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    TOKYO, JAPANDenon Brand Company, D&M Holdings lnc.For purposes of improvement, specifications and design are subject to change without notice.Please use this service manual with referring to the operating instructions without fail.Some illustrations using in this service manual are slightly different from the actual set.注意前、必読。本機、火災、感電、対安全性確保、配慮、法的電気用品安全法、所定許可得製造。従際、安全性維持、記載注意事項必守。本機仕様性能改良、予告変更。補修用性能部品保有期間、製造打切後 8 年。修理際、必取扱説明書参照上、作業行。本文中使用、説明都合上現物多少異場合。X0348 V.02 DE/CDM 0708SERVICE MANUALAV SURROUND RECEIVERMODELJPEUECE2EKE2AE1CEUTAVR-2808CI?AVR-988? ?Ver. 2Please refer to theMODIFICATION NOTICE.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库2AVR-2808CI / AVR-988Please heed the points listed below during servicing and inspection.Heed the cautions!Spots requiring particular attention when servicing, such asthe cabinet, parts, chassis, etc., have cautions indicated onlabels or seals. Be sure to heed these cautions and the cau-tions indicated in the handling instructions.Caution concerning electric shock!(1) An AC voltage is impressed on this set, so touching inter-nal metal parts when the set is energized could causeelectric shock. Take care to avoid electric shock, by for ex-ample using an isolating transformer and gloves whenservicing while the set is energized, unplugging the powercord when replacing parts, etc.(2)There are high voltage parts inside. Handle with extra carewhen the set is energized.Caution concerning disassembly and assembly!Though great care is taken when manufacturing parts fromsheet metal, there may in some rare cases be burrs on theedges of parts which could cause injury if fingers are movedacross them. Use gloves to protect your hands.Only use designated parts!The sets parts have specific safety properties (fire resis-tance, voltage resistance, etc.). For replacement parts, besure to use parts which have the same properties. In particu-lar, for the important safety parts that are marked ! on wiringdiagrams and parts lists, be sure to use the designated parts.Be sure to mount parts and arrange thewires as they were originally!For safety reasons, some parts use tape, tubes or other insu-lating materials, and some parts are mounted away from thesurface of printed circuit boards. Care is also taken with thepositions of the wires inside and clamps are used to keepwires away from heating and high voltage parts, so be sure toset everything back as it was originally.Inspect for safety after servicing!Check that all screws, parts and wires removed or discon-nected for servicing have been put back in their original posi-tions, inspect that no parts around the area that has beenserviced have been negatively affected, conduct an insulationcheck on the external metal connectors and between theblades of the power plug, and otherwise check that safety isensured.(Insulation check procedure)Unplug the power cord from the power outlet, disconnect theantenna, plugs, etc., and turn the power switch on. Using a500V insulation resistance tester, check that the insulation re-sistance between the terminals of the power plug and the ex-ternally exposed metal parts (antenna terminal, headphonesterminal, microphone terminal, input terminal, etc.) is 1M orgreater. If it is less, the set must be inspected and repaired.Concerning important safety partsMany of the electric and structural parts used in the set havespecial safety properties. In most cases these properties aredifficult to distinguish by sight, and using replacement partswith higher ratings (rated power and withstand voltage) doesnot necessarily guarantee that safety performance will be pre-served. Parts with safety properties are indicated as shownbelow on the wiring diagrams and parts lists is this servicemanual. Be sure to replace them with parts with the designat-ed part number.