DENONHr-Fi Monaunal Powen ArnolifienvvvvSERVICE MANUALMODEL PN r.EiEiOOSOLID STATEMONAURAL POWER AMPLIFIERCONTENTSsPEcrFrcATtoNS. 2NAME OF EACH PART . 3coNNEcloNS. .4,5REMOVALOFEACHSECTION . 6METHOD OF ADJUSTMENTS 7TROUBLESHOOTING. . 8BLOCK DIAGRAM ISEMICONDUCTORS. 9PRINTED WIRING EOARDKU9117 POWER UNIT . 10KU9118 P.S. UNIT 11PRINTED WIRING BOARD PARTS LIST. . . ,12- 15WIRING DIAGRAM 16SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 17EXPLODED VIEW OF CHASSIS AND CABINET & PARTS LIST . 18ADDENDUM Lrsr. . 19NIPPON COLUMBIA CO., LTD.vRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库r PCtA.CiCiCtClSPECIFICATIONSRated output power:Dynamic power:Total harmonicdistortion:lntermodulationdistortion:Power band width:Frequency respons:Input sensitivity:InputOutput impedance:250 W min., RMS into 8 ohms from20 Hz to 2OkHz with no more thanO.O2o/o total harmonic distortion450 W (4 ohm, DIN 1 kHz)650W(at4ohm)1100W(atlohm)Less than O.OO2%(-3 dB at rated output, 8 ohm)Less than 0.OO2o/o16O Hz/7 kHz: 411 at rated output,8 ohms)5Hz-80kHz(8 ohms, THD 0.02%)1 Hz -300kHz + Q, -3dB (at 1 W)I V (Normal in)1 V (Balance in)25 k ohms (Normal in)10 k ohms (Balance in)0.1 ohm (1 kHz)S/N ratio:Slew rate:Output terminals:Power consrmption:Dimensions:123 dB (lHF, A-weighting)1500 V/ssecSpeakersAorB 4ohm-16ohmA+B Sohm-16ohmAC220 V/50 Hz(for European countries)AC24O V/50 Hz(for U.K. and Australia)AC 120 V/6O Hz(for U.S.A. and Canada)AC 110l12Ol22O/24O V/50. 60 Hzlfor Asia (Multiple)l7 A (for U.S.A. and Canada)350 W (for IEC)275W ltor Multiple)310 (W) x 207 (H) x 456 (D) mm(lncluding control knobs and feetl15.6 ks* Design and specif ications are subject to change without prior notice.NOTE: The following codes correspond to the appropriate models.E2 for Europe, EU for U.S.A., EA for Australra, EK lor U.K.E1 for Asia and EC for Canada.This Service Manual is Dreoared based on EU Black Version.a(r(trJRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库POA.CiCiOCl IIJAME OF EACH PART. FRONT PANEL. BACK PANELPOWER (Power Switch)SPEAKERS-A (Speaker Select Switch-A)SPEAKERS-B (Speaker Select Switch-B )PROTECTOR (Non-locking Switch)INPUT SELECTOR (lnput Selector Switch)INPUT LEVEL (lnput Level Control)POWER INDICATOR6oa9o(oa)STAND BYPEAKPROTECTORBALANCENORMALSPEAKERS.ASPEAKERS.Bn)!)!-ceTUDC INPUT TERMINALNORMAL (Normal Input Jack)SPEAKER SYSTEMS (Speaker Terminals)AC CORD (Power Cord)BALANCE3v-rPCtA-66ooCONNECTIONSo Notes on Connectiono Do not plug the power supply cord into the wall socket, until all the connections are complete.o Plug the pins in securely. An incomplete connection will cause noise generation.o Einding the pin plug to the power supply cord, or setting the pin cord close to the power supply transformer willcause humming or noise, and should be avoided.o Connection to the speaker systemConnect the speaker system for the left channel (the left side as viewed facin! the front) to the L speaker terminal on theback panel, and the speaker system for the right channel into the R terminal. There are two sets of SPEAKERS terminals.lf only one speaker system is to be used, connect it to the SYSTEM (A) terminals.This terminal is for the remote power switch. The power ampspower can be turned on and otf bV connecting the re-mote plug cord to the DC output terminal of the preamp(DAP-5500. etc.) and using the power switch on the preamp.SPEAKER SYSTEM (A)SPEAKER SYSTEM (B)OTHER CHANNELBe careful not to mistake the polarityof the speaker terminals.J;lOTHER CHANNELPB E.AMPL IF IE R_ ut(l srstr!I trrlla II ltrt(l rql r.:6l o ) ( o ) B_-./ _-/LIFor Europe & MultiPle VoltageLINE VOLTAGE (Voltage selectswitch) . . . For Multiplevoltagemodel only.* The desired voltage may beset with the VOLTAGE SELECTOR KNOB on the backpanel using a screw driver.