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    MODEL CHS100100 WATT TRANSISTORPUBLIC ADDRESS AMPLIFER.0IS1LEAR SIEGLER, INC.BOGEN COMMUNICATIONS DlVlSlONP.O. BOX 500PARAMUS, N. J. 07652INSTALLATION AND OPERATING MANUALR E A D T H O R O U G H L Y B E F O R E O P E R A T I N G E Q U I P M E N TRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库D E S C R I P T I O NThe Bogen Model CHSlOO is a fully transistorizedpublic address amplifier rated at 100 watts. The unitwill accommodate two microphone inputs and twoauxiliary inputs for a tuner, tape recorder, or phono-graph with a ceramic cartridge. The amplifier willaccommodate either high or low impedance micro-phones, and no transformer is required to change fromone microphone impedance to the other.Individual volume controls are provided for eachmicrophone input. A fader volume controls selects andadjusts the level of the desired auxiliary input andpermits fading between the two inputs. A master vol-ume control regulates the mixed output level. Sep-arate bass and treble controls permit adjustments fortonal balance.Outputs are provided for 2, 8 and 16-ohm speakersand for 25-volt and 70-volt balanced speaker linesystems. Two quick-disconnect plugs provide rapidand convenient connections to speakers. The outputThe CHSlOO amplifier operates from a 105-125of the CHSlOO amplifier can also be fed to a tape re-corder or booster amplifier.volt AC source, and has a total power consumptionof 150 watts. A 1.75-ampere circuit breaker protectsthe amplifier against overloads. An optional accessory designed to mount on the front panel of the CHSlOO provides two additionalcorder or tuner. The BRIDGING receptacle can alsohigh or low impedance microphone inputs. A BRIDGINGreceptacle on the rear panel accepts additional high-be used as a high-impedance output to feed a tapelevel, high-impedance signals from a unit having itsown volume control. such as a preamplifier, tape re-recorder or auxiliary amplifier. The master volumecontrol will not affect the bridging output level.1TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSPOWER OUTPUT: 100 watts at less than 5%distortion.PEAK POWER: 200 watts.FREQUENCY RESPONSE: 40 to 20,000 Hz 2 db.SENSITIVITY: Hi Z MIC, 4 mv; Lo Z MIC, 0.3 mv;AUX, 0.3 volt; Bridging, 1 volt.HUM AND NOISE (below rated output): MIC input,65 db; AUX input, 70 db.INPUTS: 2 MIC, high (100 K ohms) or low (200ohms) impedance; 2 AUX (300 Kfi); Bridg-ing (high impedance).OUTPUTS: 2, 8, 16 ohm speakers; 25 volt CTbalanced (m); 70 volt balanced (4%); TAPEor BOOSTER, 10K at 5V; Bridging, high im-pedance at 0.5V.CONTROLS: 2 MIC volume; 1 AUX volume (faderfor two inputs); MASTER volume; BASS,TREBLE tone; POWER switch and indicator.TONE CONTROL ACTION: Treble (at 10 K Hz),t 11 db to -12 db, Bass(at 50 Hz), +10 db to-10 db.POWER REQUIREMENTS: 105 to 125 volts, 50 or60 cycles AC, 150 watts.SEMI-CONDUCTORS: 10 silicon transistors, 2diodes.DIMENSIONS: 15” wide x lO” deep x 5” high.SHIPPING WEIGHT: 24 pounds.A C C E S S O R I E SPMA-2 ADD-ON PREAMPLIFIERThe Bogen Model PMA-2 Preamplifier is designedto provide two additional microphone channels for theCHSlOO amplifier. Each preamp channel has its ownvolume control and will accommodate either high-im-pedance or low impedance microphones. The unit isconnected to the Preamp Accessory socket on the topchassis of the CHSlOO amplifier. When installed, thePMA-2 control knobs protrude through the front panelof the CHSlOO amplifier.especially for matching either inputs from or outputsto a 500/600 ohm line. As an input matching trans-former it may be used with the Bogen amplifier for distributing background music which has been trans-mitted over leased telephone lines. The, accessoryalso functions as an output matching transformer infeeding special program material over a 500/600 ohmtelephone line for transmission to a local broadcaststudio.LVP-I ACCESSORYWMT-I LINE MATCHING TRANSFORMERThe Bogen Model LVP-1 is a plug-in accessoryThe Bogen WMT-1 line input/line output matching which permits the user to provide microphone prece-transformer is an accessory which has been designed dence when used with a customer supplied switch-2-RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库and the Bogen amplifier. The LVP-1 may also be usedas a remote volume control in conjunction with theModel RVC-1 remote volume control.ing a dual-stylus turnover cartridge is included withrecord player.LK-IO CONTROL GUARD LOCKING PLATERVC-I REMOTE VOLUME CONTROLThe Bogen Model LK-10 control guard lockingThe Bogen Model RVC-1 accessory permits theplate is designed to prevent unauthorized tamperingamplifier to provide remote volume control when used with the controls of amplifier. It comes complete within conjunction with LVP-1 accessory. two sets of keys. The key cannot be removed whenMODEL LPC-4 PHONO PLAYER TOPthe lock is in open position.Model LPC-4 is a complete four-speed phono- RPK-27 RACK PANELplayer designed to be mounted directly on top of theThe Bogen Model RPK-27 rack panel kit is de-amplifier. The unit