1999 Bose CorporationService ManualPart Number 199746 Rev. 00ACM-1 Amplifier Control ModuleRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库2CONTENTSPROPRIETARY INFORMATIONTHIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OFBOSE CORPORATION WHICH IS BEING FURNISHED ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF SERVICING THE IDENTIFIED BOSE PRODUCT BY AN AUTHORIZED BOSE SERVICE CENTER OR OWNER OF THE BOSE PRODUCT, AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED OR USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE.CAUTION: The ACM-1 Amplifier Control Module containsno user serviceable parts. To prevent warranty infractions,refer servicing to warranty service centers or factory service.Safety Information. 3Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive (ESDS) Device Handling . 4Warranty Information . 4Figure 1. ACM-1 Audio Section Block Diagram. 5Figure 2. ACM-1 Monitoring Section Block Diagram. 6Theory of Operation. 7-10Disassembly/Assembly Procedures . 11-12Figure 3. Input Module Screw Removal.11Figure 4. ACM-1 Default Switch Settings . 11Figure 5. 1800VI Ribbon Cable Connector Location (ACM-1 J8 to 1800VI J2) . 11Figure 6. ACM-1 J1 Ribbon Cable Connection . 12Test Procedures .13-19Table 1. ACM-1 Input, Output, and Power Connections. 13Table 2. PS71 Power Supply List . 13Figure 7. ACM-1 Switch Settings . 14Figure 8. 1800VI Rear Panel Switch Settings. 14Figure 9. ACM-1 Graphical User Interface Control Panel . 15Table 3. Amplifier Output Performance Tests . 16Test Cable Construction . 19Part List Notes. 19Main and Packaging Part list, ACM-1 Amplifier Control Module (see Figure 10). 20Figure 10. ACM-1 Amplifier Control Module Exploded View . 20Electrical part list .21-25Figure 11. Daughterboard Topside Etch Layout Diagram . 26Figure 12. Daughterboard Internal Etch Layout Diagram . 26Figure 13. Daughterboard Bottom Etch Layout Diagram . 26Integrated Circuit Pinout Diagrams. 27-29RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库3SAFETY INFORMATION1. Parts that have special safety characteristics are identified by the symbol on schematics or by special notes on the parts list. Use only replacement parts that have critical characteristics recommended by the manufacturer.2. Make leakage current or resistance measurements to determine that exposed parts are acceptably insulated from the supply circuit before returning the unit to the customer. Use the following checks to perform these measurements: A. Leakage Current Hot Check (1) With the unit completely reassembled, plug the AC line cord directly into a 120V AC outlet. Do not use an isolation transformer during this test. Use a leakage current tester or a metering system that complies with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) C101.1 Leakage Current for Appliances and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 1492 (71). (2) With the unit AC switch first in the ON position and then in the OFF position, measure from a known earth ground (metal water pipe, conduit, etc.) to all exposed metal parts of the unit (antennas, handle bracket, metal cabinet, screwheads, metallic overlays, control shafts, etc.), especially any exposed metal parts that offer an electrical return path to the chassis. (3) Any current measured must not exceed 0.5 milliamp. (4) Reverse the unit power cord plug in the outlet and repeat test. ANY MEASUREMENTS NOT WITHIN THE LIMITS SPECIFIED HEREIN INDICATE A POTENTIAL SHOCK HAZARD THAT MUST BE ELIMINATED BEFORE RETURNING THE UNIT TO THE CUSTOMER. B. Insulation Resistance Test Cold Check (1) Unplug the power supply and connect a jumper wire between the two prongs of the plug. (2) Turn on the power switch of the unit. (3) Measure the resistance with an ohmmeter between the jumpered AC plug and each exposed metallic cabinet part on the unit. When the exposed metallic part has a return path to the chassis, the reading should be between 1 and 5.2 Megohms. When there is no return path to the chassis, the reading must be infinite. If it is not within the limits specified, there is the possibility of a shock hazard, and the unit must be repaired and rechecked before it is returned to the customer.4ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE SENSITIVE(ESDS) DEVICE HANDLINGThis unit contains ESDS devices. We recommend the following precautions when repairing,replacing, or transporting ESDS devices:Perform work at an electrically grounded work station.Wear wrist straps that connect to the station or heel straps that connect to conductive floor mats.Avoid touching the leads or contacts of ESDS devices or PC boards even if properly grounded. Handle boards by the edges only.Transport or store ESDS devices in ESD protective bags, bins, or totes. Do not insert unprotected devices into materials such as plastic, polystyrene foam, clear plastic bags, bubble wrap, or plastic trays.WARRANTY INFORMATIONThe ACM-1 Amplifier Control Module is covered by a 5-year transferable limited warranty.5Clock LogicU218VCLK3131422DATA I08ENABLE I07BufferDriverU8BufferDriverU7BufferDriverU7BufferDriverU8ProtectionCircuitryProtectionCircuitryProtectionCircuitryProtectionCircuitryDigitalAttenuator0 -100 dBU14SwitchableInverterU11SelectorU13SelectorU12SelectorU10Eq Card 2Eq Card 1HF SwitchSW2ProtectionCircuitryProtectionCircuitryBalancedUnbalancedBalancedUnbalancedMode SwitchU16U15AIN1+IN1-GNDAIN2+IN2-GND32SW1BSW2BSW2ASW1AHF1HF232627501121572152143355725161011AAP2CH. 2 EQOUTPUTAMP IN 2J1-20AMP IN 1J1-16CH. 1 EQOUTPUTP377SW1BSW2BSW1ASW1BMODE001110dont caredont carenormalnormaldual monobridgedTruth TableJ6-5J6-412Figure 1. ACM-1 Audio Section Block Diagram6RectificationRectificationMeanPeakMeanPeakCurrentSenseRectificationMeanDividerCurrentSenseRectificationMeanDividerRectifierRegulatorWired ORADGnd.