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    AV8FMJ AV8Preamp Processor Service Manual ARCAMARCAMIssue 2.0RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 Contents List Section Issue Manual Updates ! Service Manual changes issue 1.0 to 2.0 - Technical specifications ! Front & rear view diagram - ! Dimension diagram - ! Specification - Service guide ! Engineering Mode - ! AV8 Programmer software - ! AV8 Loader software - Build Sequence ! How to assemble the AV8 - Phono board L870 ! Circuit description - ! Component overlay 2 ! Parts list 2.0 ! Circuit diagrams 2.0 Digital board L896 ! Circuit description - ! Component overlay 1 ! Parts list 1.6 ! Circuit diagrams 1.6 PSU board L897 ! Circuit description - ! Component overlay 4 ! Parts list 4.1 ! Circuit diagrams 4.0 Display board L898 ! Circuit description - ! Component overlay 1 ! Parts list 1.2 ! Circuit diagrams 1.2 (N.B. circuit diagram marked as 1.1 not 1.2) Audio board L921 ! Circuit description - ! Component overlay 1 ! Parts list 1.2 ! Circuit diagrams 1.2 Video board L922 Circuit description - Component overlay 3 Parts list 3.2 Circuit diagrams 3.2 Phase Locked Loop board L948 Circuit description - Component overlay 1 Parts list 1.0 Circuit diagrams 1.0 Mechanical Mechanical parts list - Phono card upgrade parts list - RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库Manual Updates Service Manual changes issue 1.0 to 2.0 L896 Digital Board 02_E101 IC906 EEPROM changed from 5G24LC08 to 5G24LC16 Parts list updated to issue 1.3 02_E127 R803 removed from parts list 02_E160 R921 changed from 10K 0805 1% (1M310 ) to 33K 0805 1% (1M333) 02_E161 IC907 changed from 74HC14 (5K7414) to 74LVC14 (5KLVC14) IC803 changed from CS8415A-CZ (5A8415) to CS8415A-CR (5A8415R) R820 changed from 5K1 (1M251) to 1K2 (1M212) C820 changed from 82N (2J382) to 100N (2J410) C821 changed from 2N2 (2J222) to 4N7 (2JA247) Circuit plus parts list updated to issue1.6 L897 Power Supply Board 02_E090 Vias added to connect chassis planes between top and bottom layers Plating removed from holes of PSU heat sink HS3 On mechanical parts list for E918RS 1xHA3V06A removed and 1xHA3V10B added 02_E094 1xHA3V06A deleted 1xHA3V10A added for MOSFET clip 1x F224 removed Parts list updated to issue 3.1 02_E142 R1 removed Opto added HCNW137 Circuit plus parts list updated to issue 4.0 PCB changed to allow wider opto to be fitted Parts list updated to issue 4.1 L898 Display Board 02_E081 R128 changed from 22K (1M322) to 33K (1M333) arts list updated to issue1.2 L922 Video Board 02_E103 Change of PCB routing Circuit plus parts list updated to issue 3.0 02_E112 R431 and R430 changed from 4K7 (1M247) to 470R (1M147) Circuit plus parts list updated to issue 3.1 L948 Phase Locked Loop Board 02_E100 Circuit plus parts list updated to issue 1.0 for production release Summary Issue 1.0 to 2.0 Update New section added Technical Specification Specification included Service Guide Engineering mode updated AV8 programmer software added AV8 Loader software added Build Sequence Layout changes to manual Figure 3 changed (F224 blanking plug removed) Figure 8 changed (E042AY replaced with E876MC) Figure 12 changed (note for blanking plug removed) Digital Board L896 Updated circuit diagrams and parts list issue 1.2 to 1.6 Power Supply L897 Updated circuit diagrams to issue 4.0 and parts list issue to 4.1 Display Board L898 Updated parts list issue 1.1 to 1.2 Audio Board L921 Circuit plus parts list updated from 1.1 to 1.2 Video Board L922 Updated circuit diagrams and parts list issue 2.0 to 3.2 Phase Looked Loop L948 Updated circuit diagrams and parts list issue B to 1.0 Technical Specifications Contents ! Front & rear view diagram ! Dimensions diagram ! Specifications 12VTRIGGEROUTINZONE 