comes complete with all necessarysigned to mount the CHSlOO amplifier (with or with-hardware, and can be easily installed and connectedout the PMA-2 preamplifier) in a standard 19” x 7”to amplifier with only a screwdriver. A tone arm hous-rack. The rack panel is finished in gray enamel.INSTALLATIONUNPACKING power cables.Inspect the shipping container and amplifier forindications of improper handling. The amplifier wascarefully checked before leaving factory. If the unithas been damaged, make an immediate claim to thedealer or distributor from whom it was purchased. Ifthe amplifier was shipped to you, notify the trans-portation company without delay and place your claim.POWER AND GROUNDlNGCONNECTIONS BETWEEN COMPONENTSFor high-impedance inputs, use single-conductor,low-capacity shielded wire for connecting the recordplayer, tape recorder, and other components to theamplifier. Keep leads under ten feet in length.For low-impedance microphone inputs, use single-conductor shielded wire, in lengths from 50 to 500feet depending on the characteristics of the micro-phone.The amplifier is furnished with an AC line cordterminated in a three-prong plug. Plug the line cordinto a three-wire grounded outlet providing a nominal120-volt, 50-60 cycle power source. This will groundthe amplifier as well as supply power to it.It is advisable to ground the amplifier. Therefore,if a three-wire outlet is not available, an adapter suchas Leviton No. 5017 should be used to convert a stand-ard two-wire outlet for use with three-wire plugs. Theadapter is provided with a grounding pigtail whichshould be connected to the screw holding the wall plateto the receptacle, as shown in figure 1.Speakers may be connected with standard flex-ible line cord (zip-cord), and up to 100 feet of cablemay be used without appreciable loss.Make certain that all input cables are kept awayfrom speakers cables, power cables, and power trans-formers, and that speaker cables are kept away fromIn some areas, the wall plate screw is notgrounded. In this case it will be necessary toconnect a grounding wire between the GND terminal on the rear chassis of the amplifier and awater or steam pipe.NOTEINPUT CONNECTIONSMICROPHONESTwo microphones may be connected to the am-plifier, and either or both may be used simultaneously.Either high or low-impedance microphones may beused. The amplifier is shipped with an adaptor in themicrophone receptacles, which permits high-impedancemicrophone inputs either from a phone plug or froma standard MClF microphone connector.Figure 1 -Grounding Line Cord AdapterHI Z: Connect a high-impedance microphone (10,000ohms or more) to the MIC 1 HI Z receptacle on therear panel of the amplifiet (see figure 2). Connect asecond high-impedance microphone to the receptaclemarked MIC 2 HI Z. Use a single-conductor shieldedcable, terminating either in a phone plug or a standardmicrophone connector (Amphenol 75-MClF or equiv-alent). Remove the adaptor from the microphone re-ceptacle when the phone plug is used. The cablelength from the microphone to the amplifier should bekept under 10 feet.LO Z: Connect low-impedance microphones (600 ohmsor less) to the LO Z terminal strip on the rear panel(see figure 2). Use a single-conductor shielded cable.The conductor is connected to the MIC 1 terminal andthe shield to GND. Connect a second low-impedancemicrophone to the terminal strip in the same manner,with the high side of the cable to the MIC 2 terminal-3-and the shield to GND. Low-impedance microphones CAUTIONmay be used with cable lengths from 50 to 500 feet, Remove the adapter plug from the microphonedepending on the characteristics of the microphone. receptacle when thelow-impedance input is used.Figure 2 -Rear View CHS100 AmplifierPHONOGRAPHPhonographs employing a ceramic or crystal typecartridge may be connected to either the AUX 1 orAUX 2 receptacle. Use single-conductor shieldedcable terminated in a standard single-prong phonoplug. It is recommended that a separate ground wirebe connected between the phono player base and theGND terminal on the Output Terminal Strip on the rearpanel of the amplifier (see figure 2). This is not re-quired when using the Bogen Model LPC-4 phonoplayer accessories.AUXILIARYA radio tuner, tape recorder or any other high-level, high-impedance signal source may also be con-nected to the AUX inputs. An input level of at least0.3 volts is required to obtain full output from theamplifier.The input from a 500/600-ohm line is also con-nected to the AUX receptacle through a WMT-1 linematching transformer. For detailed connections, seethe instruction sheet furnished with the Bogen ModelWMT-1 accessory.REMOTE VOLUMECONTROLEach of the three input channels may have itsvolume controlled remotely by utilizing Bogen LVP-1and RVC-1 accessories. Remote control permits ad-justment of volume from distances up to 2,000 feet.The LVP-1 unit is plugged into the appropriateREMOTE ACCESSORY SOCKET, located on the topchassis (see figure 3). It is necessary to remove thetop section of the amplifier cage to reach the