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    Denon Brand Company, D&M Holdings lnc.eVer. 1SERVICE MANUALSTEREO POWER AMPLIFIERMODELJPE3E2EKE2AE1CE1KEUTPOA-3012CI?For purposes of improvement, specifications and design are subject to change without notice.Please use this service manual with referring to the operating instructions without fail.Some illustrations using in this service manual are slightly different from the actual set.注意前、必読。本機、火災、感電、対安全性確保、配慮、法的電気用品安全法、所定許可得製造。従際、安全性維持、記載注意事項必守。本機仕様性能改良、予告変更。補修用性能部品保有期間、製造打切後 8 年。修理際、必取扱説明書参照上、作業行。本文中使用、説明都合上現物多少異場合。X0364 V.01 DE/CDM 0803RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库2POA-3012CIPlease heed the points listed below during servicing and inspection.Heed the cautions!Spots requiring particular attention when servicing, suchas the cabinet, parts, chassis, etc., have cautions indicatedon labels or seals. Be sure to heed these cautions and thecautions indicated in the handling instructions.Caution concerning electric shock!(1) An AC voltage is impressed on this set, so touching in-ternal metal parts when the set is energized couldcause electric shock. Take care to avoid electric shock,by for example using an isolating transformer andgloves when servicing while the set is energized, un-plugging the power cord when replacing parts, etc.(2)There are high voltage parts inside. Handle with extracare when the set is energized.Caution concerning disassembly andassembly!Though great care is taken when manufacturing parts fromsheet metal, there may in some rare cases be burrs on theedges of parts which could cause injury if fingers aremoved across them. Use gloves to protect your hands.Only use designated parts!The sets parts have specific safety properties (fire resis-tance, voltage resistance, etc.). For replacement parts, besure to use parts which have the same properties. In par-ticular, for the important safety parts that are marked z onwiring diagrams and parts lists, be sure to use the desig-nated parts.Be sure to mount parts and arrangethe wires as they were originally!For safety reasons, some parts use tape, tubes or other in-sulating materials, and some parts are mounted away fromthe surface of printed circuit boards. Care is also taken withthe positions of the wires inside and clamps are used tokeep wires away from heating and high voltage parts, sobe sure to set everything back as it was originally.Inspect for safety after servicing!Check that all screws, parts and wires removed or discon-nected for servicing have been put back in their original po-sitions, inspect that no parts around the area that has beenserviced have been negatively affected, conduct an insu-lation check on the external metal connectors and betweenthe blades of the power plug, and otherwise check thatsafety is ensured.