2INLOCALOUTDVDTUNERAVCDVCRSATY/GY/GU/BOUT1U/BV/RV/RY/GY/GU/B32U/BV/RV/RTAPEREMOTEDIGITAL INPUTSHIGH QUALITY VIDEOZONE 2PROG1/RGB2/S-VIDEO1MONITOR OUT2TAPEVCROUTVIDEOTRIGGERSVCRINAVSATDVDVIDEOAUDIOLEFTCENTRESUB 2L SURRLS BACKLEFTCENTREL SURRRIGHTSUB 1SUB 3R SURRRS BACKRIGHTSUBR SURRLS BACKTUNERCDOUTINOUTINAVSATDVDRS BACKZONE 2 OUTAUX/PHONORS232CONTROL50/60Hz100-240VACMAX 40VAGROUNDLIFT (IN)DESIGNED & MADEIN THE UK BY:-A & R CAMBRIDGE,WATERBEACH, CB5 9PB.SERIAL No. LABELWARNING: THIS APPLIANCE MUST BE EARTHEDCAUTION SHOCK HAZARD, DO NOT OPEN.ACHTUNG VOR OEFFNEN DES GERAETES NETZSTECKER ZIEHEN. ATTENTION RISQUE DE CHOC, NE PAS ENLEVER. PRECAUCION PELIGRO DESCARGA, NO ABRIR.OUTPUTSDVD-A/SACD INMMMCLRLRLRTAPEVCRN1501AV8 PREAMP PROCESSORAV8 PREAMP PROCESSORDVD-ADVD-AMUTEMUTEDIRECTDIRECTTAPETAPETUNERTUNERCDCDPHONO/AUXPHONO/AUXVCRVCRAVAVSATSATDVDDVDOKOKMENUMENUDISPLAYDISPLAYTHX SURROUND EXTHX SURROUND EXPOWERPOWERMODEMODEEFFECTEFFECTTHXTHX Technical Specifications Audio Line input sensitivity (set to Reference) 2V rms Input impedance 10k ohm Preamp output level (nominal) 2V rms Output impedance 25 ohm Signal/noise ratio (unwtd 20Hz 20kHz) analogue 100dB Signal/noise ratio (unwtd 20Hz 20kHz) digital (24-bit) 98dB THD+N analogue 0.0012% THD+N digital (24-bit) 0.0015% Headphone maximum output level into 600 ohm 5V p-p Output impedance 5 ohm Video inputs and outputs Input and output impedance 75 ohm Composite video level 1V HF response to (3dB) 12MHz S-video level (Y/C) 1V/0.28V HF response to (3dB) 12MHz HQ (component) video level (Y/Cr/Cb) 1V/0.5V/0.5V level (R/G/B) 1V/1V/1V HF response to (3dB) 300MHz Digital inputs Coaxial connection (level/impedance) 0.5V/75 ohm Acceptable sampling frequencies, all inputs 44.1kHz, 48kHz, (96kHz stereo only) Digital output Output level/impedance 0.5V/75 ohm Sampling frequency in ADC output mode 44.1kHz Trigger outputs Output D.C. voltage (excl. RGB status) 12V 1V Allowable load 30mA max (min 400 ohm) Remote inputs and output Signal modulated 36kHz carrier Coding Philips RC-5 General Mains voltage range 85V to 265V Power consumption 35VA Power consumption (standby) 32VA Dimensions Width x Depth x Height (including feet) 433mm x 360mm x 130mm Weight (net) 9kg Weight (packed) 14kg Supplied accessories Mains lead CR80 remote control 2 x AAA batteries Service Guide Contents ! Engineering mode ! AV8 Programmer software ! AV8 Loader software AV8 Engineering Mode To access the software versions simultaneously press OK, DVD & CD on the front panel. The software versions will be displayed on the OSD. AV8 Version: 2.0 THX Ul2: 13.0 DTS ES: 15.0 Dolby D: 16.0 DTSNeo6: 18.0 Plogic 2 : 4.0 Cos Eff : 15.0 Exit this menu Select EXIT and OK to leave the menu. If no buttons have been pressed for 30 seconds the AV8 will automatically exit the menu. Press THX, this takes you to the engineering menu first page. Use the up/down buttons on the front panel to select the option followed by the volume control to adjust the setting. Engineering Menu RC5 Code Zone 1 : 16* (or 19) RC5 Code Zone 2 : 16* (or 19) Scrolling Message: Off (or On) Restore Defaults: No (or Yes) Diagnostics : Off (or On) Front Panel IR Rx : On (or Off) EXIT RC5 Code Zone 1 This allows you to select which RC5 system code zone 1 responds to (16 or 19). If set to code 19 the AV8 will not respond to the CR80 remote control. RC5 Code Zone 2 This allows you to select which RC5 system code zone 2 responds to (16 or 19). Scrolling Message This allows you to turn the display scrolling message on/off. When the messages are turned on you can select the displayed message by pressing the corresponding input button. Button Message DVD Arcam AV8 FMJ Home Theatre SAT AV8 Multichannel Processor AV arcam sideways VCR Arcam AV8 Sound and Vision AUX AV8 Designed in Cambridge UK CD Arcam AV8 Preamp Processor