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    SERVICE MANUALMODELPMA-2000AEINTEGRATED AMPLIFIERFor Europe modelX0240 V.03 DE/CDM 0512注意前、必読。本機、火災、感電、対安全性確保、配慮、法的電気用品安全法、所定許可得製造。従際、安全性維持、記載注意事項必守。 本機仕様性能改良、予告変更。 補修用性能部品保有期間、製造打切後 8年。Some illustrations using in this service manual areslightly different from the actual set.Please use this service manual with referring tothe operating instructions without fail.For purposes of improvement, specifications anddesign are subject to change without notice.修理際必取扱説明書参照上、作業行,。 本文中使用、説明都合上現物多少異場合。Denon Brand Company, D&M Holdings Inc.TOKYO, JAPANVer. 3Ver. 3RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库2PMA-2000AEPlease heed the points listed below during servicing and inspection.Heed the cautions!Spots requiring particular attention when servicing, such asthe cabinet, parts, chassis, etc., have cautions indicated onlabels or seals. Be sure to heed these cautions and the cau-tions indicated in the handling instructions.Caution concerning electric shock!(1) An AC voltage is impressed on this set, so touching inter-nal metal parts when the set is energized could causeelectric shock. Take care to avoid electric shock, by for ex-ample using an isolating transformer and gloves whenservicing while the set is energized, unplugging the powercord when replacing parts, etc.(2)There are high voltage parts inside. Handle with extra carewhen the set is energized.Caution concerning disassembly and assembly!Though great care is taken when manufacturing parts fromsheet metal, there may in some rare cases be burrs on theedges of parts which could cause injury if fingers are movedacross them. Use gloves to protect your hands.Only use designated parts!The sets parts have specific safety properties (fire resis-tance, voltage resistance, etc.). For replacement parts, besure to use parts which have the same properties. In particu-lar, for the important safety parts that are marked ! on wiringdiagrams and parts lists, be sure to use the designated parts.Be sure to mount parts and arrange thewires as they were originally!For safety reasons, some parts use tape, tubes or other insu-lating materials, and some parts are mounted away from thesurface of printed circuit boards. Care is also taken with thepositions of the wires inside and clamps are used to keepwires away from heating and high voltage parts, so be sure toset everything back as it was originally.Inspect for safety after servicing!Check that all screws, parts and wires removed or discon-nected for servicing have been put back in their original posi-tions, inspect that no parts around the area that has beenserviced have been negatively affected, conduct an insulationcheck on the external metal connectors and between theblades of the power plug, and otherwise check that safety isensured.