(Insulation check procedure)Unplug the power cord from the power outlet, disconnectthe antenna, plugs, etc., and turn the power switch on. Us-ing a 500V insulation resistance tester, check that the in-sulation resistance between the terminals of the powerplug and the externally exposed metal parts (antenna ter-minal, headphones terminal, microphone terminal, inputterminal, etc.) is 1M or greater. If it is less, the set mustbe inspected and repaired.Concerning important safetypartsMany of the electric and structural parts used in the sethave special safety properties. In most cases these prop-erties are difficult to distinguish by sight, and using re-placement parts with higher ratings (rated power andwithstand voltage) does not necessarily guarantee thatsafety performance will be preserved. Parts with safetyproperties are indicated as shown below on the wiring dia-grams and parts lists is this service manual. Be sure to re-place them with parts with the designated part number.(1) Schematic diagrams . Indicated by the z mark.(2) Parts lists . Indicated by the z mark.Using parts other than the designatedparts could result in electric shock, fires orother dangerous situations.SAFETY PRECAUTIONSThe following check should be performed for the continued protection of the customer and service technician.LEAKAGE CURRENT CHECKBefore returning the unit to the customer, make sure you make either (1) a leakage current check or (2) a line to chassisresistance check. If the leakage current exceeds 0.5 milliamps, or if the resistance from chassis to either side of thepower cord is less than 460 kohms, the unit is defective.CAUTIONCAUTIONRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库3POA-3012CI、点検時注意願。注意事項守!特注意必要個所、 部品、 捺印注意事項表示。 注意書取扱説明書注意事項必守。感電注意!(1) 、交流電圧印加通電時内部金属部触感電。従通電時、絶縁使用手袋着用、部品交換、電源抜感電注意。(2) 内部高電圧部分、通電時取扱十分注意。分解、組立作業時注意!板金部品端面、部品製造時充分管理、 板金端面鋭利箇所有、 部品端面触指動怪我場合十分注意作業下。 手保護手袋着用。指定部品使用!部品難燃性耐電圧安全上特性持。 従交換部品、 使用同特性部品使用。特配線図、部品表 z 印指定安全上重要部品必指定使用。部品取付配線引、 元!安全上、絶縁材料使用、基板浮取付部品。 内部配線引発熱部品高圧部品接近配慮、 必元。後安全点検!取外、 部品、 配線元、 個所周辺劣化点検、 外部金属端子部、 電源刃間絶縁、安全性確保確認。(絶縁方法)電源電源抜、 外、電源入。500V 絶縁抵抗計用、 電源端子外部露出金属部端子、端子、端子、入力端子間、絶縁抵抗値 M 以上確認。 値以下点検修理必要。安全上重要部品本機使用多電気部品、 機構部品安全上、 特別特性持。 特性場合、 外観判別、 部品高定格(定格電力、耐圧)持使用安全性維持、 限。 安全上特性持部品、 配線図、 部品表表示必指定部品番号使用願。(1) 配線図 z 表示。(2) 部品表 z 表示。指定部品異使用場合、感電、火災危険生恐。注意注意4POA-3012CIDIMENSIONW434 X H171 X D410456ZONE123ZONE43415512.554.5244.5372733443441625.5 max5POA-3012CI整形図調整部品交換等、類結束移動場合、作業完了時点整形。正整形発生原因。上面整形WIRE ARRANGEMENTIf wire bundles are untied or moved to perform adjustment or parts replacement etc., be sure to rearrange them neatly asthey were originally bundled or placed afterward.Otherwise, incorrect arrangement can be a cause of noisegeneration.Wire arrangement viewed from the topBack Panel sideFront Panel side6POA-3012CI時注意事項本機初期化周辺部品交換場合、本機初期化。1.電源抜。2. ZONE 5 DISPLAY 同時押、電源接続。3.Zone 動作表示 LED 全赤点滅、“z EEPROM INIT. z“ 表示、2 指離。注意 :上記 3 状態場合、一度操作 1直。初期化行客様設定内容工場出荷状態戻、設定内容控初期化後再設定。CAUTION IN SERVICINGInitializing POA-3012CIS-81/S-81DAB initialization should be performed when the ucom and peripheral parts of ucom are replaced.1. Unplug the power cord from the power outlet.2. Connect the power cord to the power outlet while simulta-neously pressing the ZONE 5 and DISPLAY buttons.3. When all Zone operation mode LED are illuminated in red and “z EEPROM INIT. z“ is displayed, release finger from two buttons.Note:If step 3 does not work, start over from step 1. All user settings will be lost and this factory setting will be recovered when this initialization mode.So make sure to m+emorize your setting for re-storing after the initialization.7POA-3012CIDISASSEMBLY Disassemble in order of the arrow of the figure of following flow.