(1) Schematic diagrams . Indicated by the ! mark.(2) Parts lists . Indicated by the ! mark.Using parts other than the designated partscould result in electric shock, fires or otherdangerous situations.SAFETY PRECAUTIONSThe following check should be performed for the continued protection of the customer and service technician.LEAKAGE CURRENT CHECKBefore returning the unit to the customer, make sure you make either (1) a leakage current check or (2) a line to chassisresistance check. If the leakage current exceeds 0.5 milliamps, or if the resistance from chassis to either side of the powercord is less than 460 kohms, the unit is defective.CAUTIONCAUTION、点検時注意願。注意事項守!特注意必要個所、部品、捺印注意事項表示。 注意書取扱説明書注意事項必守。感電注意!(1) 、交流電圧印加通電時内部金属部触感電。従通電時、絶縁使用手袋着用、部品交換、電源抜感電注意。(2) 内部高電圧部分、通電時取扱十分注意。分解、組立作業時注意!板金部品端面、部品製造時充分管理、 板金端面鋭利箇所有、 部品端面触指動怪我場合十分注意作業下。 手保護手袋着用。指定部品使用!部品難燃性耐電圧安全上特性持。従交換部品、使用同特性部品使用。特配線図、部品表 ! 印指定安全上重要部品必指定使用。部品取付配線引、 元!安全上、絶縁材料使用、基板浮取付部品。 内部配線引発熱部品高圧部品接近配慮、 必元。後安全点検!取外、部品、配線元、 個所周辺劣化点検、外部金属端子部、電源刃間絶縁、安全性確保確認。(絶縁方法)電源電源抜、 外、電源入。500V 絶縁抵抗計用、電源端子外部露出金属部端子、端子、端子、入力端子間、絶縁抵抗値 M 以上確認。値以下点検修理必要。安全上重要部品本機使用多電気部品、 機構部品安全上、 特別特性持。 特性場合、外観判別、部品高定格(定格電力、耐圧)持使用安全性維持、限。安全上特性持部品、配線図、 部品表表示必指定部品番号使用願。(1) 配線図 ! 表示。(2) 部品表 ! 表示。指定部品異使用場合、感電、火災危険生恐。注意注意RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库3AVR-2808CI / AVR-988DIMENSION AVR-2808CI 34443415515.5170.520.8244.5372.826.442054.74AVR-2808CI / AVR-988 AVR-98834443415.5170.515566.222244.5427384.220.85AVR-2808CI / AVR-988WIRE ARRANGEMENTIf wire bundles are untied or moved to perform adjustment or parts replacement etc., be sure to rearrange them neatly asthey were originally bundled or placed afterward.Otherwise, incorrect arrangement can be a cause of noisegeneration.Wire arrangement viewed from the top整形図調整部品交換等、類結束移動場合、作業完了時点整形。正整形発生原因。上面整形Back Panel sideFront Panel side6AVR-2808CI / AVR-988CAUTION IN SERVICINGInitializing AV SURROUND RECEIVER/AM-PLIFIERAV SURROUND RECEIVER/AMPLIFIER initialization should be performed when the com, peripheral parts of com, and Digital P.W.B. are replaced.1. Switch off the unit.2. Hold the following STANDARD button and DSP SIMULA-TION button, and switch on the unit.3. Check that the entire display is flashing with an interval of about 1 second, and release your fingers from the 2 buttons and the microprocessor will be initialized.Note:If step 3 does not work, start over from step 1. All user settings will be lost and this factory setting will be recovered when this initialization mode.So make sure to memorize your setting for restoring after the initialization.JIG to use for servicingWhen you repair the printing board, you can use the following JIG (Extention cable kit). Please order to Denon Official Service Distributor in your region if necessary.00D SPK- 561 EXTENSION UNIT KIT : 1 Set00D SPK- 562 TUCP CONN. JOINT KIT : 1 Set時注意事項AV / 初期化周辺部品、Digital 基板等交換場合、AV / 初期化行下。1.on/off OFF 。2.STANDARD DSP SIMULATION 同時押、on/off 押 ON 。3.表示約 1 秒間隔点滅確認後、2 指離。初期化。注意 :上記 3 状態場合、一度操作 1 直。初期化行客様設定内容工場出荷状態戻、設定内容控初期化後再設定。時使用治具基板修理際、使用治具 ( 延長)下記。必要応販社注文下。00D SPK- 561 EXTENSION UNIT KIT : 1 式00D SPK- 562 TUCP CONN. JOINT KIT : 1 式1,22,37AVR-2808CI / AVR-988CHECK WITH TEST MODEcom/DSP Error Display Mode1. Operation Speccom version display mode:When the following conditions are satisfied at its starting state, error information is displayed before version information.Starting method (same as com version display):While pressing 2 buttons, STATUS and RETURN, turn on on/off button.Then, press STATUS button to display the following information on the FL Display.2. Display OrderError information Destination information Main-com version information Sub-com version information DSP version information3. DisplayAny one of the following list is displayed, in the priority of .Condition State DisplaySub-com NGNo response from Sub-com DIR NGNo response from DIR DSP1 NGWhen DSP boot, executing DSP reset makes no change to BUSY port L. 1 No change to BUSY port L before issuing DSP command. 