(Insulation check procedure)Unplug the power cord from the power outlet, disconnect theantenna, plugs, etc., and turn the power switch on. Using a500V insulation resistance tester, check that the insulation re-sistance between the terminals of the power plug and the ex-ternally exposed metal parts (antenna terminal, headphonesterminal, microphone terminal, input terminal, etc.) is 1M orgreater. If it is less, the set must be inspected and repaired.Concerning important safety partsMany of the electric and structural parts used in the set havespecial safety properties. In most cases these properties aredifficult to distinguish by sight, and using replacement partswith higher ratings (rated power and withstand voltage) doesnot necessarily guarantee that safety performance will be pre-served. Parts with safety properties are indicated as shownbelow on the wiring diagrams and parts lists is this servicemanual. Be sure to replace them with parts with the designat-ed part number.(1) Schematic diagrams . Indicated by the ! mark.(2) Parts lists . Indicated by the ! mark.Using parts other than the designated partscould result in electric shock, fires or otherdangerous situations.SAFETY PRECAUTIONSThe following check should be performed for the continued protection of the customer and service technician.LEAKAGE CURRENT CHECKBefore returning the unit to the customer, make sure you make either (1) a leakage current check or (2) a line to chassisresistance check. If the leakage current exceeds 0.5 milliamps, or if the resistance from chassis to either side of the powercord is less than 460 kohms, the unit is defective.CAUTIONCAUTION、点検時注意願。注意事項守!特注意必要個所、部品、捺印注意事項表示。 注意書取扱説明書注意事項必守。感電注意!(1) 、交流電圧印加通電時内部金属部触感電。従通電時、絶縁使用手袋着用、部品交換、電源抜感電注意。(2) 内部高電圧部分、通電時取扱十分注意。分解、組立作業時注意!板金部品端面、部品製造時充分管理、 板金端面鋭利箇所有、 部品端面触指動怪我場合十分注意作業下。 手保護手袋着用。指定部品使用!部品難燃性耐電圧安全上特性持。従交換部品、使用同特性部品使用。特配線図、部品表 ! 印指定安全上重要部品必指定使用。部品取付配線引、 元!安全上、絶縁材料使用、基板浮取付部品。 内部配線引発熱部品高圧部品接近配慮、 必元。後安全点検!取外、部品、配線元、 個所周辺劣化点検、外部金属端子部、電源刃間絶縁、安全性確保確認。(絶縁方法)電源電源抜、 外、電源入。500V 絶縁抵抗計用、電源端子外部露出金属部端子、端子端子、入力端子間、絶縁抵抗値 M 以上、値以下点検修理必要。安全上重要部品本機使用多電気部品、 機構部品安全上、 特別特性持。 特性場合、外観判別、部品高定格(定格電力、耐圧)持使用安全性維持、限。安全上特性持部品、配線図、 部品表表示必指定部品番号使用願。(1) 配線図 ! 表示。(2) 部品表 ! 表示。指定部品異使用場合、感電、火災危険生恐。注意注意RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库3PMA-2000AEIDLING ADJUSTMENTIDLING CURRENTSetup1.Lay the unit at an ordinary position away from a direct current from an air condition or fan. Do the adjustment at atemperature between 15C (59F) and 30C (86F).2.Set control as follows.POWER SWITCHOFF ().VOLUME CONTROLFully counterclockwise in the minimum position ().(Main Volume and Semifixed resistors VR501, VR502)SPEAKER TerminalsOpen: do not connect the speakers, dummy load etc.Adjustment1.Remove top cover. And then connect DC Voltmeter to test points of 1U-3707-1 (Lch) and 1U-3707-2 (Rch) Power AmpPrinting Wiring Board.2.Connect power cord to AC wall outlet, and turn POWER switch ON (). Within 10 seconds turn VR501 (Lch) andVR502 (Rch) clockwise so that the DC Voltmeter reads 12 5mV.3.Then after 2 minutes warmup adjust VR501 and VR502 so that the DC Voltmeter reads 125mV.4.And after 10 minutes warmup adjust VR501 and VR502 so that the DC Voltmeter reads 125mV.DC VoltmeterMain Volume1U-3707-2Power Amp P.W.B. (R)VR5021U-3707-1Power Amp P.W.B. (L)VR501PowerTransPowerTrans4PMA-2000AEBLOCK/LEVEL DIAGRAM5PMA-2000AEE2 model SEMICONDUCTORS / 半導体一覧表Only major semiconductors are shown, general semiconductors etc. are omitted to list.