下記図矢印順番。 In the case of the re-assembling, assemble it in order of the reverse of the following flow.再組立場合、下記逆順番組立 In the case of the re-assembling, observe attention of assembling it.再組立場合、 組立注意遵守。TOP COVER SUB ASSYREAR PANELFRONT PANEL SUB ASSYETHERNET UNITRefer to EXPLOTED VIEWRefer to DISASSEMBLY 1.FRNOT PANEL SUB ASSYRefer to DISASSEMBLY 4.ETHERNET UNITand EXPLODED VIEWand EXPLODED VIEW MICON/FLD UNIT (Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 1-1 ) ETHERNET UNIT (Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 3 ) P.SW UNIT (Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 1-3 ) CONNECT UNIT (Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : - ) ENCORDER UNIT (Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 1-2 )INPUT UNIT & AUDIO SIGNAL UNITRefer to DISASSEMBLY 5.INPUT UNIT & AUDIO SIGNAL UNITand EXPLODED VIEW POWER SUPPLY UNIT INPUT UNIT (Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 4-1 )Refer to DISASSEMBLY 2.POWER SUPPLY UNIT AUDIO SIGNAL UNIT (Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 4-2 )and EXPLODED VIEW POWER SUPPLY UNIT (Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 1-4 )ETHERNET UNIT (6 units)Refer to DISASSEMBLY 6.ETHERNET UNIT (6 units)POWER TRANSSUB TRANSand EXPLODED VIEWRefer to EXPLOTED VIEWRefer to DISASSEMBLY 3.SUB TRANS POWER AMP UNIT (Ref. No. of EXPLODED VIEW : 2 )and EXPLODED VIEWFront sidePicture BPicture EPicture APicture CPicture DPicture FTop viewThe viewpoint of each photograph(photography direction)各図視点(撮影方向)8POA-3012CI1. FRONT PANEL SUB ASSY(1) Remove the screws. ( 。 )(2) Disconnect the connector wire and FFC Cables. ( FFC 。 )Please refer to EXPLODED VIEW for the disassembly method of each P.W.B included in FRNOT PANEL SUB ASSY.FRONT PANEL SUB ASSY 各基板 EXPLODED VIEW 参照。proceeding ( 手順 ) : TOP COVER SUB ASSY FRONT PANEL SUB ASSY Bottom viewPicture BCX121FFC CABLEETHERNET UNITPicture BCX932CX931Picture F9POA-3012CI2. POWER SUPPLY UNIT(1) Loose the cord holders. ( 。)(2) Disconnect the connector wires.(。 )(3) Remove the screws.(。 )proceeding ( 手順 ) : TOP COVER SUB ASSY FRONT PANEL SUB ASSY POWER SUPPLY UNIT Cord holder : LooseCord holder : LoosePicture APOWER SUPPLY UNITCX936CX935CX933CX934CX938CX937CX021CX022CX023CX058CX032CX031CX062CX041Picture APOWER SUPPLY UNITPicture APOWER SUPPLY UNIT(E2 MODEL)10POA-3012CI(4) POWER SUPPLY UNIT board off the PCB HOLDER.( PCB HOLDER POWER SUPPLY UNIT 基板。 )3. SUB TRANS(1) Remove the screws.( 。 )PCB HOLDER : DisconnectPicture APOWER SUPPLY UNITproceeding ( 手順 ) : TOP COVER SUB ASSY FRONT PANEL SUB ASSY POWER SUPPLY UNIT SUB TRANS Picture APOWER PWB BRACKET SUB ASSPicture ASUB TRANScut11POA-3012CI4. ETHERNET UNIT(1) Disconnect the connector wires and FFC Cables.