1 When DSP data read, executing WRITE=L makes no change to ACK=H. 1 When DSP data read, executing REQ=L makes no change to ACK=L. 1 When DSP data write, executing WRITE=H makes no change to ACK=H. 1 When DSP data write, executing REQ=L makes no change to ACK=L. 1 When DSP special code boot, executing DSP reset makes no change to BUSY port L. 1 No change to BUSY port L before issuing DSP special read command. 1 No change to BUSY port L before DSP version read. 1 DSP2 NGWhen DSP boot, executing DSP reset makes no change to BUSY port L. 2 No change to BUSY port L before issuing DSP command. 2 When DSP data read, executing WRITE=L makes no change to ACK=H. 2 When DSP data read, executing REQ=L makes no change to ACK=L. 2 When DSP data write, executing WRITE=H makes no change to ACK=H. 2 When DSP data write, executing REQ=L makes no change to ACK=L. 2 When DSP special code boot, executing DSP reset makes no change to BUSY port L. 2 No change to BUSY port L before issuing DSP special read command. 2 No change to BUSY port L before DSP version read. 2 Both SUB/DSP OK (No error display, version display only)方法DSP 表示1. 動作仕様表示 :起動状態下記条件該当場合、情報表示前情報表示。起動方法 ( 表示同様 ):STATUS, RETURN 2 押状態、on/off 押電源入。後、STATUS 押下表内容 FL Display 表示。2. 表示順序情報 仕向地表示 情報 情報 DSP 情報3. 表示条件下表表示。表示優先順、 。条件状態表示内容 SUB NGSUB 応答 DIR NG DIR 応答 DSP 1 NGDSP 時、DSP 実行 BUSY L 1 DSP 発行前、BUSY L 1 DSP 時、WRITE=L ACK=H 1 DSP 時、REQ=L ACK=L 1 DSP 時、WRITE=H ACK=H 1 DSP 時、REQ=L ACK=L 1 DSP 時、DSP 実行BUSY L 1 DSP 発行前、BUSY L 1 DSP 前、BUSY L 1 DSP 2 NGDSP 時、DSP 実行 BUSY L 2 DSP 発行前、BUSY L 2 DSP 時、WRITE=L ACK=H 2 DSP 時、REQ=L ACK=L 2 DSP 時、WRITE=H ACK=H 2 DSP 時、REQ=L ACK=L 2 DSP 時、DSP 実行BUSY L 2 DSP 発行前、BUSY L 2 DSP 前、BUSY L 2 SUB/DSP 共 OK ( 表示表示行 )on/off buttonRETURNSTATUSon/off buttonRETURNSTATUS8AVR-2808CI / AVR-988ADJUSTMENTAudio SectionIdling Current (1U-3854-1)Required measurement equipment: DC VoltmeterPreparation(1) Avoid direct blow from an air conditioner or an electric fan, and adjust the unit at normal room tempereture 15C 30C (59F 86F).(2) PresettingPOWER (Power sourse switch)OFFSPEAKER (Speaker terminal)No load(Do not connect speaker, dummy resistor, etc.)Adjustment(1) Remove top cover and set VR401, VR402, VR403, VR404, VR405, VR406, VR407, on 1U-3854-1 (Power Amp Unit) at fully counterclockwise ().(2) Connect DC Voltmeter to test points (FRONT-Lch: CX063 pin, FRONT-Rch: CX063 pin, CENTER ch: CX063 pin, SURROUND-Lch: TP102 pin, SURROUND-Rch: CX082 pin, SURROUND BACK-Lch: CX082 pin, SURROUND BACK-Rch: CX082 pin).(3) Connect power cord to AC Line, and turn power switch ON.(4) Presetting.MASTER VOLUME : - counterclockwise ( min.)MODE: 7CH STEREOFUNCTION: CD(5) Allow 2 minutes, and turn VR401 clockwise () to adjust the TEST POINT voltage to 6.5 mV 0.5 mV DC.(6) After 10 minutes from preset, turn VR401 to set the voltage to 8 mV 0.5 mV DC.(7) Adjust the Variable Resistors of other channels in the same way.(8) After 5 minutes from (6), turn VR401 to set the voltage to 8 mV 0.5 mV DC.(9) Adjust the Variable Resistors of other channels in the same way.調整電流調整(1U-3854-1)調整必要測定器:DC Voltmeter準備(1) 、扇風機風通良場所避、通常使用状態置。周囲温度15 30 、湿度常湿。(2) 電源OFF端子無負荷(抵抗器接続。 )調整(1) 上、1U-3854-1() VR401、 VR402、 VR403、 VR404、 VR405、 VR406、 VR407反時計方向()回切状態。(2) (FRONT-Lch: CX063 pin、 FRONT-Rch: CX063 pin、CENTER ch: CX063 pin、SURROUND-Lch: CX082 pin、SURROUND-Rch:CX082 pin、SURROUND BACK-Lch: CX082 pin、SURROUND BACK-Rch: CX082 pin) DC Voltmeter 接続。(3) 電源 AC 電源接続、電源“ON”。(4) ON 後、次。MASTER VOLUME(音量調節)反時計方向()回、最小状態。SPEAKER(端子)無負荷(、抵抗器接続。 )MODE:7CH STEREOFUNCTION : CD(5) 2 分以内 VR401 時計方向()回電圧次調整。6.5 mV 0.5 mV DC(6) 予備調整 10 分後 VR401 回、次電圧設定。8 mV 0.5 mV DC(7) 同方法各可変抵抗調整。(8) (6) 項設定 5 分後 VR401 回、次電圧設定。8 mV 0.5 mV DC(9) 同方法各可変抵抗調整。9AVR-2808CI / AVR-988The adjustment volume and connection terminal of 1U-3854-1 (POWER AMP Unit)P.W.B. under 1U-3841-1 (REG Unit)P.W.B.Insert an adjustment driver / connection terminal from an adjust-ment aperture of 1U-3841-1 (REG Unit)P.W.B.SL chFR chFL chSR chCX063C chSBR chSBL chCX082Audio SectionDC VoltmeterVR406SBR chSBL chVR403FR chSR chVR401VR405SL chC chVR404FL chVR407VR402CX063CX0821U-3854-1 POWER AMP Unit1U-3841-1 REG Unit1U-3854-1(POWER AMP Unit) 基板調整接続端子 1U-3841-1(REG Unit) 基板下有。1U-3841-1(REG Unit) 基板調整孔調整 / 接続端子挿入。10AVR-2808CI / AVR-988TROUBLE SHOOTING1. POWER1.1. Power not turn on1.2. Fuse is blownPower not turn onYESIs the ON/STANDBY indicator on the front panel flashing red?YESAre there any incomplete con-nections in the connectors con-necting between the variouscircuit boards?NOIs there a short circuit betweenthe speaker terminals and theground?YESCorrect the short circuitbetween the speaker and theground.YESNONOConnect the connectors prop-erly.Check for damage in the poweramplifier circuitry parts andreplace any defective parts.Is the fuse blown?NORefer to Fuse is blownYESDoes the power turn on whenthe POWER switch is turned offthen back on?NOIs a DC 6V voltage being sup-plied from the 1U-3857-3 board(CX126 pins 7 and 8) to themicroprocessor?NOIs a DC 6V voltage output whenthe connector supplying thepower from the 1U-3857-3board to the microprocessor(CX126) is unplugged?NOCheck the parts from IC501 tothe primary circuitry andreplace any defective parts.YESYESYESCheck the primary circuitryparts including the POWERswitch (for poor contacts, etc.),and replace any defectiveparts.Check the 1U-3857-1 boardsmicroprocessor periphery cir-cuitry and replace any defec-tive parts.Check the circuitry and partsfrom CX126 on the 1U-3857-3board to the microprocessor fordamage and short-circuits, andreplace any defective parts.Fuse is blownYESYESYESCheck for leaks or short circuitsin the primary side parts, andreplace any defective parts.Check for short circuits in therectifier diodes and circuitry ofthe secondary side rectifyingcircuits, and replace any defec-tive parts.Check for short circuits in thepower stabilizer units regula-tor output terminal and theground, and replace any defec-tive parts.YESYESYESAfter repairing, also replace the fuse.1. 電源1.1. 電源入1.2. 断線電源入YES/ 赤色点滅?YES各基板間接続不完全接続部分?NOSP 端子 GND 間短絡?YESSP 端子 GND 間短絡取除。YESNONO正接続。POWER AMP 回路部品破損確認、不良部品交換。断線?NO断線参照。YESPOWER SW OFF 、再度 POWER SW ON 電源入?NO1U-3857-3 基板(CX126 7、8番) DC6V供給?NO1U-3857-3 基板電源供給(C126)抜 DC6V 出力?NOIC501 1 次回路部品確認、不良部品交換。YESYESYESPOWER SW等含1次回路部品 ( 接触不良等 ) 確認、不良部品交換。1U-3857-1 周辺回路確認、不良部品交換。1U-3857-3 基板 C126 以降電源回路部品破損短絡確認、不良部品交換断線YESYESYES1 次側部品短絡確認、不良部品交換。2 次側整流回路、整流回路短絡確認、不良部品交換。電源安定化部出力端子 GND 短絡確認、短絡場合、不良部品交換。YESYESYES修理後、FUSE 交換。11AVR-2808CI / AVR-9882. Analog video2.1. MONITOR OUT (CVBS) Output NGMONITOR OUT (CVBS) Output NG When checking operation, select DVD for the function.(COMPONENT1 input) Checking the video convert ON/OFF settingsVideo convert ONVideo convert OFFInputCVBSInputSInput COMPONENTInputCVBSInputSInput COMPONENTABInterlaceor ProgressiveDNo outputNo outputInterlaceCProgressive no output2. 2.1. MONITOR OUT (CVBS) 出力 NGMONITOR OUT (CVBS) 出力 NG 動作確認時 DVD 選択。(COMPONENT1 入力 ) ON/OFF 設定確認 ON OFF入力CVBS入力S入力 COMPONENT入力 CVBS入力S入力 COMPONENTA B or D 出力出力 C 出力12AVR-2808CI / AVR-988 Unless specified, 1U-3839-1 A.VIDEO UNIT part.AInput CVBS1U-3839-1 A.VIDEO UNITCheck 5VA.+5VA : CX078-3,4pin-5VA : CX078-5pinNGTo troubleshooting 1.1 Power not turnon.OK1U-3839-1 A.VIDEO UNITCheck input/output of analog


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