accessorysockets. This is done by loosening the two sheetmetal screws at the rear of the amplifier and liftingthe top section off.The leads from the RVC-1 accessory are con-nected to the MIC 1, MIC 2 or AUX terminal and GNDon the REMOTE CONTROL PRECEDANCE strip onthe rear panel (see figure 2). Complete installationinformation is contained in the instruction sheet fur-nished with the LVP-1 and RVP-1 accessories.MIC 2(LVP-I)MIC I(LVP-I)Figure 3 - Location of Accessory Sockets-4-MICROPHONE PRECEDENCEEach of the microphone channels can be con-nected to provide precedence over the AUX channelby means of the Bogen LVP-1 accessory unit and anordinary single-pole, single-throw switch. The LVP-1accessory is plugged into the AUX REMOTE AC-CESSORY socket on the top of the chassis (see figure3). Connect the switch to the MIC 1 or MIC 2 terminalon the REMOTE CONTROL PRECEDENCE strip onthe rear panel (see figure 2). For complete installationinformation, see the instruction sheet furnished withthe LVP-1 and RVP-1 accessories.WMT-I ACCESSORY INPUTTo connect the input from a 500/600-ohm line,mount the WMT-1 transformer on the WMT-1 mountingholes on the rear chassis (see figure 2). Connect the500/600-ohm input to the three-screw terminal boardon the accessory. Connect the phono plug on the WMT-1 to the AUX 1 or AUX 2 input of the amplifier.NOTEIf another sound source has been plugged intothe AUX input, the WMT-1 may be connected tothe MIC input of the amplifier. However, theWMT-1 wiring must first be modified, as de-scribed in the instruction sheet furnished withthe accessory.AUXILIARY POWERThe auxiliary power receptacle is a three-wiregrounded outlet. Hence, any associated equipment con-nected to it with a three-prong line cord will be ground-ed, providing the amplifier line cord has been properlygrounded. Both the amplifier power switch and thephono on-off switch must be used in turning off a re-cordplayer connected to the auxiliary receptacle. Flatsmay develop on the idler wheel of the phonograph ifonly the amplifier power switch is used to stop therecord player.SPEAKERSThe amplifier may be used with speaker systemsrated at 2, 8 and 16 ohms and with 25-volt and 70-voltconstant-voltage speaker systems. For detailed in-formation on the installation of multiple speaker sys-tems, refer to the Speaker Installation Instructions(No. 54-5001-02) included with this unit.In installations where speakers will remain con-nected to the amplifier permanently, connect the speak-er directly to the output terminals on the rear panel(see figure 2). Connect one lead to the terminal cor-responding to the speaker systems impedance andthe other lead to COM 1.For 25-volt operation, connect leads between 25V (6-8 Q) terminal and COM 1. For balanced 25-voltoperation, remove the shorting link between COM 1and GND. Connect the high sides of the balancedline between the 25 V (6-8 Q) and the COM terminals.The balanced line ground is connected to the 25 VCT(1.5-2 a) terminals.For 70-volt operation,connect the speaker lineleads to the 70 V (4912) and COM 2 terminals. Con-nect a jumper between the COM 2 and GND terminals,if grounding is desired. For balanced line operation,disconnect the jumper between COM 2 and GND.For installations that are moved constantly, con-nect the speaker to the speaker socket on the rearpanel. Two speaker plugs (Bogen Part No. 85-0147-01)are furnished with the amplifier for use in makingconnections to the speaker sockets.O U T P U T C O N N E C T I O N SFor standard impedance loudspeakers and 25-voltsystems, connect the speaker line leads to pins 1 and2 of the plug. Connect the wired plug to either speak-er socket, then attach the impedance selector to theappropriate output terminal which corresponds to theimpedance of the loudspeaker. For 25-volt systems,the impedance selector is attached to the 25 V (6-812)terminal.For 70-volt operation,the speaker line leadsare connected to pins 2 and 3 of the speaker plug.Connect the impedance selector to the COM 2 terminal.BRIDGING OUTPUTThe BRIDGING receptacle on the rear panel pro-vides a high-impedance output to feed a tape recorderor auxiliary amplifier. The MASTER Volume Controlwill not affect the bridging output level.WMT-I ACCESSORY OUTPUTBy utilizing a Bogen WMT-1 bridging transformer,a zero-level output at 500/600 ohms may be obtainedfor feeding a telephone line. The WMT-1 accessory isconnected to the WMT-1 HI Z output jack on the rearpanel. See the instruction sheet furnished with theWMT-1 transformer for complete installation directions.TAPE OR BOOSTER AMPLIFIERTo drive a booster amplifier or tape recorder, con-nect a patch cord (with a standard phono plug) fromthe TAPE/BOOSTER output jack to the input of thebooster amplifier or tape recorder.-5-POWER SWITCHThe POWER switch on the front panel turns theamplifier ON and OFF.MICROPHONE IThe MIC 1 control on the front panel is used toadjust the volume of the Microphone 1 input. It isturned clockwise (to the higher numbers) to increasethe volume and


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