( FFC 。 )(2) Loose the FFC Holder.( FFC 。 )(3) Remove the screws.(。 )proceeding ( 手順 ) : TOP COVER SUB ASSY ETHERNET UNIT Picture CETHERNET UNITFFC CABLECY039FFC CABLECY062FFC HOLDER : LooseETHERNET UNITPOWER AMP UNITPicture EPicture CETHERNET UNIT12POA-3012CI (4) Disconnect the EHTHERNET UNIT.(ETHERNET UNIT 。 )5. AUDIO SIGNAL UNIT & INPUT UNIT(1) Disconnect the connector wire and FFC Cables, and remove the screw.(、FFC 、。Picture BPicture BETHERNET UNITproceeding ( 手順 ) : TOP COVER SUB ASSY AUDIO SIGNAL UNIT & INPUT UNIT Picture BAUDIO SIGNAL UNITINPUT UNITCX058FFC CABLECX15113POA-3012CI(2) AUDIO SIGNAL UNIT board off the INPUT UNIT.(AUDIO UNIT INPUT UNIT 。 )6. POWER AMP UNIT (6 units).(1) Remove the screws and disconnect the connector wires.(。 )INPUT UNITAUDIO SIGNAL UNITPCB HOLDERPicture Bproceeding ( 手順 ) : TOP COVER SUB ASSY POWER AMP UNIT (6 units) Picture BCX031CX151POWER AMP UNITPicture D14POA-3012CI7. REAR PANELPlease refer to EXPLODED VIEW for the disassembly method of REAR PANEL. REAR PANEL EXPLODED VIEW 参照。8. POWER TRANSPlease refer to EXPLODED VIEW for the disassembly method of POWER TRANS. POWER TRANS EXPLODED VIEW 参照。proceeding ( 手順 ) : TOP COVER SUB ASSY REAR PANEL proceeding ( 手順 ) : TOP COVER SUB ASSY FRONT PANEL SUB ASSY POWER TRANS 15POA-3012CISPECIAL MODENo.FunctionDisplayZONE LED1Version display Connect the power cord to the power outlet while simultaneously pressing the ZONE 6 and MENU buttons. The item number is displayed replay from q to u each time the DISPLAY button is pressed.q Serial NoDont Carew Main Versione DM850 Versionr DM850 Versiont DM850 Versiony DM850 Versionu Mac Address2Compulsorily ROM rewriting modeWhen failing in rewriting to Main Microprocessor ROM, its rewritten in DENON WRITER compulsorily. Connect the power cord to the power outlet whilesimultaneously pressing the ZONE 5 and u buttons. 3Initialization mode (Excluding Installer setup)z Backup data excluding the data for Installer setup is initialized. Connect the power cord to the power outlet whilesimultaneously pressing the ZONE 5 and DISPLAYbuttons. When the button is released, it returns to NormalMode.4Service initialization modez All data is initialized. Connect the power cord to the power outlet whilesimultaneously pressing the ZONE 3 and DISPLAYbuttons.SerialNo.nnnnnnnnnnVer.:00.34zEthernetIMGI200803270812zEthernetBLB200707020733zEthernetCNEC20080318zEthernetW EBW200803270801zEthernetMACnnnnnn-nnnnnnOffGreenzEEPROMINIT.zRedzEEPROMINIT.zRed特殊No.動作FL 表示管ZONE LED1表示 本体 ZONE 6 MENU 同時押 AC 接続。DISPLAY 押 q u 表示繰返。q Serial NoDont Carew Main Versione DM850 Versionr DM850 Versiont DM850 Versiony DM850 Versionu Mac Address2強制 ROM 書換z Main ROM 書換途中失敗場合、強制的 DENON WRITER 書換。 本体 ZONE 5 u 同時押AC 接続。3初期化 (Installer setup 除 )z Installer setup 用除初期化。 本体 ZONE 5 DISPLAY 同時押 AC 接続。離、Normal Mode 戻。4初期化z 全初期化。 本体 ZONE 3 DISPLAY 同時押 AC 接続。 