D&M Holdings Inc.SERVICE MANUALeeMODELJPE3E2EKK2AE1CE1KEUTDHT-390XPPP5.1CH HOME THEATER SYSTEMMODELJPE3E2EKK2AE1CE1KEUTAVR-390 sPAV SURROUND RECEIVER5.1CH HOME THEATER SYSTEM (DHT-390XP) consists of AV SURROUND RECEIVER (AVR-390) and SPEAKER SYSTEM (SYS-390HT)Ver. 3Some illustrations using in this service manual are slightly different from the actual set.Please use this service manual with referring to the operating instructions without fail.For purposes of improvement, specifications and design are subject to change without notice.S0032-0V03DM/DG1002Please refer to the MODIFICATION NOTICE.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库DHT-390XPSAFETY PRECAUTIONSThe following check should be performed for the continued protection of the customer and service technician.lEAkAgE CURRENT ChECkBefore returning the unit to the customer, make sure you make either (1) a leakage current check or () a line to chassis resistance check. if the leakage current exceeds 0.5 milliamps, or if the resistance from chassis to either side of the power cord is less than 460 kohms, the unit is defective.CAUTION Please heed he points listed below during servicing and inspection.heed the cautions!Spots requiring particular attention when servicing, such as the cabinet, parts, chassis,etc., have cautions indicated on labels. be sure to heed these causions and the cautions indicated in the handling instructions.Caution concerning electric shock!(1) An AC voltage is impressed on this set, so touching internal metal parts when the set is energized could cause electric shock. Take care to avoid electric shock, by for example using an isolating transformer and gloves when servicing while the set is energized, unplugging the power cord when replacing parts, etc.() Tere are high voltage parts inside. Handle with extra care when the set is energized. Caution concerning disassembly and assembly!Through great care is taken when manufacturing parts from sheet metal, there may in some rare cases be burrs on the edges of parts which could cause injury if fingers are moved across them. Use gloves to protect your hands.Only use designated parts!The sets parts have specific safety properties (fire resistance, voltage resistance, etc.). For replacement parts, be sure to use parts which have the same poroperties. In particular, for the important safety parts that are marked z on wiring diagrams and parts lists, be sure to use the designated parts. Be sure to mount parts and arrange the wires as they were originally!For safety seasons, some parts use tape, tubes or other insulating materials, and some parts are mounted away from the surface of printed circuit boards. Care is also taken with the positions of the wores omsode amd clamps are used to keep wires away from heating and high voltage parts, so be sure to set everything back as it was originally.Inspect for safety after servicing!Check that all screws, parts and wires removed or disconnected for servicing have been put back in their original positions, inspect that no parts around the area that has been serviced have been negatively affected, conduct an inslation check on the external metal connectors and between the blades of the power plug, and otherwise check that safety is ensured.(Insulation check procedure)Unplug the power cord from the power outlet, disconnect the antenna, plugs, etc., and turn the power switch on. Using a 500V insulation resistance tester, check that the inplug and the externally exposed metal parts (antenna terminal, headphones terminal, input terminal, etc.) is 1M or greater. If it is less, the set must be inspected and repaired.Many of the electric and structural parts used in the set have special safety properties. In most cases these properties are difficult to distinguish by sight, and using replacement parts with higher ratings (rated power and withstand voltage) does not necessarily guarantee that safety performance will be poreserved. Parts with safety properties are indicated as shown below on the wiring diagrams and parts lists is this service manual. Be sure to replace them with parts with the designated part number.