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    START:|sX3k6VQNaf/6VbQg1Aav9Q=|h2tR5ORNgJxjiQ/NXafsmcxI/5gWsIStprzqWTUkbso=|XOIUVeyoWOE5XcWqSdEcbA=|:ENDAV SURROUND RECEIVERAVR-S530BTAVR-X540BTService ManualClick here!On-line service parts listWe are getting ready.On-line owners manual (Release schedule)http:/ http:/ (March 2017)http:/ (April 2017)(You can download PDF owners manual of NA model from SDI server as of March 2017.)CAUTION IN SERVICINGELECTRICALMECHANICALREPAIR INFORMATIONUPDATINGVer. 1Forpurposesofimprovement,specificationsanddesignaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice.Pleaseusethisservicemanualwithreferringtotheoperatinginstructionswithoutfail.Someillustrationsusinginthisservicemanualareslightlydifferentfromtheactualset.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库CAUTION IN SERVICINGSAFETY PRECAUTIONSNOTE FOR SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMNOTE FOR PARTS LISTINSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING SEMICONDUCTORS AND OPTICAL UNITCAUTION IN SERVICING.Initializing This Unit AVR-S530BT Initializing This Unit AVR-X540BT 2Caution in servicingElectricalMechanicalRepair InformationUpdatingRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库The following items should be checked for continued protection of the customer and the service technician.Leakage current checkBefore returning the set to the customer, be sure to carry out either (1) a leakage current check or (2) a line to chassis resistance check. If the leakage current exceeds 0.5 milliamps, or if the resistance from chassis to either side of the power cord is less than 460 kohms, the set is defective. Be sure to test for leakage current with the AC plug in both polarities, in addition, when the sets power is in each state (on, off and standby mode), if applicable.CAUTION Please heed the following cautions and instructions during servic-ing and inspection. Heed the cautions!Cautions which are delicate in particular for servicing are labeled on the cabinets, the parts and the chassis, etc. Be sure to heed these cautions and the cautions described in the handling instructions. Cautions concerning electric shock!(1) An AC voltage is impressed on this set, so if you touch internal metal parts when the set is energized, you may get an electric shock. Avoid getting an electric shock, by using an isolating transformer and wearing gloves when servicing while the set is energized, or by unplugging the power cord when replacing parts, for example.(2) There are high voltage parts inside. Handle with extra care when the set is energized. Caution concerning disassembly and assembly!Through great care is taken when parts were manufactured from sheet metal, there may be burrs on the edges of parts. The burrs could cause injury if fingers are moved across them in some rare cases. Wear gloves to protect your hands. Use only designated parts!The sets parts have specific safety properties (fire resistance, voltage resistance, etc.). Be sure to use parts which have the same properties for replacement. The burrs have the same properties. In particular, for the important safety parts that are indicated by the z mark on schematic diagrams and parts lists, be sure to use the designated parts. Be sure to mount parts and arrange the wires as they were originally placed!For safety seasons, some parts use tapes, tubes or other insulating materials, and some parts are mount-ed away from the surface of printed circuit boards. Care is also taken with the positions of the wires by arranging them and using clamps to keep them away from heating and high voltage parts, so be sure to set everything back as it was originally placed. Make a safety check after servicing!Check that all screws, parts and wires removed or disconnected when servicing have been put back in their original positions, check that no serviced parts have deteriorate the area around. Then make an insulation check on the external metal connectors and between the blades of the power plug, and otherwise check that safety is ensured.