+5VdcStandbyNetwork Power (dc / dc)Adapter Power (ac / dc)Amplifier Power (dc)JumperI Out +1I Out +2V2_PeakV2_MeanV1_PeakV1_MeanI1_MeanI2_MeanI Out 1+I Out 1-I Out 2+I Out 2-ThermalSensorNeuronMicro-processorLevel ShiftingMultiplexerAnalog to DigitalConverter10-bit SerialTherm 1Therm 2106 dcStandbyProtect 1Protect 2Aux 1Aux 2V1_MeanV1_PeakV2_MeanV2_PeakI1_MeanI2_MeanAmplifierDataActivityLEDService PinService LEDGnd.Network PowerPower-upNetwork (LonWorks)Signals to AmplifierAmp In 1Amp In 2Power-upLEDData BusSignals from AmplifierTherm 1Therm 2Rail Voltage+I Out 1-I Out 1+I Out 2-I Out 2Protect 1Protect 2Figure 2. ACM-1 Monitoring Section Block Diagram7THEORY OF OPERATIONGeneral Description:The Bose ACM-1 Amplifier Control Module is an optional replacement for the standardInput Module that is delivered with the Bose 1600 and 1800 Series VI Power Amplifiers.This module, which installs into the back of the amplifier in place of the standard inputmodule, adds a network interface to the power amplifier; allowing the user to control andmonitor the amplifier(s) remotely and simultaneously. This can be done only when theamplifier is in standby or sequence mode, which is set on the front of the amplifier. Thenetwork topology used by the ACM-1 Amplifier Control Module is the LonWorks networkstandard which is a registered trademark of Echelon Corporation. The device controllingthe amplifier(s) may be a personal computer or any other smart device that incorporatesa LonWorks Neuron module.The Bose ACM-1 uses a LonWorks Neuron module to translate network polls intoaddressing, reading and writing commands used to control the amplifier. This devicecontains a network transceiver and a micro-controller interacting with on-board flash-memory. On the main PCB of the ACM-1, an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)translates amplifier operating conditions such as output level, temperature and clippinglevel inside the amplifier to digital information to be passed to and from the Neuron moduleand ultimately, the network. This information can be monitored with a computer eitherlocally, tied directly to the control network of the installation, or remotely, provided that theremote computer has a network connection such as a modem (Internet), Ethernet, or LAN,and the required software. The amplifier itself is controlled by setting a digital/analog signalattenuator to manipulate volume level, as well as to switch the amplifier from stand-bymode to operate mode and vice versa.The ACM-1 is normally fed stand-by power by an external 12 Vrms AC power adapterwhen the amplifier is off or in stand-by (sequence) mode. This allows the amplifier to beturned on remotely by providing a constant power source to the Neuron module and theAnalog to Digital Converter. The amplifier cannot supply power to the Neuron modulewhen the amplifier is switched off, which is why the AC adapter is required. Without thiskeep-alive voltage, the amplifier would not be able to be powered up remotely. Once theamplifier is operating, the keep-alive voltage could fail and still have the amplifier operate.Once the amplifier is shut off again, however, the keep-alive voltage must again bepresent to allow remote turn-on of the amplifier. The recommended AC power adapter isthe Bose PS71. See Table 2 on page 12 for part numbers for the various models.The keep-alive voltage input circuitry of the ACM-1 is designed to also allow the use of aDC external stand-by power source. The nominal power requirements for a DC sourceare +12 Vdc at 100 mA. Furthermore, it is also possible to power the ACM-1 via thenetwork cable. This must be a DC source. Although this mode of powering has itslimitations due to wire length and thickness, this option might be very useful in smaller orhighly segmented applications. To use network power, jumpers at JB1 on the daughter-board must be set. Place jumpers across pins 1 & 2 and across pins 5 & 6 at JB1. Referto sheet 2 of the schematic diagram at coordinates D5. The daughterboard is the smallboard mounted to the faceplate with the RJ45 connectors on it. Refer to the daughterboardlayout diagrams on page 23. The ACM-1 is shipped with the jumpers uninstalled in orderto avoid RFI noise coupling onto the network wire, which may degrade amplifierperformance when this mode is not used.Refer to the ACM-1 Schematic