TUNER AV8 THX ULTRA 2, DTS ES, DOLBY PL2 Restore Defaults This allows you to reset the AV8 to the factory default settings. Diagnostics (For factory diagnostics only) This switches on RS232 messaging to allow remote analysis (hyperterminal at 38400 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit and no flow control). Please note that this will disable the RS232 interface for user control via crestron or similar controllers. Front Panel IR Rx This allows you to disable the front panel IR receiver and prevent the AV8 from responding to these signals. With the Engineering Menu title bar highlighted use the volume control to select the second engineering page. Engineering Menu 2 PLL Module DVD : AUTO (or OFF) SAT : AUTO (or OFF) AV : AUTO (or OFF) VCR : AUTO (or OFF) AUX : AUTO (or OFF) CD : AUTO (or OFF) TUNER :AUTO (or OFF) TAPE : AUTO (or OFF) EXIT If the source equipment clock rates are operating outside the specification of the AV8 phase locked loop circuit you may experience “a hissing noise” from the audio outputs. In this situation it is advisable to switch the phase locked loop circuit off of the input giving the problem. Using the second page of the engineering menu select the input and turn the PLL (phase locked loop) from AUTO to Off. This can happen with Broadcast signals particularly from satellite, cable or terrestrial digital TV. AV8 Programmer Future software upgrades can be installed via the RS232 port on the back of the AV8. The following equipment will be required: ! IBM PC compatible computer running Windows 98 or later ! Software ARCAM AV8 Programmer utility (included on the AV8 CD-ROM) ! Lead RS232 9-way female D type to 9-way female D type (null modem) Installation procedure The AV8 Programmer utility needs to be installed on your PC before you can use it: ! Close down any programs which are running, then insert the CD-ROM into the CD drive ! The setup program normally starts up automatically when the disc is inserted. If this does not happen, you can instruct the PC to install the program as follows: oClick on Start and select Run from the pop-up menu oIn the box, type D:setup.exe, where D is your CD-ROM drive oClick OK The install process will then begin. You will be prompted for your Name, Organization and Destination Folder for the installation (default is C:Program FilesArcamAV8 Programmer). Follow the instructions on-screen. Operation procedure ! Open the AV8 Programmer utility by double clicking the desktop icon, or from the Programs list within the Start menu ! Switch off all the power amps connected to the AV8 ! Switch off the AV8 ! Connect the RS232 lead from the PC to the RS232 control port on the AV8 ! From within the AV8 Programmer software: oSelect the new software file to be uploaded using the Open file button oSelect the Com port you are using ! Put the AV8 into program mode: oPress and hold the program button on the back of the AV8 (located with the video output connections) oTurn the AV8 on with the program button still pressed oWait 5 seconds and then release the program button. The display will remain completely blank and no LEDs will light. ! From within the AV8 Programmer software: oClick Program The PC will now upload the software and display the following information: Connecting: 0 to 100% Programming: 0 to 100% Verifying: 0 to 100% This process will take up to four minutes. When the software has been uploaded the message Status: SUCCESS will be displayed. ! Turn the AV8 off and unplug the RS232 lead ! Wait 10 seconds before turning the AV8 back on If, after programming the AV8 the unit displays “Populating EEPROM” when first turned on, it will be necessary to reset the user configurations within the unit. This is dependent on the degree of the software changes and will not