START:|sX3k6VQNaf/6VbQg1Aav9Q=|Et47GD/ke3ODnkHXa491WKZgCp4aT5bOv8c/PAauonw=|XOIUVeyoWOE5XcWqSdEcbA=|:ENDMODELJPE3E2EKEAE1E1CE1KAVR-X7200WPPPAVR-X7200WAPPPPINTEGRATED NETWORK AV RECEIVERS1529V07DM/DG1707Ver. 7 Please use this service manual with referring to the operating instructions without fail. Some illustrations using in this service manual are slightly different from the actual set. For purposes of improvement, specifications and design are subject to change without notice.Please refer to the MODIFICATION NOTICE.eSERVICE MANUALeD&M Holdings Inc.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库ABOUT THIS MANUAL .3What you can do with this manual .3Using Adobe Reader (Windows version) .4SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .6NOTE FOR SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM .7NOTE FOR PARTS LIST .7TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .9DIMENSION .9Precautions During Service.10Initializing This Unit .10Service Jigs .10DISASSEMBLY .111. CX870 ASSY for CX870 model only .142. FRONT PANEL ASSY .143. RADIATOR ASSY .154. SMPS ASSY .165. POWER TRANS .176. BACK PANEL ASSY .18SPECIAL MODE .19Special Mode Configuration Buttons .191. Version Display Mode .202. PANEL / REMOTE LOCK Selection Mode .243. Selection Modes for Service-related Operations .25 DIAGNOSTIC PATH DIAGRAM .314. Remote ID Setup Mode .755. Additional Source mode s .766. Protection Pass Mode .767. CX870 / CY920 Reboot Mode .778. CX870 / CY920 Initialization Mode .77JIG FOR SERVICING .78Procedure after Replacing the Microprocessor, etc. .80Firmware Update Procedure.801. Updating by USB .802. Updating by DPMS .90ADJUSTMENT .97SURROUND MODES AND PARAMETERS .98TROUBLE SHOOTING .1011. POWER .1012. Analog video .1023. HDMI/DVI .1044. AUDIO .1065. Network/Bluetooth/USB .1096. SMPS .115Audio Check PASS .117CLOCK FLOW & WAVE FORM IN DIGITAL BLOCK .118LEVEL DIAGRAM .119GND DIAGRAM .127POWER DIAGRAM .128CPU DIAGRAM .130PRINTED WIRING BOARDS .131SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS (1/37) .140SCH01_DIGITAL CONNECT .140SCH02_DIR ADC ZONEDAC .141SCH03_AUDIO PLD .142SCH04_DSP1 .143SCH05_DSP2 .144SCH06_DSP3 .145SCH07_DSP4 .146SCH08-1_MAIN CPU_OLD .147SCH08-2_MAIN CPU_NEW .148SCH09_SUB CPU .149SCH10_DECODER .150SCH11-1_HDMI SW1 AVR-X7200W ONLY .151SCH11-2_HDMI SW1 AVR-X7200WA ONLY .152SCH12-1_HDMI SW2 AVR-X7200W ONLY .153SCH12-2_HDMI SW2 AVR-X7200WA ONLY .154SCH13_IP SCALER .155SCH14_IP SCALER DDR .156SCH15-1_VIDEO PLD AVR-X7200W ONLY .157SCH15-2_VIDEO PLD AVR-X7200WA ONLY .158SCH16-1_HDMI RX TX AVR-X7200W ONLY .159SCH16-2_HDMI RX TX AVR-X7200WA ONLY .160SCH17-1_HDMI SUPPLY AVR-X7200W ONLY .161SCH17-2_HDMI SUPPLY AVR-X7200WA ONLY .162SCH18-1_NETWOR AVR-X7200W ONLY .163SCH18-2_NETWOR AVR-X7200WA ONLY_OLD.164SCH18-3_NETWOR AVR-X7200WA ONLY_NEW.165SCH19-1_MAIN DAC .166SCH19-2_MAIN DAC .167SCH20-1_ZONEDAC ADC .168SCH20-2_ZONEDAC ADC .169SCH21_REAR USB .170SCH22_AUDIO VIDEO CONNECT .171SCH23_AUDIO VOLUME .172SCH24_PREOUT .173SCH25_VIDEO SELECTOR .174SCH26_FRONT JACK .175SCH27_CONNECT .176SCH28_FRONT HDMI USB .177SCH29_SPEAKER .178SCH30_REG .179SCH31_FLD .180SCH32_SMPS .181SCH33_AMP CONNECT .182SCH34_232C PHONO .183SCH35_POWER AMP.184SCH36_CX870 CONNECT AVR-X7200W ONLY.185SCH37_BT MODULE AVR-X7200W ONLY .186EXPLODED VIEW .187PACKING VIEW .188SEMICONDUCTORS .1891. ICs .1892. FL DISPLAY .211CONTENTS2RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库Jump to the target of a schematic diagram connectorClick the Ref. No. of the target connector in the red box around a schematic diagram connector.The screen jumps to the target connector. Pagemagnificationstaysthesameasbeforethejump.CP401CP106vABOUT THIS MANUALRead the following information before using the service manual.What you can do with this manualSearch for a Ref. No. (phrase)(Ctrl+Shift+F)You can use the search function in Acrobat Reader