(1) Schematic diagrams .Indicated by the z mark.() Parts lists .Indicated by the z mark.Using parts other than the designated parts could result in electric shock, fires or other dangerous situations.Concerning important safety partsCAUTIONAVR-390RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库DHT-90XPdimensionAVR-390AVR-90DHT-90XPdsW-3902704273952020053030185150555040088DHT-90XPsC-F390125130155320DHT-90XPsC-C390155125130320sC-R390155180130125DHT-390XPWIRE ARRANGEMENTIf wire bundles are untied or moved to perform adjustment or parts replacement etc., be sure to rearrange them neatly asthey were originally bundled or placed afterward.Otherwise, incorrect arrangement can be a cause of noisegeneration.Wire arrangement viewed from the topBack Panel sideFront Panel sideAVR-3908DHT-390XPAVR-390DISASSEMBLY Disassemble in order of the arrow of the figure of following flow. In the case of the re-assembling, assemble it in order of the reverse of the following flow. In the case of the re-assembling, observe attention of assembling it.CABINET TOPPANEL FRONT ASSYCHASSIS BACKHEATSINK MAIN ASSYRefer to DISASSEMBLY 1.PANEL FRONT ASSYRefer to DISASSEMBLY 5.CHASSIS BACKRefer to DISASSEMBLY 2.HEATSINKand EXPLODED VIEWand EXPLODED VIEWMAIN ASSY and EXPLODED VIEWPCB ASSY ST-BYPCB ASSY AMP (Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 11) (Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 20)PCB ASSY TACT-SW (Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 12)PCB ASSY FRONTPCB ASSY DSPPCB ASSY HDMI (Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 13)Refer to DISASSEMBLY 6.PCB ASSY DSPRefer to DISASSEMBLY 3.PCB ASSY HDMIPCB ASSY H/Pand EXPLODED VIEWand EXPLODED VIEW (Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 14)PCB ASSY DSPPCB ASSY HDMIPCB ASSY ENCORDER (Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 32) (Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 33) (Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 17)PCB ASSY VIDEOPOWER TRANSRefer to DISASSEMBLY 7.PCB ASSY VIDEORefer to DISASSEMBLY 4.POWER TRANSand EXPLODED VIEWand EXPLODED VIEWPCB ASSY VIDEOPOWER TRANS (Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 31) (Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 28)PCB ASSY POWERRefer to DISASSEMBLY 8.PCB ASSY POWERand EXPLODED VIEWPCB ASSY POWER (Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 29)PCB ASSY MAINRefer to DISASSEMBLY 9.PCB ASSY MAINand EXPLODED VIEWPCB ASSY MAIN (Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 30)Picture APicture FPicture GPicture B( Bottom view )Picture CThe viewpoint of each photograph(photography direction) Top view Picture DPicture E9DHT-390XPAVR-3901. PANEL FRONT ASSY(1) Disconnect the connector wires and FFC Cable.(2) Remove the screws.Proceeding : CABINET TOP PANEL FRONT ASSY Top viewFFC CableCP701Cord holder : LooseCP701Picture DCord holder : LooseCP104cutBottom view10DHT-390XPAVR-390Please refer to EXPLODED VIEW for the disassembly method of each P.W.B included in PANEL FRONT ASSY.2. HEATSINK MAIN ASSY(1) Disconnect the connector wires and FFC Cable.Picture CPicture DProceeding : CABINET TOP HEATSINK MAIN ASSY Top viewCP110CP111CP701CP107Cord holder : LooseCord holder : LooseFFC Cable11DHT-390XPAVR-390(2) Remove the screws.Please refer to EXPLODED VIEW for the disassembly method of each P.W.B included in HEATSINK MAIN ASSY.Bottom viewPicture CCord holder : LoosePicture DCord holder : Loose12DHT-390XPAVR-3903. PCB ASSY HDMI (1) Disconnect the connector wire and remove the