(Insulation check procedure)Unplug the power cord from the power outlet, disconnect the antenna, plugs, etc., and on the power. Using a 500V insulation resistance tester, check that the insulation resistance value between the inplug and the externally exposed metal parts (antenna terminal, headphones terminal, input terminal, etc.) is 1M or greater. If it is less, the set must be inspected and repaired.Many of the electric and the structural parts used in the set have special safety properties. In most cases these properties are difficult to distinguish by sight, and the use of replacement parts with higher rat-ings (rated power and withstand voltage) does not necessarily guarantee that safety performance will be preserved. Parts with safety properties are indicated as shown below on the wiring diagrams and the parts list in this service manual. Be sure to replace them with the parts which have the designated part number.(1) Schematic diagrams Indicated by the z mark.(2) Parts lists Indicated by the z mark.The use of parts other than the designated parts could cause electric shocks, fires or other dangerous situations.CAUTION Concerning important safety partsSAFETY PRECAUTIONS3Caution in servicingElectricalMechanicalRepair InformationUpdatingWARNING:Parts indicated by the z mark have critical characteristics. Use ONLY replacement parts recommended by the manufacturer.CAUTION:Before returning the set to the customer, be sure to carry out either (1) a leakage current check or (2) a line to chassis resistance check. If the leakage current exceeds 0.5 milliamps, or if the resistance from chassis to either side of the power cord is less than 460 kohms, the set is defective.WARNING:DO NOT return the set to the customer unless the problem is identified and remedied.NOTICE:ALL RESISTANCE VALUES IN OHM. k=1,000 OHM / M=1,000,000 OHMALL CAPACITANCE VALUES ARE EXPRESSED IN MICRO FARAD, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. P INDICATES MICRO-MICRO FARAD. N INDICATES NANO FARAD. EACH VOLTAGE AND CURRENT ARE MEASURED AT NO SIGNAL INPUT CONDITION. CIRCUIT AND PARTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE.1. Parts indicated by nsp on this table cannot be supplied.2. When ordering a part, make a clear distinction between 1 and I (i) to avoid mis-supplying.3. A part ordered without specifying its part number can not be supplied. 4. Part indicated by mark is not illustrated in the exploded view.WARNING: Parts indicated by the z mark have critical characteristics. Use ONLY replacement parts recommended by the manufacturer.Electrostatic breakdown of the semi-conductors or optical pickup may occur due to a potential differ-ence caused by electrostatic charge during unpacking or repair work.1. Ground for Human BodyBe sure to wear a grounding band (1 M ohm) that is properly grounded to remove any static electricity that may be charged on the body.2. Ground for WorkbenchBe sure to place a conductive sheet or copper plate with proper grounding (1 M ohm) on the work-bench or other surface, where the semi-conductors are to be placed. Because the static electricity charge on clothing will not escape through the body grounding band, be careful to avoid contacting semi-conductors with your clothingCBAGrounding BandConductive Sheet orCopper Plate1M1MCBANOTE FOR SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMNOTE FOR PARTS LISTINSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING SEMICONDUCTORS AND OPTICAL UNIT4Caution in servicingElectricalMechanicalRepair InformationUpdatingMake sure to initialize this unit after replacing the microcomputer or any