adobe Reader XOn the View menu, click Sign. The Sign pane appears.Example using Adobe Reader 9On the Document menu, click Sign. Magnify schematic / printed wiring board diagrams - 1(Ctrl+Space, mouse operation)Press Ctrl+Spaceonthekeyboardanddragthemousetoselecttheareayouwanttoview.Theselectedareaismagnified. Whenyouwanttomovetheareashown,holddown Space and drag the mouse. Whenyouwanttoshowafullpageview,pressCtrl+0onthekeyboard.CtrlSpace0Print a magnified part of the manualThePropertiesdialogboxandfunctionswillvarydependingonyourprinter.1. Dragthemousetomagnifythepartyouwanttoprint.2. On the File menu, click Print.3. ConfigurethefollowingsettingsinthePrintdialogbox.4. Click the Print button to start printing.4Magnify schematic / printed wiring board diagrams - 2(Pan & Zoom function)ThePan&Zoomfunctionletsyouseewhichpartofamagnifieddiagramisbeingshowninaseparatewindow.Example using Adobe Reader XOn the View menu, point to Zoom, and then click Pan & Zoom. The Pan & Zoom window appears on the screen.Example using Adobe Reader 9On the Tools menu, point to Select & Zoom, and then click Pan & Zoom Window.Magnify schematic / printed wiring board diagrams - 3(Loupe Tool function)TheLoupeToolfunctionletsyoumagnifyaspecificpart of a diagram in a separate window.Example using Adobe Reader XOn the View menu, point to Zoom, and then click Loupe Tool. The Loupe Tool window appears on the screen.Example using Adobe Reader 9On the Tools menu, point to Select & Zoom, and then click Loupe Tool Window.5SAFETY PRECAUTIONSThe following items should be checked for continued protection of the customer and the service technician.leakage current checkBeforereturningthesettothecustomer,besuretocarryouteither(1)aleakagecurrentcheckor(2)alinetochassisresistance check. If the leakage current exceeds 0.5 milliamps, or if the resistance from chassis to either side of the power cord is less than 460 kohms, the set is defective. Be sure to test for leakage current with the AC plug in both polarities, in addition, when the sets power is in each state (on,offandstandbymode),ifapplicable.CAUTION Please heed the following cautions and instructions during servicing and inspection. Heed the cautions!Cautions which are delicate in particular for servicing are labeled on the cabinets, the parts and the chassis, etc. Be sure to heed these cautions and the cautions described in the handling instructions. Cautions concerning electric shock!(1) AnACvoltageisimpressedonthisset,soifyoutouch internal metal parts when the set is energized, youmaygetanelectricshock.Avoidgettinganelectricshock,byusinganisolatingtransformerand wearing gloves when servicing while the set is energized,orbyunpluggingthepowercordwhenreplacing parts, for example.(2) Therearehighvoltagepartsinside.Handlewithextra care when the set is energized. Caution concerning disassembly and assembly!Through great care is taken when parts were manufacturedfromsheetmetal,theremaybeburrsontheedgesofparts.Theburrscouldcauseinjuryiffingersare moved across them in some rare cases. Wear gloves toprotectyourhands. Use only designated parts!Thesetspartshavespecificsafetyproperties(fireresistance,voltageresistance,etc.).Besuretousepartswhich have the same properties for replacement. The burrs have the same properties. In particular, for the importantsafetypartsthatareindicatedbythez mark on schematic diagrams and parts lists, be sure to use the designated parts. Be sure to mount parts and arrange the wires as they were originally placed!Forsafetyseasons,somepartsusetapes,tubesorotherinsulatingmaterials,andsomepartsaremountedawayfrom the surface of printed circuit boards. Care is also takenwiththepositionsofthewiresbyarrangingthemandusingclampstokeepthemawayfromheatingandhighvoltageparts,sobesuretoseteverythingbackasitwasoriginallyplaced. Make a safety check after servicing!Check that all screws, parts and wires removed or disconnected when servicing have been put back in their original positions, check that no serviced parts have deteriorate the area around. Then make an insulation check on the external metal connectors and between the blades of the power plug, and otherwise check that safetyisensured.