always be necessary. AV8 Loader (Preset Backup) The AV8 Loader utility allows the unit settings to be either downloaded from or uploaded to the AV8. The following equipment will be required: ! IBM PC compatible computer running Windows 98 or later ! Software ARCAM AV8 Loader utility (included on the AV8 CD-ROM) ! Lead RS232 9-way female D type to 9-way female D type (null modem) Installation procedure The AV8 Loader utility can be run directly from the CD-ROM, or you can copy the entire Preset Backup Utility folder to your hard drive (e.g. C: Program Files Arcam Preset Backup Utility). Operation procedure To run the AV8 Loader program: ! Connect the RS232 lead from the PC to the RS232 control connector on the AV8 ! Switch off all the power amps connected to the AV8 ! Run the AV8 Loader program: oClick on Start and select Run from the pop-up menu oIn the box, type D: Preset Backup Utility AV8Loader_GUI.exe or the location of the file on the hard drive if not using the CD-ROM oClick OK ! Select the Com port you are using: oSelect File - Settings oSelect the Com port you are using from the drop down menu oClose the window To download the settings from the AV8 to the PC: ! Create a new backup file: oSelect File - New oLocate a suitable place to save the backup file (e.g. C: Program Files Arcam ) oEnter a name for the file in the File name box (e.g. AV8.epr). Note the .epr name extension oClick Save ! Download the AV8 settings: oSelect Transfer - Download From AV8 The AV8 Loader utility will then download the configuration from the AV8 and save it using the filename you gave. Once the setup is read from the AV8 it is automatically stored as a “working file”. To upload a configuration to the AV8 from the PC: ! Locate the backup file you wish to upload: oSelect File - Open oLocate the folder where the backup file is saved oSelect the name of the .epr file you wish to upload oClick Open ! Upload the AV8 settings: oSelect Transfer - Upload To AV8 The AV8 automatically resets after the configuration has been uploaded. Build Sequence Contents ! How to assemble the AV8 1. Assemble the damping plate to chassis floor. Screw through from underneath the chassis and thoroughly degrease the chassis floor before assembling the damping plate. See FIG1. Part No. Description Qty E816CH Chassis 1 E873MC Damping Plate 1 HE6V06B Self-tapping No6x6mm Pan Torx-Slot Steel Zinc-Plate Black 4 2. Assemble the feet to the chassis. Screw through the chassis floor into the foot. Stick the bumpon foot onto the base of turned foot. See FIG2. Part No. Description Qty E935MC Turned Foot 4 HA3V06A Screw Machine M3x6mm Pan Torx Steel Zinc-Plate Clear 8 F225 Black Bumpon Foot 4 3. Assemble the power socket to rear panel before assembling the rear panel to the chassis. See FIG3. Part No. Description Qty E040AY Rear Panel Assembly 1 8A016 8A016 IEC Inlet with EMI Filter YB10T1 1 HA3V10B Screw Machine M3x10mm Pan Torx-Slot Steel Zinc-Plate Black 2 HJ3A00F Nut Nyloc M3 Steel Zinc-Plate Clear 2 HL3IB Washer Internal Shakeproof M3 Steel Zinc-Plate Black 2 4. Assemble power loom to IEC power inlet before assembling the rear panel to the chassis. The live connection is the right hand spade as viewed from behind (spade terminals) with the earth spade at the top. Part No. Description Qty L939CA AV8 power loom 1 5. N.B. If a phono card is to be fitted then you do not fit the “Aux” snap-off board at this stage, move to step 6. See step 23 for fitting the Phono upgrade kit. Fit the “Aux” input snap-off board (snap-off from Audio board, L921AY) to the rear panel before assembling the rear panel to the chassis. See FIG4. Part No. Description Qty HF4V09B Screw Self-Tapping-SEMS No4x9mm Pan Torx-Slot Steel Zinc-Plate Black 1 6. A


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