screws.4. POWER TRANS(1) Disconnect the connector wires.Proceeding: CABINET TOP PCB ASSY HDMI Picture FCP01Proceeding : CABINET TOP POWER TRANS Top viewCP102CP701CP101CP305CORD HOLDER : Loosecut13DHT-390XPAVR-3905. CHASSIS BACK(1) Remove the screws.6. PCB ASSY DSP(1) Disconnect the Board to board.7. PCB ASSY VIDEO(1) Disconnect the Board to board.Proceeding : CABINET TOP CHASSIS BACK Picture AProceeding : CABINET TOP CHASSIS BACK PCB ASSY DSP Top viewBoard to boardDSP BoardProceeding : CABINET TOP CHASSIS BACK PCB ASSY VIDEO Top viewBoard to boardVIDEO Board14DHT-390XPAVR-3908. PCB ASSY POWER(1) Disconnect the connector wires and remove the screws.9. PCB ASSY MAINPlease refer to EXPLODED VIEW for the disassembly method of PCB ASSY MAIN.Proceeding : CABINET TOP CHASSIS BACK PCB ASSY POWER Top viewCP103POWER BoardProceeding : CABINET TOP CHASSIS BACK PCB ASSY MAIN 15DHT-390XPAVR-390CAUTION IN SERVICING1. InitializingInitialization should be performed when the com, peripheral parts of com, MAIN P.W.B. unit and Mecha are replaced.1. Plug the power cord into a power outlet.2. ON/STANDBY LED is red lighting. 3. Press the “ON/STANDBY” button while pressing the “MEMORY/ENTER” button.4. CLEAR is displayed on the FL tube. The microprocessor will be initialized.2. Version display 1. Plug the power cord into a power outlet.2. ON/STANDBY LED is red lighting. 3. Press the “ON/STANDBY” button while pressing the “SETUP” button.4. The version of Main com is displayed on FL tube.Version of Main com : “M:XXXX-X”5. Press the STATUS or “SETUP” button, version of DSP is displayed on the FL tube.Version of DSP : “DSP:XXXX”6. Press the STATUS or “SETUP” button, the FL tube lights all.Note:If step 4 does not work, start over from step 1. All user settings will be lost and this factory setting will be recovered when this initialization mode.So make sure to m+emorize your setting for restoring after the initialization.ON/STANDBYSTATUSMEMORY/ENTERSETUPThe display switches each time the STATUS or “SETUP” button is pressed.Version of Main com Version of DSPFL tube lights all16DHT-390XPADJUSTMENTAudio SectionIdling CurrentRequired measurement equipment: DC Voltmeter1. Preparation(1) Avoiddirectblowfromanairconditioneroranelectricfan,andadjusttheunitatnormalroomtemperature15C30C(59F86F).(2) Presetting POWER(Powersourceswitch) OFF SPEAKER (Speaker terminal) No load (Donotconnectspeaker,dummyresistor,etc.)2. Adjustment(1) RemovetopcoverandsetVR213FL,FR,C,SL,SR,onMainAmp.Unitatfullycounterclockwise(c)position.(2) ConnectDCVoltmetertotestpoints(FRONT-Lch:TP201FL,FRONT-Rch:TP201FR,CENTERch:TP201C,SURROUND-Lch:TP201SL,SURROUND-Rch:TP201SR).(3)ConnectpowercordtoACLine,andturnpowerswitchON.(4)Presetting.MASTERVOLUME :-counterclockwise(cmin.)SPEAKER (Speaker terminal) : No load(Donotconnectspeaker,dummyresistor,etc.)FUNCTION:EXTIN(5) Within 2 minutes after the power on, turn VR101 clockwise (x)toadjusttheTESTPOINTvoltageto1.5mV0.5mVDC.(6) After 10 minutes from the preset above, turn VR101 to set the voltage to2.0mV0.5mVDC.(7)AdjusttheVariableResistorsofotherchannelsinthesameway.VR213FRVR213SLVR213FLVR213CVR213SRS LchF LchTP201FLTP201SLTP201FRTP201CTP201SRC chF RchS RchDC VoltmeterMAIN UNITAMP. UNITAVR-39017DHT-390XPAVR-390TROUBLE SHOOTING1. POWER1.1. Power not turn on1.2. Fuse is blownPower not turn onIs the ON/STANDBY indica-tor on the front panel flashing red?YESAre there any incompleteconnections in the connec-tors connecting between thevarious circuit boards?NOIs there a short circuitbetween the speaker termi-nals and the ground?YESCorrect the short circuitbetween the speaker andthe ground.YESNONOConnect the connectorsproperly.Check for damage in thepower amplifier circuitry partsand replace any defectiveparts.Is the fuse blown?NORefer to Fuse is blownYESDoes the power turn on whenthe POWER switch is turnedoff