(Insulationcheckprocedure)Unplug the power cord from the power outlet, disconnect the antenna, plugs, etc., and on the power. Using a 500V insulation resistance tester, check that the insulation resistancevaluebetweentheinplugandtheexternallyexposedmetalparts(antennaterminal,headphonesterminal,inputterminal,etc.)is1Morgreater.Ifitisless, the set must be inspected and repaired.Manyoftheelectricandthestructuralpartsusedinthesethavespecialsafetyproperties.Inmostcasesthesepropertiesaredifficulttodistinguishbysight,andtheuseofreplacementpartswithhigherratings(ratedpowerandwithstandvoltage)doesnotnecessarilyguaranteethatsafetyperformancewillbepreserved.Partswithsafetypropertiesareindicatedasshownbelowonthewiring diagrams and the parts list in this service manual. Be sure to replace them with the parts which have the designated part number.(1)Schematicdiagrams .Indicatedbythez mark.(2)Partslists .Indicatedbythez mark.The use of parts other than the designated parts could cause electric shocks,firesorotherdangeroussituations.CAUTION Concerning important safety parts6NOTE FOR SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMWARNING:Partsindicatedbythezmarkhavecriticalcharacteristics.UseONLYreplacementpartsrecommendedbythemanufacturer.CAUTION:Beforereturningthesettothecustomer,besuretocarryouteither(1)aleakagecurrentcheckor(2)alinetochassisresistancecheck.Ifthe leakage current exceeds 0.5 milliamps, or if the resistance from chassis to either side of the power cord is less than 460 kohms, the set is defective.WARNING:DONOTreturnthesettothecustomerunlesstheproblemisidentifiedandremedied.NOTICE:ALLRESISTANCEVALUESINOHM.k=1,000OHM/M=1,000,000OHMALLCAPACITANCEVALUESAREEXPRESSEDINMICROFARAD,UNLESSOTHERWISEINDICATED.PINDICATESMICRO-MICROFARAD.EACHVOLTAGEANDCURRENTAREMEASUREDATNOSIGNALINPUTCONDITION.CIRCUITANDPARTSARESUBJECTTOCHANGEWITHOUTPRIORNOTICE.Parts indicated by nsp on this table cannot be supplied.When ordering a part, make a clear distinction between 1 and I (i) to avoid mis-supplying.A part ordered without specifying its part number can not be supplied. General-purpose Carbon Chip Resistors are not included are not included in the P.W.Board parts list. (Refer to the Schematic Diagram for those parts.)Parts indicated by the z mark have critical characteristics. Use ONLY replacement parts recommended by the manufacturer.General-purpose Carbon Film Resistor in the P.W.Board parts list. (Refer to the Schematic Diagram for those parts.)Part indicated by mark is not illustrated in the exploded view.WARNING: FOR PARTS LISTINSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING SEMI-CONDUCTORS AND OPTICAL UNITElectrostaticbreakdownofthesemi-conductorsoropticalpickupmayoccurduetoapotentialdifferencecausedbyelectrostatic charge during unpacking or repair work.1. GroundforHumanBodyBesuretowearagroundingband(1M)thatisproperlygroundedtoremoveanystaticelectricitythatmaybechargedonthebody.2. GroundforWorkbenchBesuretoplaceaconductivesheetorcopperplatewithpropergrounding(1M)ontheworkbenchorothersurface,wherethesemi-conductorsaretobeplaced.Becausethestaticelectricitychargeonclothingwillnotescapethroughthebodygroundingband,becarefultoavoidcontactingsemi-conductorswithyourclothingCBAGrounding BandConductive Sheet orCopper Plate1M1MCBA7Personal notes:8 nPower amplifier section Rated Output Power: both channels driven (CD IN SPEAKER OUT) 70 W + 70 W (8 /ohms, 20 Hz 20 kHz, T.H.D. 0.07 %) Dynamic power: 140 W + 140 W (4 /ohms, DIN, 1 kHz, T.H.D. 0.7 %) High frequency distortion: 0.01 % (Rated output: 3 dB), 8 /ohms, 1 kHz Output terminals: Speaker: A or B: 4 16 /ohms A + B: 8 16 /ohms Suited for headphones/stereo headphones Input Sensitivity / Input Impedance: P. DIRECT: 0.84 V / 47 k/kohms Gain: 29 dB nPre amplifier section Equalizer amplifier output: (REC OUT terminals) 150 mV Input Sensitivity/Input Impedance: PHONO (MM):2.5 mV/47 k/kohms PHONO (MC): 200 V/100 /ohms CD, TUNER, AUX, NETWORK, RECORDER: 125 mV/47 k/kohms (SOURCE DIRECT: Off) 125 mV/23 k/kohms (SOURCE DIRECT: On) RIAA Deviation: PHONO: 20 Hz 20 kHz 0.5 dB Maximum Input: PHONO (MM):130 mV/1 kHz PHONO (MC):10 mV/1 kHz Rated Output: PRE OUT: 0.84 V (Input CD 125 mV) nOverall performance S/N Ratio (A network): PHONO (MM): 89 dB (With input terminals short-circuited, 5 mV input signal) PHONO (MC): 74 dB (With input terminals short-circuited, 0.5 mV input signal) CD, TUNER, AUX, NETWORK, RECORDER: 108 dB (input terminals short-circuited) Tone control : BASS: 100 Hz 