* Do not twist the VOLTAGESELECTOR KNOB with ex-cessive force. lt may bedamaged.* lf the voltage select switchdoes not turn smoothly. seea qualified serviceman.J(l, l=+gLine voltage walII4-P0f$ s0utct t10Y 60P0fa c0tsutilr )loiltrtr0 sr0ci nut0 00 til 0PlN RtS0Ut I CHm tLIiltU it ilS 0ufilt000 ooooCD playerT-t.lPCIA-EiCiOO -o Connection to the speaker system. When connecting the speaker terminals to the speaker systems, make certain to connect the polarities correctly (+ to +and - to -). lf the polarities are incorrect when the two are connected, the center area of the sound will be lacking, thepositions of the musical instruments will not be clear, and the stereo directional sensitivity will be impaired.o During connection, be careful that the center wires in the speaker cords do not protrude from the terminals to contactany other terminal, and that the central wires in the separate speaker cords do not contact each other.o Speker impedanceo When the A and B terminal sets are to be used separately, the speakers that are to be connected should have a nominalimpedance of 4 to 16 ohm.o When the two sets (A + B) are to be used at the same time, use of speakers whose impedance is outside the range from 8to 16 ohm will result in malfunction. Be careful not to let this happen.o Speakers with a lower impedance may cause the protective circuitry to operate.Models for the U.S.A. and Canada only. (Case of UL sandardized articles)oNTllllrebt-qrq/WARNING!This amplifier produces a large power output at the speaker termi-nals, which means that a dangerous amount of energy is generatedand that there is the danger of electric shock. Please perform thespeaker cord connections correctly as follows.(Making connections that differ from the specif ied method may giverise to a shock hazard.)1) For the speaker connection cord. use a cord made with non-combustible insulation material with a VW-1 rating or a cord ofthe SPT-1 type or one with higher flexibility.2) Use a screwdriver to take the screws holding the speaker terminalcover out.3) Connect the speaker cord specif ied in 1) to the speaker terminals.4) Tie the speaker cord, then pass it through the cutout hole in thespeaker terminal cover.5) Install the speaker terminal cover removed in 2).For regular cords1. Remove the insulationfrom the end of eachcord.2. Twist the center wire-3. Turn the speaker ter-minal to loosen it,insert the center wireof the cord, and thentighten the terminal tohold the wire in place.For extra-large cords1. Remove the insulationfrom the end of thecord. Loosen and re-move the end of thespeaker terminal.2. Insert the center wire,and bend back the wire.3. lnsert the cord in theterminal, and turn theterminal to the right totighten it.)lSPEAK E B /r/SYSTEM (B)SPEAKERSYSTEM (A)SPEAK ERTERM INALCOVERNote:The knob on this speakerterminal can be removedfrom the Amplif ier. Becareful not to los6 theseknobs, or mix up the leftand right sides or polari-ties. Follow the indicationprovided on the back panelfor proper handling.+Models for destinations other than the U.S.A. and Canada.lvFPcA66oo1. Top CoverRemove 4 screws with washers from the bothside. 4 screws with washers (f from left and rightside and 2 screws (Q from the backside anddetach the top cover in the direction arrow shows.REMOVAL OF EACH SECTION2. Front Panel1) Pull out the Power Knob picking up by hand. (Asthe power switch is easily broken).2) Unfasten 2 screws from the bottom, 3 screws f romthe top. and dismantle the Front Panel in thedirection arrow shows.3. Back PanelRemove 8 screws from the bottom, and take outthe Bottom Cover. Then remove 4 screws fromthe back panel, and detach the Back Panel out ofthe 3 notches in the direction as arrow shows.Front PanelBack Panel-e11Notch9lDigital VoltmeterKU-9117-1ooooooPOA-Ei6OCII2.3.METHOD OF ADJUSTMENTS1 Adjustment of ldle cuffent (KU9117-1)(1) Connect a digital voltmeter to the test point.