then back on?NOIs a DC 3.3V voltage beingsupplied from the POWERBd (CP103 pins 3) to themicroprocessor?NOIs a DC 3.3V voltage outputwhen the cord supplying thepower from the SUPPLY Bdto the microprocessor(CP103) is unplugged?NOCheck the parts from IC300to the primary circuitry andreplace any defective parts.YESYESYESCheck the primary circuitryparts including the POWERswitch (for poor contacts,etc.), and replace any defec-tive parts.Check the microprocessorperiphery circuitry andreplace any defective parts.Check the circuitry and partsfrom CP103 on the SUPPLYBd to the microprocessor fordamage and short-circuits,and replace any defectiveparts.Fuse is blownCheck for leaks or short cir-cuits in the primary sideparts, and replace anydefective parts.Check for short circuits inthe rectifier diodes and cir-cuitry of the secondary siderectifying circuits, andreplace any defective parts.Check for short circuits inthe power stabilizer unitsregulator output terminaland the ground, and replaceany defective parts.After repairing, also replace the fuse.18DHT-390XPAVR-3902. Analog video2.1. AVR-390 Unless specified, VIDEO UNIT part.MONITOR OUT (CVBS/S) Output NG When checking operation, select DVD for the function.InputCVBSInputSAAInputCVBS/SCheck 12V, 9V.12V : CN201-4pin 9V : CN201-6pinNGTo troubleshooting 1.1 Power not turnon.OKCheck outputOutput V : C258 +sideOutput Y : C259 +sideOutput C : C262 +sideNGCheck input of input selector and surrounding circuitry soldering.Input : IC202,IC203,IC204OKCheck cable between main unitand monitor or Check monitor.19DHT-390XPAVR-3903. HDMI/DVI3.1. No picture or sound is outputNo picture or sound is outputYESCheck the HDMI/DVI cableconnectionYESIs the HDMI/DVI cable properlyconnected?NOThere may be a problem with the HDMI/DVI cable. Check the connection.YESAre you using an HDMI/DVI selector,repeater or a device for improvingpicture quality?YESDisconnect everything and connect onlythe HDMI/DVI cable to check.NOAre you using a certified HDMI cable(one with the HDMI stamp)?NOUse a certified HDMI cable (one with theHDMI stamp).YESAre you using an HDMI/DVI cable lessthan 5 meters in length?NOReplace the HDMI/DVI cable with onethat is less than 5 meters in length (2meters recommended) to check.YESAre the picture and sound output whenanother HDMI/DVI cable is used?YESThe HDMI/DVI cable is defective.NOChecking the DVD playerYESIs the DVD players HDMI output settingcorrect?YESCheck the HDMI output setting, referringto the DVD players operatinginstructions.YESAre the picture and sound TV outputwhen the DVD players resolution ischanged?YESSet the DVD players output resolutionto a resolution with which the TV iscompatible.NOIs the DVD player HDCP-compatible?YESThe DVD player may not be compatiblewith HDCP TV. Ask the DVD playersmanufacturer.NOAre the picture and sound output whena different DVD player is used?YESThe DVD player is defective.NO20DHT-390XPAVR-390Check the TVIs the TV HDCP-compatible?NOUse an HDCP-compatible TV. PCTVs cannot be used.YESIs the TV compatible with resolutions of 1080P?NOIf the TV is not compatible withresolutions of 1080P, no picture willbe output, even if the DVD playersresolution is set to 1080P.YESIs the TVs input set to HDMI?NOCheck the TVs input setting,referring to the TVs operatinginstructions.YESAre the picture and sound output when a different TV is used?NOThe TV is defective.YESCheck the set (AVR-390)Is the sets input set to HDMI?NOCheck the sets input setting,referring to the sets operatinginstructions.YESYESThe set does not recognize the TV. Is IC01 pin 76 H (3V-5V)? With the TVconnected, check the voltage of the ICon the side on which the TV isconnected.NOThe pattern and circuit from the HDMIconnector (JACK03) to the IC (IC01)is defective.YESWhen using a DENON DVD player, isthe fluorescent display tubes HDMIindicator lit?If