8 dB TREBLE: 10 kHz 8 dB nGeneralPower supply (for E2 model) : AC 230 V, 50/60 HzPower supply (for E1C model) : AC 220 V, 50 HzPower supply (for JP model) : AC 100 V, 50/60 HzPower consumption : 295 WPower consumption during standby : 0.2 WUnit : in. (mm)Weight : 16.1 kg3744142515964181171354343446045452515TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSDIMENSION9FRONT PANEL ASSYRefer to DISASSEMBLY 1.FRONT PANEL ASSYand EXPLODED VIEWPOWER SW.UNIT(Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 1-3)FRONT SW UNIT(Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 1-4)VOLUME UNIT(Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 1-5)POWER LED UNIT(Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 1-6)VOL SUB UNIT 1(Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 1-7)VOL SUB UNIT 2(Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 1-8)H/P UNIT(Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 1-9)FUNCTION SW UNIT(Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 2-3)REMOTE IN/OUT UNIT(Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 2-4)TONE UNIT(Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 2-5)POWER AMP PWBRefer to DISASSEMBLY 2. POWER AMP PWBand EXPLODED VIEWPOWER AMP UNIT(Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 1-1)POWER TRANSRefer to DISASSEMBLY 6. POWER TRANSand EXPLODED VIEWPOWER TRANS(Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 37)REC INPUT PWBRefer to DISASSEMBLY 5. REC INPUT UNITand EXPLODED VIEWREC INPUT UNIT(Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 1-10)AC UNITRefer to DISASSEMBLY and EXPLODED VIEWAC UNIT(Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 1-2)INPUT PWBRefer to DISASSEMBLY 3. INPUT PWBand EXPLODED VIEWINPUT UNIT(Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 2-2)U-COM PWBRefer to DISASSEMBLY 4. U-COM PWBand EXPLODED VIEWU-COM UNIT(Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 2-1)TOP COVERDISASSEMBLY Disassemble in order of the arrow in the following figure. In the case of the re-assembling, assemble it in order of the reverse of the following flow. In the case of the re-assembling, observe attention of assembling. If wire bundles are untied or moved to perform adjustment or replace parts etc., be sure to rearrange them neatly as they were originally bundled or placed afterward. Otherwise, incorrect arrangement can be a cause of noise generation.10About the photos used for descriptions of the DISASSEMBLY section The shooting direction of each photograph used herein is indicated on the left side of the respective photograph as Shooting direction: *. Refer to the diagram below about the shooting direction of each photograph. Photographs with no shooting direction indicated were taken from the top of the set. 1. FRONT PANEL ASSYProceeding : TOP COVERFRONT PANEL ASSY(1) Remove the screws. (2) Disconnect the connector wires. Remove the CORD HOLDER and screws. (3) Fix the wiring of the wire like this photograph. The viewpoint of each photograph(Shooting direction X)View from the topFront sideShooting direction: BShooting direction: DShooting direction: CShooting direction: AView from the bottomN0651N0822N0611N1511N0351WTN0341BKN0382N0360CORD HOLDERCORD HOLDERSTYLE PINPlease refer to EXPLODED VIEW for the disassembly method of each PWB included in FRONT PANEL ASSY.112. POWER AMP PWBProceeding : TOP COVER POWER AMP PWB(1) Cut the wire clamp bands, then disconnect the connector wires. Remove the CORD HOLDER and screws. 3. INPUT PWBProceeding : TOP COVERINPUT PWB(1) Disconnect the connector wires. Remove the PCB HOLDER and screws. N0651N0912N0331N0521CORD HOLDERCUTShooting direction: AN1110N0611N0371N0531N0352PCB HOLDER124. U-COM PWBProceeding : TOP COVERINPUT PWBU-COM PWB(1) Disconnect the connector wires. Remove the PCB HOLDER. 5. REC INPUT PWBProceeding : TOP COVERREC INPUT PWB(1) Remove the screw. 6. TRANSProceeding : TOP COVERTRANS(1) Cut the wire clamp bands, then disconnect the connector wires. Remove the CORD HOLDER and screws. Shooting direction: CN0512N0911N1511N0821N0691N1101N0312N0322PCB HOLDERShooting direction: AShooting direction: DShooting direction: ACUTN0231N0241N0211N0221CUTCORD HOLDER13ADJUSTMENTIDLING CURRENT ALIGNMENT Setup(1) Place the unit at an ordinary position avoiding direct air flow from an air-conditioner