(2) Turn the unit power on.(3) Wait 2 - 3 minutes for warm-up, rotate VR501 and adjust voltage value on the meter to 8 mV + 1 mV.Adjustment of Neutral Point Voltage(1) Connect a digital voltmeter to the SPEAKER terminal.(2) Turn the unit power on.(3) Turn the LEVEL controls on the back panel fully clockwise (maximum).(4) Conf irm the voltage on the meter indicates within 1100 mV value.Adjustment of Distortion Factor (KU-9117-1)(1) Set an oscillator output to NORMAL and feed it.Each speaker output to connect8 ohm dummy resistorDistortion meterV.T.V.M.Turn the unit power on. and set the LEVEL controls to maximum.In the first place confirm that theres no dropping of supply voltage, then set the oscillator frequency to 20 kHz andadjust output of oscillator to obtain 31.6V for speaker output.Adjust VR502 on the KU-9117-1 for minimum distortion. Distortion factor must be no more than 0.005% at thistime.lLt2l(3)(4)OscillatorDistortion MeterKU-9117.1 POWER UNITtvrb PoA.6EooTROUBLESHOOTINGBefore troubleshooting, be sure to check whether your audio system is really the source of the problemlf you think the amplifier is out of order, first check the following one more time:1. Are all the connections correctly made?2. ls the set being operated properly in accordance with the Operating Manual?3. Are the speakers and preamplifier being operated correctly?lf the set does not operate properly, perform the checks indicated in the flow chart below.lf none of the items listed apply to the difficulty, the amplifier is probably out of order. Turn off the power immediately andcontact the outlet where you purchased the amplifier or your nearest DENON dealer.Ar th indica-tors for POwERand SPEAKERSA or B lit?Chck tho con-nections of theBEM OT E P L U GCOR tho PRo-TECTOR LAMPbllnki ng?lr th powor rup-ply cord pluggpdinto the rock6t?Ara th speakercords connectdcorr6ctl y7ls the volumeknob 3et to thocorract position?Adiutt thvolume knob toa suitabl levol.Chsck wh6thorthe st vonti I a-tion is suffici6nt.Connect thsinput iackspropeily.Ars the inputjacks connectdproporly?ls thers no DCvoltage outputfrom the devicaconncted to th eL CH input side?Check the pre-amplif th6 pre-amplifier normal?ls there no DCvoltag outputfrom th6 devicconnected to theR CH input sid7ls the state re-l6ased when thePR O T EC T O Rbutton ispressed?Ara ths speaksrcords normal?Power ampmalfunctionIt the sat is not oporating proper-ly, perform the checks indicatedin this flow chart.I,l3lOCK DAGRAMINPUTSELECTORSEMICONDUCTORSolCNJM-2O68DA (JRC)NJft82DTIBD (JRCIM5218P (MitsubishilVOLTAGEAMP LI -FICATIONIOTAL DISTORTION SERVO 8 DC SERVONchFINAL STAGEPOWER TRANSISTORSE (Emitter)C (Collector)B (Base)c0tiTR0L+80vE-80v+80v-80v+?4V+t4vEHDl4OO1 BP(HiachilOUTPUT- II NVERTI NGI NPUT- INON INVERTINGINPUT-IV UUVEEOUTPUT-2INVERTINGINPUT-2NON INVERTINGINPUT_ 22SC3852. Transistor2SC22388 (Yl25A9688 (Yl2SA1492LB(O/P/Yl2sc38s6LB(O/P/Y)E (Emitter)C (Collector)B (Base)E (Emitter)C (Collector)B (Base)REMOIE CONTROL INPOA.66OO I2SC181s BLl2SC2878 (A/Bl2SA988 (E/Fl2SC2705(O/Y)2SC:l:842SA132l2SC2458(BL)25K184C(Y/GR/BLltrlf,E (Emitter)RN1202 (1oK-l0KlNPNRN2202 (10K-l0KlPNPoDiode1SS270APTH487AO1BD222TSPosistorft*4D4842(LCDRtt2(n1S2076AB*ffilt -a-tv.lYHIndrcStron o cathode, whitea;llt4T1| | -o- o-*1 D4841ffiffiI9aeTL,* llllll TLss.uce!I:; ,1!:;:; ;lilr,RN2202o ClOk v.8 qnrrlokO EsEL4910AsEL41 10SHZC-lH278.3HZgg-2HZ15-2sLF406sLF-2068a)WAnodpRM.4Y.LFJ1sFoR1A42ThyristorDSAlA2(Type-3)-t+avy BlueNavv BlueNarv Elue.fl.,. &,*I PclA.CiCiOClPRINTED WIRING BOARDKU9117 POWER UNITr,ilKU -9il7- ITFA TPIntrGF*l qF r l.F2oe / LEzo?PROTECTOR PEAXl.iilFEjffz- l-rr 1;*.