peripheral equipment, or the digital PCB.1. Press the power button to turn off the power.2. While holding down buttons TUNER PRESET CH+ and TUNE + simultaneously, press the power button to turn on the power.3. Release the buttons after confirming that the display flashes at 1-second intervals. The unit is initialized.NOTE: If the unit fails to enter the service mode in step 3, repeat the procedure from step 1. Initializing the device restores the customized settings to the factory settings. Write down your settings in advance and reconfigure the settings after initialization. AVR-X540BT MASTER VOLUMEPHONESSETUP MICTUNERPRESET CHTUNEDIMMERSTATUSQUICK SELECTBluetoothGAMECBL/SAT3214DVD/Blu-raySOURCE SELECTTUNER PRESET CH +XTUNE +Initializing This Unit AVR-X540BT CAUTION IN SERVICING.Make sure to initialize this unit after replacing the microcomputer or any peripheral equipment, or the digital PCB.1. Press the power button to turn off the power.2. While holding down buttons SOUND MODE 1 and TUNER PRESET CH+ simultaneously, press the power button to turn on the power.3. Release the buttons after confirming that the display flashes at 1-second intervals. The unit is initialized.NOTE: If the unit fails to enter the service mode in step 3, repeat the procedure from step 1. Initializing the device restores the customized settings to the factory settings. Write down your settings in advance and reconfigure the settings after initialization. AVR-S530BT TUNETUNERPRESET CHSOUND MODESETUP MICPHONES5V/1ACBL/SAT31QUICK SELECTGAMEON / OFFBASS /TREBLETONE CONTROL2DVD/Blu-ray4BluetoothADJUSTAV SURROUND RECEIVERMODESLEEPDIMMERSTATUSSOURCE SELECTMASTER VOLUMESOUNDMODE 1XTUNER PRESET CH +Initializing This Unit AVR-S530BT 5Caution in servicingElectricalMechanicalRepair InformationUpdatingELECTRICALSCHEMATIC DIAGRAMSSCH01_MCUSCH02_HDMI OSDSCH03_HDMI 4KSCH04_DSPSCH05_DIGITAL POWERSCH06_DIRSCH07_AMPSCH08_VIDEO, OPTICAL INPUTSCH09_USB, BTSCH10_FRONTSCH11_REGULATORSCH12_SMPSPRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDSDIGITAL, USB WIRE GUIDE, VIDEO, TUNER, PHONE WIRE GUIDE, FRONT CABLE GUIDEMAINUSB&BT, FRONT, PHONE, STANDBYREGULATOR, SMPSLEVEL DIAGRAMFRONT chCENTER chSURROUND chSUBWOOFER chBLOCK DIAGRAMANALOG AUDIO DIAGRAMDIGITAL AUDIO / HDMI DIAGRAMVIDEO DIAGRAMPOWER DIAGRAMWIRING DIAGRAMSEMICONDUCTORS1. ICs2. FL DISPLAY6Caution in servicingElectricalMechanicalRepair InformationUpdatingSCHEMATIC DIAGRAMSSCH01_MCUGND LINEPOWER- LINEPOWER+ LINEAUDIO SIGNALSTBY POWERDIGITAL AUDIOTMDS SIGNALANALOG VIDEOMCU+3V3MCU+3V3SWM3V3MCU+3V3SWM3V3TO FRONT BD*OPTIONFOR UPDATEUSE ONLY DEBUGTO MAIN BDTO INPUT/VOLUME PARTTO DSP PARTFROM/TO HDMI OSD PART107.VSS_2TO DSP PARTMCUMCU PART*OPTION TABLE1.RESET2.MCU+3V33.TX4.RX5.DGND7.BOOT6.N.C106.PCAP_2105.DEBUG/JTMS104.MN864788_HAINT0103.NC102.UPDATE_RX101.UPDATE_TXVFD_DATANCVFD_CLKVFD_CENCVDD_9VSS_9VOL_DOWNVOL_UPCPU_POWERMAIN_POWERASO_DETTHERMALDET_ATHERMALDET_BPWR_FAIL_PROTECTHDMI_SCLVDD_8VSS_8HDMI_SDAHDMI_INT2HDMI_INTCEC_OUT76.USB_POWER277.TP#3NC75.HDMI_INT_TX74.USB_POWER1VDD_1VSS_173.DA_POWERTP#2ADV7623_RSTOSD_HOLDOSD_CLKOSD_CSOSD_MOSIOSD_MISODV5_POWERVDD_7VSS_7DSP_RSTDIR_MOSIBOOT1DIR_CLKDIR_MISOHPD5HPD4DSP_MOSIDSP_MISODSP_CLKDSP_CSVDD_4VSS_4DSP_MODE_SELVDD_6VSS_6USB_TXHDMI_SWCEC_POWERDSP_PCP_BSYDSP_SPC1_IRQDIR_CEDIR_RSTCODEC_MUTE33.VDDA34.NC35.USB_RST36.USB_RXVREF+VREF-VSSAOPTIONKEY3KEY2KEY1RESETXTAL_OUTXTAL_INMAIN_VOL_CLKMAIN_VOL_DATAHPD3USB_ENTEST PORT#1VDD_5VSS_5NCCVBS_SW5CVBS_SW2HI-B_RELYISEL_BISEL_AOSC32_OUTOSC32_INMIC_DETVBAT5.C/S_RLY4.FRONT_RLY3.POWER_DOWN2.USB_DAC_MUTE1.DC_PROTECT108.VDDDEBUGDEBUGMN864788_HINTMN864788_HAINT1HDMI_DEB_TXVFD_RSTH/P_RLYHDMI_DEB_RXWAKE_UPH/P_DETGRN_LEDVSS_10VDD_10MN864788_SCLREMOTE_INMN864788_SDAEEPROM_SCLEEPROM_SDADAC_MUTETUNER_SCLKTUNER_SDIOVSS_11VDD_11MN864788_RSTDEBUGDEBUGSW_MUTECEC_CTLNCBOOT0TUNER_CETUNER_INTTUNER_RSTRED_LEDVSS_3VDD_31.MCU+3V36.JTMS5.JTCK7.JTDI4.JTDO8.NJTRST3.RESET2.DGND9.DGNDDEBUGTESTPOINTHIGH:UPDATELOW:NORMALBOOT MODECEC_INPOWER-FAILPOWER-FAILCEC-PARTFROM/TO USB/BT BD7.NC8.AGND3.MIC_DET4.POWER_KEY5.