Diagram, Sheet 2 of 2, for the following information.Note: The designators inside the brackets are the schematic grid coordinates whichare provided in order to make it easier to locate components on the schematic sheetindicated in the description.8THEORY OF OPERATIONPower Supply Section:The required keep-alive voltage for the ACM-1 enters the unit at J11 C7 as V_IN. Thisinput voltage is rectified, if necessary, by D32 and C44 C7. The DC voltage is regulatedby the +5V regulator U18 C7. This keep-alive power is required by the components thatallow the amplifier to be powered up remotely, the Neuron module not shown onschematic, and the Analog to Digital Converter U9 Sheet 1, B3. D31 and D30 C7together form a wired OR gate. This means that if the amplifier is powered-up, the ACM-1 receives power from it, which is +15 Vdc regulated down to +5 Vdc by U18. If not, theACM-1 is powered from the standby power source, which could be an AC adapter, a DCadapter, or a DC voltage supplied through the network cable. STANDBY B4 is thenetwork power source which is passed through R97 B4 to make STBYOK, which ispassed on to the ADC Multiplexer U17 Sheet 1, C1/2, and is used to detect if there isadapter power available, even when the amplifier is turned on. Note that digital ground isused for the power supply reference in order to keep the analog ground after the +5Vregulator as clean as possible.The ACM-1 consists of a power supply section, an analog section, which is the audiosignal path to the power amplifier, and a digital section which controls and monitors theamplifier.Note: The schematics and theory of operation of the neuron module will not be covered indetail in this section.Refer to the ACM-1 Schematic Diagram, Sheet 1 of 2, for the following information.Audio signal path:The input stage is a balanced input receiver composed of U15 and U16 C/D7. The inputis taken from either the combi input connectors D2/3 or the euro screw terminal inputs atJ4 and 5 Sheet 2, B7. The shield ground is decoupled from the analog ground bycapacitors C14 and C15. All inputs have spark gaps to avoid possible damage due tostatic electricity. All input legs have RFI low-pass filters C/D 7/8 and diode clamps toprotect the op-amps against overload. The input impedance in each leg is approximately25k Ohms and is laser trimmed for good common-mode rejection.After the input signal is converted from balanced to unbalanced, the signal entersswitchable op-amps U10 and U12 C/D6. These op-amps are used to route the signalthrough the optional loudspeaker equalizer cards that can be installed on the ACM-1motherboard. The presence of the EQ cards is detected automatically. If the EQ card isplugged into its socket, the EQ1USED or EQ2USED at J6-6 or J7-6 Sheet 2, B7 signalis grounded causing U10 and/or U12 to route the audio signal through the EQ-cards, bypulling the SW1A and SW2A signals at U10 or U12 low. Also, the appropriate section ofthe green dual LED D50 Sheet 2, A4 will be turned on to indicate the card is installed.Further, the high-pass filter available on the EQ cards can be activated by setting switchSW2 Sheet 2, D7 to the correct position. This causes signal HF1 and HF2, which arerouted to the EQ cards via J6 and J7 Sheet 2, B7 to be grounded.After the signal is equalized, the audio signal is passed on to a second set of switchableop-amps, U11 and U13 C/D6. The function of this op-amp pair is to set the mode ofoperation of the amplifier: normal (stereo) mode, bridged mode or dual-mono mode. IfSW2B is high, the amplifier is in normal mode regardless of the state of the SW1B signal.SW2B basically routes the signal of channel 1 into channel 2 if it is pulled low. By doingthis, the amplifier is configured in bridged mode or dual mono mode, depending on SW1B,which inverts the signal going into channel 2, or not. When SW1B is high, the signal is notinverted and the amplifier is in dual mono mode; if it is pulled low, the amplifier is in bridgedmode. The configuration of the mode of the amplifier is done by setting the SW1 to thecorrect position Sheet 2, D7. 9THEORY OF OPERATIONThe equalized signal is also routed to U7 C/D6 which forms output line drivers. Theoutput of the EQ card is then available to link to the next amplifier, minimizing the need foradditional EQ cards. This signal is available at the female EQ output jacks P2 and P3C/D4 on the frontplate of the ACM-1 module. These outputs are also equipped with RFIlow-pass T-filters, diode clamps and spark-gaps. The output impedance at audiofrequencies is approximately 400 Ohms, making it possible to drive long cable lengthswithout oscillation.After the audio signals are equalized and composed in such a way as to set the correctmode of the amplifier, they are routed into a software controlled attenuator U14 D5. Withthis attenuator, the level of the audio signal can be attenuated in steps of 1 dB from 0 dBall the way down to -100 dB. The lowest attenuation level is a full mute. The attenuationlevel is set by the serial data stream IO9 (DATA) from the Neuron. The attenuator isaddressed with