to search for a Ref. No. in schematic diagrams, printed wiring circuit diagrams, block diagrams, and parts lists.1.Press Ctrl+Shift+Fonthekeyboard. The Search window appears.2.EntertheRef.No.youwanttosearchforintheSearch window, and then click the Search button.A list of search results appears.3.Click an item on the list. The screen jumps to the page for that item, and the searchphraseisdisplayed.CtrlShiftF3Using Adobe Reader (Windows version) Properties Click this button and check that the printer is set to a suitable paper size. Page to print Select the following checkbox.More Options : Current View Page Sizing & Handling Select the following checkbox.Size / Size Options : FitAdd notes to this data (Sign)TheSignfunctionletsyouaddnotestothedatainthis manual.Savethefileonceyouhavefinishedaddingnotes.Example using Adobe Reader XOn the View menu, click Sign. The Sign pane appears.Example using Adobe Reader 9On the Document menu, click Sign. Magnify schematic / printed circuit board diagrams - 1(Ctrl+Space, mouse operation)Press Ctrl+Spaceonthekeyboardanddragthemousetoselecttheareayouwanttoview.Theselectedareaismagnified. Whenyouwanttomovetheareashown,holddown Space and drag the mouse. Whenyouwanttoshowafullpageview,pressCtrl+0onthekeyboard.CtrlSpace0Print a magnified part of the manualThePropertiesdialogboxandfunctionswillvarydependingonyourprinter.1. Dragthemousetomagnifythepartyouwanttoprint.2. On the File menu, click Print.3. ConfigurethefollowingsettingsinthePrintdialogbox.4. Click the Print button to start printing.4Magnify schematic / printed circuit board diagrams - 2(Pan & Zoom function)ThePan&Zoomfunctionletsyouseewhichpartofamagnifieddiagramisbeingshowninaseparatewindow.Example using Adobe Reader XOn the View menu, point to Zoom, and then click Pan & Zoom. The Pan & Zoom window appears on the screen.Example using Adobe Reader 9On the Tools menu, point to Select & Zoom, and then click Pan & Zoom Window.Magnify schematic / printed circuit board diagrams - 3(Loupe Tool function)TheLoupeToolfunctionletsyoumagnifyaspecificpart of a diagram in a separate window.Example using Adobe Reader XOn the View menu, point to Zoom, and then click Loupe Tool. The Loupe Tool window appears on the screen.Example using Adobe Reader 9On the Tools menu, point to Select & Zoom, and then click Loupe Tool Window.5SAFETY PRECAUTIONSThe following items should be checked for continued protection of the customer and the service technician.leakage current checkBeforereturningthesettothecustomer,besuretocarryouteither(1)aleakagecurrentcheckor(2)alinetochassisresistance check. If the leakage current exceeds 0.5 milliamps, or if the resistance from chassis to either side of the power cord is less than 460 kohms, the set is defective. Be sure to test for leakage current with the AC plug in both polarities, in addition, when the sets power is in each state (on,offandstandbymode),ifapplicable.CAUTION Please heed the following cautions and instructions during servicing and inspection. Heed the cautions!Cautions which are delicate in particular for servicing are labeled on the cabinets, the parts and the chassis, etc. Be sure to heed these cautions and the cautions described in the handling instructions. Cautions concerning electric shock!(1) AnACvoltageisimpressedonthisset,soifyoutouch internal metal parts when the set is energized, youmaygetanelectricshock.Avoidgettinganelectricshock,byusinganisolatingtransformerand wearing gloves when servicing while the set is energized,orbyunpluggingthepowercordwhenreplacing parts, for example.