主半導体記載。汎用半導体記載省略。ICsTMP87CC46N-4C08 (IC901)2122(VASS)VSSVAREF2023XOUTP60(AIN0)1924XINP61(AIN1)1825RESETP62(AIN2)1726TESTP63(AIN3)1627P00P64(AIN4)1528P01P65(AIN5)1429P02P66(AIN6)1330P03P67(AIN7)1231P04P10(INT0)1132P05P11(INT1)1033P06P12(INT2/TC1)934P07P13(DVO)835(INT3/TC3)P70P14(PPG)736(INT4)P71P15(TC2)637(PDO/PWM)P72P16538(SCK)P73P17439(SI)P74P20(INTS/STOP)340(SO)P75P21(XIN)241(HSCK)P76P22(XOUT)142(HSO)P77VDDPower SupplyTerminalResetI/O TerminalTest TerminalVDDVSSRESETTESTHigh Freq.OscillatorConnectionTerminalXINP22P20I/O PortVAREFALUPSWStack PointerInterrupt Control CircuitProgram CounterProgram Memory(ROM)Data memory(RAM)Unviersal register BlankFlagRBSSystem Control CircuitStandby Control CircuitTiming GeneratorTime BaseTimer16 bitTimer/CounterTC1P28 bitA/D ConverterP6P0P1P7TC28 bitTimer/CounterTC3TC48 bit SerialInterfaceCommandregisterCommanddecoderSIOHSOWatch DogTimerClockGeneratorHigh Freq.UseLow Freq.UseAnalogVrefXOUTP67P66(Analog Input)I/O PortP07P00P17P10P77P70P65 (AIN5)P60 (AIN0)6PMA-2000AEE2 model TMP87CC46N-4C08 (IC901) Terminal FunctionFunctionI/OPinNo.Port NameType1P77OCACACPOWER RELARELAYY DRIVE2P76OC3P75(SO)OC4P74(SI)OC5P73(SCK)OC6P72OCMUTE/STMUTE LEDAND-BY LED DRIVE7P71(INT4)OCMOTOR VOLUME UP8P70(INT3)ICREMOTE CONTROL SIGNAL INPUT9P07OCTAPE-2 LEDTAPE-2TAPE-1, ARELAY DRIVE10P06OCTAPE-1 LED, ARELAY DRIVE11P05OC12P04OCAUX-2 LEDAUX-2AUX-1, ARELAY DRIVE13P03OCDVD/AUX-1 LED, ARELAY DRIVE14P02OCTUNER LEDTUNER, ARELAY DRIVE15P01OCCD LEDCD, ARELAY DRIVE16P00OCPHONE LEDPHONE, ARELAY DRIVE17TESTto VSS18RESETRESET19XINXtal20XOUTXtal21Vss(VAss)GND22VAREFto VDD23P60ICMODE SETTING INPUTMODE24P61IC25P62IC26P63ICFUNCTION SELECTFUNCTIONOR SW INPUT27P64IC28P65OCMUTING SIGNAL INPUTMUTE29P66OC30P67OC31P10(INT0)ICPROTECTOR INPUT32P11(INT1)ICPOWER OFF33P12(INT2)OCMOTOR VOLUME DOWN34P13OC35P14OC36P15OC37P16OC38P17OC39P20STP.DIRECTP.DIRECT RELAY DRIVEP.DIRECT SW INPUTP.DIRECTOPOCSTOP MODE CANCEL40P21IC41P22OC42VDD+5VNOTE:Pin No.:Terminal number of microcomputer.Port Name :The name entered on the data sheet of microcomputer.I/O: Input or output of port.I = Input portO = Output portType: Composition of port in case of output port.C = CMOS outputFunction: Function and logical level explanation of signals to be interface.7PMA-2000AEE2 model BA4558 (IC701)NJM2082D (IC201)A OUTPUTA INPUTA+INPUTVB OUTPUTVB INPUTB +INPUT1234578612NPN TypeDTC114ESDTC143ZS10kohm10kohm4.7kohm47kohm2SA933S (S)2SA988 (E/F)2SA1358 (O/Y)2SA1546 (L)2SC1740S (S)2SC1841 (E/F)2SC3421 (O/Y)2SC4001 (M/L)2SA1837 (Y)2SA1488A (Y)/(G)2SC3851A (Y)/(G)2SC4793 (Y)FRONTVIEWBCEFRONTVIEWB CEFRONTVIEWBCEFRONTVIEWBCEDTC143ESDTC144WS47kohm22kohmR1R2R1R2ECBLB1639 (IC902)PQ1CG41H2FZ (IC903)12345786VCCN.C.VOUT2VIN1GNDVCONTVOUT1VIN2468 51732VIN1VOUT1VOUT2VCCVCONTGNDVIN2N.C.VREFPNP TypeDTA114ESR1R210kohm10kohmDTA114ESGP1U271XK (Remote Control Sensor)(IC904)GNDVcc VoutHeadAmpLimiterAmpBPFDetector &ComparatorIntegratorHysteresisComparatorVoutVccGNDV outV inCOMO adjON/0FFcontrolTRANSISTORSDTC114ESDTC143ESDTC143ZSDTC144WS4.7kohm4.7kohm8PMA-2000AEE2 model11EQS0631DQ061SS270A1SR35-200AHZS4C-1HZS9A-1HZS5C-1HZS22-1HZS12A-1HZS30-1MTZJ3.3AMTZJ7.5AMTZJ7.5CMTZJ18ASML1216W (Red/Green)TOP VIEW2SJ78FRONTVIEWG S D2SK373 (Y)FRONTVIEWS GD2SK184C (GR/BL)2SK369 (BL/GR)-CFRONTVIEWD GS2SK2967FRONTVIEWG DSDIODES (LED included)FCH20A15FRONTVIEWA K AFRH20A15FRONTVIEWK A KSF0R3G42AGKPTH9M04BD222TS2F333FRONTVIEWG A KSEL2915A (Orange)TOP VIEWSLR-342MG (Green)THYRISTORTHERMISTORRED ANODECATHODEGREEN ANODE9PMA-2000AE 1U-3707 INPUT/CONTROL P.W.B. UNIT PRINTED WIRING BOARD 10PMA-2000AE1U-3708 POWER AMP P.W.B. UNIT 211PMA-2000AE1U-3709 FLAT AMP P.W.B. UNIT 12PMA-2000AENOTE FOR PARTS LIST Part indicated with the mark nsp are not always in stock and possibly to take a long period of time for supplying, or in some case supplying of part may be refused. When ordering of part, clearly indicate 1 and I (i) to avoid mis-supplying. Ordering part without stating its part number can not be supplied. Part indicated with the mark is not illustrated in the exploded view. Not including General-purpose Carbon Film Resistor in the P.W.Board parts list. (Refer to the Schematic Diagram for those parts.) Not including General-purpose Carbon Chip Resistor in the P.W.Board parts list. (Refer to the Schematic Diagram for those parts.) WARNING: Parts marked with this symbol ! have critical characteristics. Use ONLY replacement parts recommended by the manufacturer.ssssssssssssRD :2B : 1/8 WF :1%P:RC :2E : 1/4 WG :2%NL :RS:2H : 1/2 WJ :5%NB :RW :3A : 1WK :10%FR :RN :3D : 2WM :20%F:RK :3F: 3W3H : 5WRN14K2E182GFR182?1800=1.8k021R2?1.212RCE04W1H2R2MBPCE:0J: 6.3 VF: 1%HS :CA :1A : 10VG : 2%BP :CS:1C : 16VJ: 5%HR :CQ :1E : 25VK : 10%DL :CK :1V : 35VM : 20%HF :CC :1H : 50VZ: +80%U:ULCP:2A : 100 V20%C:CSACM :2B : 125 VP: +100%W:UL-CSACF:2C : 160 V 0%F:CH :2D : 200 VC : 0.25pF2E : 250 VD : 0.5pF2H : 500 V=:2J: 630 V222?2200F02F222?2200pF=0.0022F02pFpF221?220pF2(02)0(001)2R2?2.2F12RFACRD : Carbon2B : 1/8WF: 1%P: Pulse-resistant typeRC : Composition2E : 1/4WG: 2%NL : Low noise typeRS : Metal oxide film2H : 1/2WJ: 5%NB : Non-burning typeRW : Winding3A : 1WK: 10%FR : Fuse-resistorRN : Metal film3D : 2WM: 20%F: Lead wire formingRK : Metal mixture3F : 3W3H : 5WCE : Aluminum foil0J: 6.3VF: 1%HS : High stability typeelectrolyticCA : Aluminum solid1A : 10VG : 2%BP : Non-polar typeelectrolyticCS : Tantalum electrolytic1C : 16VJ: 5%HR : Ripple-resistant typeCQ : Film1E : 25VK : 10%DL : For change and dischargeCK : Ceramic1V : 35VM : 20%HF : For assuring highrequencyCC : Ceramic1H : 50VZ: +80%U: UL partCP : Oil2A : 100V20%C: CSA partCM : Mica2B : 125VP : +100%W : UL-CSA typeCF : Metallized2C : 160V0%F: Lead wire formingCH : Metallized2D : 200VC : 0.25pF2E : 250VD : 0.5pF2H : 500V=: Others2J: 630Vl l l l lResistorsEx.:RN14K2E182GFRType ShapePower Resist- Allowable