SerialNo.nnnnnnnnnnVer.:00.34zEthernetIMGI200803270812zEthernetBLB200707020733zEthernetCNEC20080318zEthernetW EBW200803270801zEthernetMACnnnnnn-nnnnnnOffGreenzEEPROMINIT.zRedzEEPROMINIT.zRed16POA-3012CI5Installer initialization modez Only the data for Installer setup is initialized Connect the power cord to the power outlet whilesimultaneously pressing the ZONE 3 and SETUP but-tons.Dont Care6Installer modez Installer Setup is executed. The item of Installer Setup is displayed on the Web screen. Connect the power cord to the power outlet whilesimultaneously pressing the ZONE 4 and SETUP but-tons.Dont Care7Recovery update modeWhen failing in rewriting to Main Microprocessor ROM, its rewritten in DPMS compulsorily. Connect the power cord to the power outlet whilesimultaneously pressing the ZONE 6 and u buttons.Dont CareNo.FunctionDisplayZONE LEDDont CareDont CareMainFirm-minUpdating5初期化z Installer setup 用初期化。 本体 ZONE 3 SETUP 同時押 AC 接続。Dont Care6z Installer Setup 。Web 画面上 Installer Setup 項目表示。 本体 ZONE 4 SETUP 同時押 AC 接続。Dont Care7z Main ROM 書換途中失敗場合、強制的 DPMS 書換。 本体 ZONE 6 u 同時押AC 接続。Dont CareNo.動作FL 表示管ZONE LEDDont CareDont CareMainFirm-minUpdating17POA-3012CITROUBLE SHOOTINGNONODisconnection of T101 or trouble of D101-104.YESYESYESFLOW CHART NO.1The power cannot be turned on.(Power indication LED dose not light)Is the voltage of 6V supplied to C147?Is the voltage of 4V supplied to C150?Trouble of IC104.NOTrouble of IC701.Is the voltage of Hi (3.3V) output to 19 pins and 20 pinsof the microprocessor (IC701)?Trouble of LED(LD707).NONOTrouble of IC701 and TR101-TR104.YESYESFLOW CHART NO.2Power is turned on, but FLD does not light.Is 6V supplied to the coil of power supply relay RL101and 102?Are fuse (F101, 102, 107, 109) normal?Trouble of the transformer.The power supply circuit of FLD or trouble of FL701.Trouble of communication unit.FLOW CHART NO.4Using the PC, setting is not possible.The screen of the setting is not displayed to the PC.Trouble of power circuit or temperaturedetector.FLOW CHART NO.3Power is turned on and FLD lights up, but sound is not output.When all zone operation mode LEDflashes in red.When zone operation mode LED whichthe sound does not produce flashes inred.Trouble of the power amplifier unit ofZONE flashing in red.Trouble of input unit or audiosignal unit.When Zone operation mode LEDlights normally.(Green or an orange)T101断線D101-104故障 NO.1電源入。(電源表示LED点灯)C1476V電圧供給?C1504V電圧供給?IC104故障IC701故障(IC701)1920Hi(3.3V)電圧出力?LED(LD707)故障IC701TR101-TR104故障 NO.2電源入FLD点灯。電源RL101、1026V供給?(F101、102、107、109)正常?故障FLD電源回路FL701故障通信故障 NO.4使設定。設定画面表示。電源回路温度検出回路故障 NO.3電源入FLD点灯音出。ZONE動作表示LED個全赤点滅音出ZONE動作表示LED赤点滅赤点滅ZONE故障故障ZONE動作表示LED通常(緑橙点灯)18POA-3012CIBLOCK/LEVEL DIAGRAM 4052LCHEven ch4053RCH4053LCH5V12VRCH30VAUX+5VFL ?+48V 250mVAC5.6V+12V 200mA0dBBUFFERINPUT SELECTPRE-AMPPOWER AMPSPEAKEROUTSPEAKERRELAYCASCADEOUTELECTORICVOLUMEELECTRIC VOLUME?+4.0dBdB0dB0dBDA428440-30Power AmpOdd CH-25.0dBEven CH25.0dBTC94A32IN PUT550mVrms+20dB+10dB0dB-10dB+30dBSPEAKER OUT15.5Vrms (8ohm)+20dB+10dB0dB-10dB25.0dB4.0dBVARIABLE GAIN VOLUME4.0dB+30dB+26dBH.P.F80Hz 12dB/octBUSINPUTS.TP.TEI96-65P.TEI96-65CONTROL(u-com)COMMUNICATION(BCOIC-DM850-QCL/RTL8201CP)RS232CEthernetP


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