(2) Therearehighvoltagepartsinside.Handlewithextra care when the set is energized. Caution concerning disassembly and assembly!Through great care is taken when parts were manufacturedfromsheetmetal,theremaybeburrsontheedgesofparts.Theburrscouldcauseinjuryiffingersare moved across them in some rare cases. Wear gloves toprotectyourhands. Use only designated parts!Thesetspartshavespecificsafetyproperties(fireresistance,voltageresistance,etc.).Besuretousepartswhich have the same properties for replacement. The burrs have the same properties. In particular, for the importantsafetypartsthatareindicatedbythez mark on schematic diagrams and parts lists, be sure to use the designated parts. Be sure to mount parts and arrange the wires as they were originally placed!Forsafetyseasons,somepartsusetapes,tubesorotherinsulatingmaterials,andsomepartsaremountedawayfrom the surface of printed circuit boards. Care is also takenwiththepositionsofthewiresbyarrangingthemandusingclampstokeepthemawayfromheatingandhighvoltageparts,sobesuretoseteverythingbackasitwasoriginallyplaced. Make a safety check after servicing!Check that all screws, parts and wires removed or disconnected when servicing have been put back in their original positions, check that no serviced parts have deteriorate the area around. Then make an insulation check on the external metal connectors and between the blades of the power plug, and otherwise check that safetyisensured.(Insulationcheckprocedure)Unplug the power cord from the power outlet, disconnect the antenna, plugs, etc., and on the power. Using a 500V insulation resistance tester, check that the insulation resistancevaluebetweentheinplugandtheexternallyexposedmetalparts(antennaterminal,headphonesterminal,inputterminal,etc.)is1Morgreater.Ifitisless, the set must be inspected and repaired.Manyoftheelectricandthestructuralpartsusedinthesethavespecialsafetyproperties.Inmostcasesthesepropertiesaredifficulttodistinguishbysight,andtheuseofreplacementpartswithhigherratings(ratedpowerandwithstandvoltage)doesnotnecessarilyguaranteethatsafetyperformancewillbepreserved.Partswithsafetypropertiesareindicatedasshownbelowonthewiring diagrams and the parts list in this service manual. Be sure to replace them with the parts which have the designated part number.(1)Schematicdiagrams .Indicatedbythez mark.(2)Partslists .Indicatedbythez mark.The use of parts other than the designated parts could cause electric shocks,firesorotherdangeroussituations.CAUTION Concerning important safety parts6NOTE FOR SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMWARNING:Partsindicatedbythezmarkhavecriticalcharacteristics.UseONLYreplacementpartsrecommendedbythemanufacturer.CAUTION:Beforereturningthesettothecustomer,besuretocarryouteither(1)aleakagecurrentcheckor(2)alinetochassisresistancecheck.If the leakage current exceeds 0.5 milliamps, or if the resistance from chassis to either side of the power cord is less than 460 kohms, the set is defective.WARNING:DONOTreturnthesettothecustomerunlesstheproblemisidentifiedandremedied.NOTICE:ALLRESISTANCEVALUESINOHM.k=1,000OHM/M=1,000,000OHMALLCAPACITANCEVALUESAREEXPRESSEDINMICROFARAD,UNLESSOTHERWISEINDICATED.PINDICATESMICRO-MICROFARAD.EACHVOLTAGEANDCURRENTAREMEASUREDATNOSIGNALINPUTCONDITION.CIRCUITANDPARTSARESUBJECTTOCHANGEWITHOUTPRIORNOTICE.NOTE FOR PARTS LIST1.Partsindicatedbynsp on this table cannot be supplied.2.Whenorderingapart,makeacleardistinctionbetween1andI(i)toavoidmis-supplying.3.Apartorderedwithoutspecifyingitspartnumbercannotbesupplied.4.Partindicatedby mark is not illustrated in the exploded view.WARNING:Partsindicatedbythezmarkhavecriticalcharacteristics.UseONLYreplacementpartsrecommendedbythemanufacturer.INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING SEMI-CONDUCTORS AND OPTICAL UNITElectrostaticbreakdownofthesemi-conductorsoropticalpickupmayoccurduetoapotentialdifferencecausedbyelectrostatic charge during unpacking or repair work.1. GroundforHumanBodyBesuretowearagroundingband(1M)thatisproperlygroundedtoremoveanystaticelectricitythatmaybechargedonthebody.2. GroundforWorkbenchBesuretoplaceaconductivesheetorcopperplatewithpropergrounding(1M)ontheworkbenchorothersurface,wherethesemi-conductorsaretobeplaced.Becausethestaticelectricitychargeonclothingwillnotescapethroughthebodygroundingband,becarefultoavoidcontactingsemi-conductorswithyourclothingCBAGrounding