+12V6.-12V10.H/P_DET11.VSEL_A12.VSEL_B13.KEY_314.KEY_215.KEY_116.RED_LED17.W/G_LED18.RC_IN19.FL_RST20.FL_CE21.FL_CLK22.FL_DATA23.CPU_POWER24.MCU+5V25.MCU_3V326.DGND27.NC9.NC2.ISEL_B1.ISEL_AFROM/TO DIGITAL POWER PART7.USB_TX8.USB_RX9.BX_RST10.USB_DAC_MUTETO HDMI 4K PART11.USB_EN12.MIC_DETCEC_OUTSDASCLWPVCCGNDA2A1A0SWM3V3SWM5VDGND13.+12V15.-12VWAFER/11P/2.0mmWAFER/9P/2.0mmFFC WAFER/27P/1.25mm3.FRONT_RLY4.C/S_RLY2.H/P_RLY6.ASO_DET7.DC_PROT8.THERMALDET_A9.THERMALDET_B1.HI-B_RLY5.+/-B DETECT*EMI Coutermeasure.*EMI Coutermeasure.(C7124/C7125/C7144)*EMI Coutermeasure.14.AGND1.D5V2.D5V3.DGND4.DGND5.USB3V36.USB_POWER1*EMI Coutermeasure.*EMI Coutermeasure.L7103L7105, L7119: 0 ohm-600 ohm Bead*EMI PREPARE*EMI PREPARE*EMI PREPARE*EMI PREPARE*EMI PREPARE(C7149)10K10KX540BTE2R7113R711410K10KX4K7S530BTE3X540BTE1CC71190.1uFC71020.1uFC71060.1uFC71130.1uFR7113OPTIONR7114OPTIONX7118MHzC710420pFC710320pFR715547K12345678IC712M24C32WMN6TPR71532.7KR71542.7KR713810K987654321CN7159PIN WAFERR71071M12345678RN711100X4R713647KR713747KC71280.1uFC71160.1uFC71150.1uFC71140.1uF12345678RN712100X47654321CN714OPENL71060L71070L71080L71090R71291KR71521KR7171100R71720R7119OPENR7120OPENR7121OPENC71200.1uFC71210.1uFC71270.1uFC71250.1uFC71260.1uFC71240.1uFR717733R717633R717433R717333R717533R7161OPENC71310.01uFR7162120KR7163100R7158OPENC71300.01uFR7159120KR7164100R715647KC71290.01uFR7165100Q71072SC3052Q71062SC3052Q71052SC3052R715747KR716047K144143142141140139138137136135133134132131130129128127126125124122123121120119118117116115114113112111110109108107106105104103102101100999897969594939291908988878685848382818079787776757473727170696867666564636261605958575655545352515049484746454443424140393837363534333231302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321IC711STM32F101ZGR717810KR7179100KC7134OPENR71814.7KR718247KR71802.2MR7183100KC7135220PR7184220KR718527KD7102KDS160RTKPR71873.3KC71360.1uFR71861.2KQ71122SC3052Q71132SC3052Q7111KTC2875BR7139100T7102C71120.1uFC71110.1uFC71100.1uFC71180.1uFC71170.1uFC71050.1uFC71010.1uFR714910KR715010KR715110KT7106L7101OPENL71020L7104FCM601T05L71100L71110L71120L71130L71140L71150L71160L71170L7119FCM601T05L7120OPENL71220L71230R71080R714722KR714822KR714522KR716833KC7133100uF/10VC71320.1uFR7167100KQ71082SC3052Q71102SC3052Q7109ISA1530AC1R71662.2KR712747KD7101OPENR71020R710347KR71041KR7101470KC7109OPENC7108OPENC7107OPENT7110T7111T7112T7113T7114T7115T7116R711633R711533L71240123456789101112131415171618192524222321202627CN711FFC 27PL7103FCM601T05L7105FCM601T05L7125OPENL71260L71270C7122OPENC7123OPENR7105OPENR7106OPENR7111OPENT7101R7110OPENR7118OPENR7117OPENR7124OPENR7123OPENT7103R7130OPENR7142OPENR7140OPENR714333R714433R7122OPENT7104R7169OPENR71700T7105T7108T7109R7128OPENR718810KT7117987654321CN712R719033R71910C71410.1uFC71420.1uFC71430.1uFC71440.1uF151413121110987654321CN713C75960.1uFC76030.1uFC76020.1uFC75990.1uFC76000.1uFC76010.1uFR7193OPENR7194OPENR71950R71960R7197OPENT7118T7119T7121T7120C7604OPENC7146OPENC7147OPENC7148OPENC7719OPENC7718OPENC7149OPENTUNER_INTMAIN_VOL_CLKMAIN_VOL_DATATUNER_CETUNER_RSTTUNER_SDIOTUNER_SCLKDSP_MISODSP_MOSIDSP_RSTDSP_PCP_BSYDSP_SPC1_IRQDSP_CSDSP_MODE_SELCODEC_MUTEDIR_RSTDAC_MUTEDGNDAGNDDSP_CLK+12V-12VDAC_MUTETUNER_SCLKTUNER_SDIOTUNER_CETUNER_INTTUNER_RSTMAIN_VOL_DATAMAIN_VOL_CLKINT_TXINT_RXINT2_RXHDMI_SDAHDMI_SCLHDMIOSD_HOLDHDMIOSD_CLKHDMIOSD_CSHDMIOSD_MOHDMIOSD_MIDIR_MOSIDIR_RSTDSP_SPC1_IRQDSP_PCP_BSYDIR_CEHDMI_SWDSP_CSDSP_CLKDSP_MISODSP_MOSIDSP_RSTDIR_MOSIDIR_CLKDIR_MISODSP_MODE_SELDIR_CEDIR_CLKDIR_MISOHDMI_SWCODEC_MUTEHPD4HPD5MN864788_HAINT1MN864788_HINTMCU_RSTMCU+5VMCU+3V3CEC_POWERDV5_POWERDA_POWERUSB_POWER2CEC_POWERMAI


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