Othersand per-anceerrorformance Resistance1 821800 ohm = 1.8 kohmIndicates number of zeros after effective number.2-digit effective number. Units: ohm1 R21.2 ohm1-digit effective number.2-digit effective number, decimal point indicated by R. Units: ohml l l l lCapacitorsEx.:CE04W1H2R2MBPTypeShapeDielectric Capacity Allowable Othersand per- strengtherrorformance Capacity (electrolyte only)2 222200FIndicates number of zeros after effective number.2-digit effective number. Units: F.2 R22.2F1-digit effective number.2-digit effective number, decimal point indicated by R. Units: F. Capacity (except electrolyte)2 222200pF=0.0022F(More than 2)Indicates number of zeros after effective number.2-digit effective number. Units: pF.2 21220pF(0 or 1)Indicates number of zeros after effective number.2-digit effective number. Units: pF. When the dielectric strength is indicated in AC, AC is included after the dieelectricstrength value.部品表nsp 印部品常時在庫供給長時間要。場合、供給断。部品発注際特数字 英字 区別記入。部品番号表示部品供給。 ! 印部品安全上重要部品。交換、安全性能維持必指定部品使用。印部品分解図中記載。汎用抵抗器記載。定数回路図参照願。汎用抵抗器記載。定数回路図参照願。部品表抵抗器、品名記号読方表参照。13PMA-2000AEE2 modelPARTS LIST OF P.W.B. UNIT ASSY本表記載部品、補修用部品製品使用部品一部、形状、寸法異場合。 The parts listed below are for maintenance only, might differ from the parts used in the unit in appearances or dimensions. nsp 印部品常時在庫供給長時間要。場合、供給断場合。 Part indicated with the mark “nsp” are not always in stock and possibly to take a long period of time for supplying, or in some case supplying of part may be refused.1U-3707B INPUT/CONTROL P.W.B. UNIT Ref. No.nspPart No.Part NameRemarksQtyNewSEMICONDUCTORS GROUPIC70100D 263 0322 004BA4558IC90100D 262 2581 109TMP87CH46N*IC90200D 263 0476 002LB1639*IC90300D 263 1237 004PQ1CG41H2FZTR30100D 273 0323 0002SC3421 O/YTR30200D 275 0042 9052SK373(Y)TPE2TR601-60600D 273 0303 9102SC1740S(S)-TTR60700D 271 0192 9052SA933S(S)TPTR60800D 273 0303 9102SC1740S(S)-TTR61000D 269 0020 906DTC114ES(10K-10K)TTR61100D 271 0195 0092SA1358 O/YTR61200D 269 0112 908DTC144WS (47K-22K) TTR61300D 269 0020 906DTC114ES(10K-10K)TTR61400D 273 0303 9102SC1740S(S)-TTR61500D 273 0323 0002SC3421 O/YTR618,61900D 273 0303 9102SC1740S(S)-TTR62000D 269 0018 905DTC143ES(4.7K-4.7K)TTR62200D 269 0020 906DTC114ES(10K-10K)TTR701-70400D 275 0038 0452SK369 (BL)/(GR)-CTR90100D 269 0020 906DTC114ES(10K-10K)TTR90200D 269 0046 906DTA114ES(10K-10K)TTR90300D 269 0020 906DTC114ES(10K-10K)TTR90400D 273 0303 9102SC1740S(S)-TTR90700D 273 0303 9102SC1740S(S)-TTR90800D 269 0020 906DTC114ES(10K-10K)TTR909,91000D 269 0046 906DTA114ES(10K-10K)TTR911-91700D 269 0160 905DTC143ZSATPTR92000D 269 0160 905DTC143ZSATPTR921-92300D 269 0046 906DTA114ES(10K-10K)TTR92400D 269 0020 906DTC114ES(10K-10K)TD301-30700D 276 0432 9031SS270A TE (TAPE)D601,60200D 276 0713 70331DQ06-FC6D603,60400D 276 0715 90511EQS06(TAPE)D606,60700D 276 0432 9031SS270A TE (TAPE)D701,70200D 276 0432 9031SS270A TE (TAPE)D80100D 276 0706 008FCH20A15D80200D 276 0707 007FRH20A15D901,90200D 276 0704 9031SR35-400A(T93X)D903,90400D 276 0432 9031SS2


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