BandConductive Sheet orCopper Plate1M1MCBA7Personal notes:8TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS nAudio section Power amplifierRated output :Front:150W+150W (8, 20Hz - 20kHz with 0.05% T.H.D.)190W+190W (6, 1kHz with 0.7% T.H.D)Center:150W (8, 20Hz - 20kHz with 0.05% T.H.D.)190W (6, 1 kHz with 0.7 % T.H.D.)Surround:150W+150W (8, 20 Hz - 20 kHz with 0.05% T.H.D.)190W+190W (6, 1 kHz with 0.7 % T.H.D.)Surround back:150W+150W (8, 20 Hz - 20 kHz with 0.05% T.H.D.)190W+190W (6, 1 kHz with 0.7 % T.H.D.)Height1 / Front wide / Height2:150W+150W (8, 20 Hz - 20 kHz with 0.05% T.H.D.)190W+190W (6, 1 kHz with 0.7 % T.H.D.)Rated output:170 W x 2-channel (8 )280 W x 2-channel (4 )Output connectors:4 - 16 nAnalog sectionInput sensitivity/Input impedance:200 mV/47 kFrequency response: 10 Hz - 100 kHz +1, -3 dB(Direct mode)S/N:102 dB(IHF-A weighted, Direct mode)Distortion:0.005 % (20 Hz 20 kHz) (Direct mode)Rated output:1.2 V nDigital sectionD/A output: Rated output 2 V (at 0 dB playback) Total harmonic distortion 0.008 % (1 kHz, at 0 dB) S/N ratio 102 dB Dynamic range 100 dBDigital input:Format Digital audio interface nPhono equalizer sectionInput sensitivity: 2.5 mVRIAA deviation: 1 dB (20 Hz to 20 kHz)S/N: 74 dB (IHF-A)Distortion factor: 0.03 % (1 kHz, 3 V) nVideo section Standard video connectorsInput/output level and impedance: 1 Vp-p, 75 Frequency response:5 Hz 10 MHz 0, 3 dB Color component video connectorInput/output level and impedance: Y signal 1 Vp-p, 75 PB / CB signal 0.7 Vp-p, 75 PR / CR signal 0.7 Vp-p, 75 Frequency response:5 Hz - 60 MHz 0, -3 dB nTuner sectionReception frequency range: FM 87.5 MHz - 107.9 MHz (for E3) FM 87.5 MHz - 108.0 MHz (for E2, E1C) FM 76.0 MHz - 90.0 MHz (for JP) AM 530 kHz - 1710 kHz (for E3) AM 522 kHz - 1611 kHz (for E2, E1C) AM 522 kHz - 1629 kHz (for JP)Effective sensitivity: FM 1.5V (14.8dBf) (for E3) FM 1.2V (12.8dBf) (for E2, E1C, JP) AM 20 V (for E3) AM 18 V (for E2, E1C, JP)50 dB sensitivity: MONO 2.8 V (20.2 dBf) (for E2, E1C, JP)S/N ratio (IHF-A): MONO 70 dB (for E3) MONO 78 dB (for E2, E1C, JP) STEREO 68 dB (for E3) STEREO 67 dB (for E2, E1C, JP) HD FM 85dB AM 85dB (for E3)Distortion (1 kHz): MONO 0.1 % (for E3) MONO 0.7 % (1 kHz) (for E2, E1C, JP) SRETEO 0.2 % (for E3) SRETEO 1.0 % (1 kHz) (for E2, E1C, JP) HD FM 0.02% AM 0.02% (for E3) nWireless LAN sectionNetwork type (wireless LAN standard): Conforming to Wi-Fiz1Security: WEP 64 bit, WEP 128 bit WPA/WPA2-PSK (AES) WPA/WPA2-PSK (TKIP)Radio frequency: 2.4 GHzNo. of channels: 1 - 11 ch (for E3) 1 - 13 ch (for E2, E1C, JP)z1 The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Logo and the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED On-Product Logo are registered trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance. nBluetooth sectionCommunications system: Bluetooth Version 2.1 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate)Transmission power:Maximum 2.5 mW (Class 2)Maximum communication range:Approx. 32.8 ft/10 m in line of sightFrequency band:2.4 GHz bandModulation scheme:FHSS (Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum)Supported profiles: A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile) 1.2 AVRCP (Audio Video Remote Control Profile) 1.4Corresponding codec:SBC, AACTransmission range (A2DP):20 Hz - 20,000 Hz nGeneralPower supply: (for E3) : AC 120 V, 60 Hz (for E2) : AC 230 V, 50 Hz / 60Hz (for E1C) : AC 220 V, 50 Hz (for JP) : AC 100 V, 50 Hz / 60HzPower consumption:780WPower consumption in standby mode:0.1WPower consumption in CEC standby mode:0.5WPower consumption in network standby mode :4.5W(Adapted to NEW DIGITAL PCB products) :2.