-.)6)E!i,lltIPRINTED WIRING BOARD PARTSKU9117 POWER PARTS LISTLISTHD.I4OO1 BPNJM-2068DANJMOS2DT/BOM5218P2sc2878 (A/B)TYPE 22SC38522SC2458 (BL)TYPE 4RN2202 (10k-10k)2SC2458 (BL)TYPE 42SA988 (E/F)2SC24s8 (BLlTYPE 4RN1202 (10k-10k)2SC2458 (BL)TYPE 42SK184C (Y/GR/8L)25C2705 (o/Y)254132125C333425A132125C33342SA13212SC22388 (Yl2549688 (Y)2SA988 (E/F)25C333425A13212SAs88 (E/F)2SC33342SC1815 (BLlDSA1 A2 (TYPE.31S2076AHZl5-21 S2076AHZSC-11 S2076AHZTA-31S20764HZSB-2sFoRl A421S2076AHZ.t5-21 S5270AHZt5-21SS270AMV.1 YHHZSCJ1SS270Atc101rc401tc50ltc502TR10lTR102TR103-106TRl07TR108,109TR11OTR111-115TR1 16-| 19TR451 ,452TR500,501TR502,503TR504,505TR506,507TR5O8TR5O9TR51OTR51 1TR51 2TR521rR522TR523TR524TR525TR551Dl 01 ,102o103,104D105D106-109D1 10D111,112Dl 13D114-t22D123D124D126-128D501,502D503-5O5D506,507D508D509D510D51 12620298009263046600926302440142630257001273025301527303300062730317003269002600727303 1 7003271013102127303170032690025008273031700827500550022730281003271020100327303320042710201003273033200r.27102010032730259006271 01 51 0012710131021273033200427102010032710131021273033200427301 9801 52760427015276004901 12760253011276004901 12750236031275004.901127602y.000275004901 127602180332790016001276004901 12t602530012760p.32000276025300127604320002760388002276023603127604320COHZTB-3HZ-5C-11S5270A1S2076A1SS270AsLF-406(POWER LED)sLF-2068sEL-4910AGREEN SP A/BSLF.406SE L491 OAORANGE PEAKsE L-41 1 0SRED PROTECTORPTH487AO1BD22227602g,000276023603127604320002760049011276043200039393640183939390053939375007393936401 83939375007393937300927602890.D512,513D514-526D5270701 ,702LE20l1E202,203LE204,205LE206Le207LE2O8P-00112POA.66OC! -ooatLlrOco93P1 H681Jco93M1 H472Jcc45sL2H030CCEO4D1 HlOOMBPcE04w1 H100Mcc45sL2H100Dco93P1 H1 01Jcc45sL2H050Cco92M1 H103Jco93P1 H471Jco92M1 H563JCE04D2AO1 OMBPcE04w1 E221 Mcc45sL2H330Jco93Pl H101JcE04w1H100MCEW2AOlOMco92Hl Hto3JcF93A1 H104Jco93P1H101Jcc45sL2H330Jco93P1 H471Jco92M1 H103Jco73 P2A1 03JCE04D2A1 OOMBPco92M1 H103JCK45E2H472PcE04w1 H100McE04w1v100Mco93P2A223J680pF/50V4700pF/50V3p F/500V| 0pF/50V1 0pFl50V1 0p F/s00V1 00p F/50V5p F/500V0.01pF/50V47ApF l50VO.056pF/50V1 pFl1 00V22Op.Fl25v33p F/500V1 00p F/50V1 0pFl50vlpFl1 00V0.01pF/50V0.1pFl50V1 00p F/50V33p F/500V470pF/50V0.01pF/50V0.01pF/10OV1 OpFl1 00V0.01pF/50V1 0pFl50V1 0p F/3 5VO.O22trF I100vc504c505c506c507c508c509c51 0u S t lc512c51 3c514,51 5c516,517c518,519c520c521 ,522c523c524,525c526,527c52a,529c530,531c532,533c534,535c531-541c542c543,544c545c545,546c547c591c70125541410022551120084253426200825430160672544260087253426900125541210062534465902255t13402525541 3 70032551 135095254304600825/,425605925342810052554121006254426008125441810012551134025255103407625541210062534281 005255413700325511340252554079044254304693025525310520C42544260087254419592925y.O80024S1IITCHES & COILS & RELAYS GROUPSL501L701 ,702sw401F8501,502RLsO,IRL701 ,702235001 691 72359001 0044P PUSH SWITCHBLO2BNl-R62RELAY (BSR-H.1 25)RELAYOTHER PARTS GROUP41 702530004700012022475600800614691 23006204a24AOOO20481 01 008RADIATORCross Pan Screwwith SW, W3x12O4 NUTsLs-341 P CONNECTORBASE2P POWER JACKt|13l- PclA.GtEtooKU9117B for E2Same as KU9117 (for EU) except the followingsKU9117D for ElSame as KUg117 (for EU) except the followingstlll7F)t)t?iRef. No.Part No.Part NameRemarks202002200820501 90036205023303220502340312050190(X92050233045205023404420501 90052205023305820w24302220502430352050185041205024305120501 85054205024306,4205007506720501 41 0012030241 0862030241028445005701 02034429008203443 1 00920362(X00120381 9000320381 91 00220381 9200120401 96008FUSE HOLDER3P NH CONNEC.TOR BASE3P EH CONNEC-TOR BASE3P EH SID CON.NECTOR BASE4P NH CONNEC-TOR BASE4P EH CONNEC-TOR BASE4P EH SID CONNEC.TOR BASE5P NH CONNEC.TOR BASE5P EH CONNEC-TOR BASE2P WIRE HOL