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    tandberg tcd-420a-circ-alignm 维修电路原理图.PDF

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    tandberg tcd-420a-circ-alignm 维修电路原理图.PDF

    TANDBERG TCD 42OA CircuitDiagrams with Alignment Instructions n TANDBERG- The European Alternative Electrical checks and adjustments General - 0 dB level is defined as: 0.775 V in the RADIO socket, using Type I or II tapes. 1.2 V in the RADIO socket using Metal tape. 1.5 V in the OUTPUT sockets using Type I or II tapes. 2.3 V in the OUTPUT sockets using Metal tape. - Before adjusting, the tape path must be cleaned and demagnetized. It is necessary that the tape path is correctly adjusted. - Carry out the adjustments in the order described because the adjustments affect each other. - Remove the base panel. - When adjusting the Bias-traps and the Bias-pre- adjustment, the top panel must be removed. Equipment required - 2 millivoltmeters - Audio signal generator - Frequency counter - Distortion meter - Wow and flutter meter - Tandberg test cassettes: - No. 21 (Speed check, 1000 Hz) - No. 22 (Wow and flutter check, 3150 Hz) - No. 23 (Azimuth adj. playb. head, 6300 Hz) - No. 24 (Playback level adj., 1000 Hz) - Measuring cassettes: - Maxell UD XL I (Type I) - Maxell UD XL II (Type II) - Fuji Metal or TDK Metal MA (Metal) Before adjusting, set buttons to: - MPX-FILTER (situated at the back of the deck) to OFF. - Dolby NR.* to Off. - Output Lcvel controls * The words Dolby is registrered trade marh of Dolby Laboratories Inc., US. Nfi stands for Noise Reduction. Before adjusting, fold out page 5. Oscillator The oscillator frequency is between 80 and 100 kHz. The voltage measured on the erase head should be between 6 and 8 volts with Type II or Metal cassettes. Bias traps - Remove the top panel. - Nleasure with a millivoltmeter on C107 and C207 and adjust L101 and L201 to minimum reading on the millivoltmeter. Record/Playback head - azimuth - Insert a Tandberg test cassette No. 23 or a standard azimuth cassette. - Set the Monitor button to Taoe and connect a millivoltmeter to each channel of the OTITPUT sockets. - Press the Play button. Adjust the playback azimuth screw shown in the figure to obtain maximum reading on each channel. to maximum. Playback level - Insert Tandberg test cassette No. 24 (Playback level adjustment 1000 Hz). - Adjust with the PLAYBACK LEVEL ADJ. R317/R417 to 1.5 V on the OUTPUT sockets. (In the RADIO socket, adjust to 775 mV.) - If you use a Dolby level cassette, adjust to 1.2 V on the OUTPUT sockets (0.615 mV in the RADIO socket). Bias (pre-adjustment) - Set the TCD 420A to record, Metal tape loaded. - Adjust with R21031IJ.2203 (Bias Adjustment Metal) to approximately 8 - 9 mV measured on TPl and TP2 (on the Osc. board), see figure. NOTE! Adjusting the TCD 420A, using the RADlo-socket. Overall frequency response with Metal tape Set theTCD 420A to recording. Adjust the gene- rator to - 30 dB (= 25 mV on the millivoltmeters) and record a40OHz, a 10 kHz, and a 15 kHz signal at this level. - Rewind and play back. - Use the 400 Hz signal as a reference and check on both channels that the 10 kHz and 15 kHz signals are within the following tolerance: r3dB. If outside the tolerance adjust R2103/R2203 BIAS |DJ. M!,TAL. Then make a new recording, play back and check once more. - If you can not adjust to correct response with ?1991R2203, BIAS ADJ. METAL, then adjust R501/R601, TREBLE ADJ. METAL. - Make a new recording, play back and check once more. - Then check the frequency response t 3 dB, 30 - 18000 Hz. - When the frequency response is correct, check the response with the Dolby NR. circuit On. Recording Level - Metal tape Connect an audio-generator and two millivoltmeters to the RADIO-socket. Set the TCD 420A to Record, use Metal tape. Adjust the generator to 400 Hz (= 450 mV on the millivoltmeters). - Start recording. - Rewind and play back (Output Level controls to maximum). - The millivoltmeters should now read approxi- mately 450 mV (- 2 to 0 dB). If outside the tolerance, make a new recording while adjusting R105/R205, REC. LEVEL METAL as required. Then play back and check once more. Distortion - Metal tape - Set the TCD 420A to recording. - Generator to 1000 Hz (= 775 mV on the milli- voltmeters). - Rewind and play back. - Check that the distortion is ( 3%. - If outside the tolerance, adjust R2103/R2203, BIAS ADJ. METAL. - Make a new recording, play back and check once more. - Then check that the frequency response is within the tolerance. Signal/noise - Metal tape The signal/noise ratios at 3To distortion should be at least as good as specified. Measure with the Dolby NR. circuit On. IEC A-curve 68 dB IEC Linear RMS 56 dB Program meters - Metal tape - Set the TCD 420A to Record. - Record a 400 Hz signal from the generator (=11.2 V on the millivoltmeters) and adjust the program meters to 0 dB deflection on the Metal ry3l9 _11th Rl35/R235, METER LEVEL ADJ. RECORD. .* / Adiustments for type I taPe Recording Level Adjustment for type ll tape Recording Level lf outside rhe tolerance (- 2 to 0 dB), adjust gutside the tolerance, - 2 to 0 dB, adjust R529/R629, REC. LEVEL I. Do not touctr Rl05/ R104/R204, REC. LEVEL II. R205 REC LEVEL METAL - Make a new recording, play back and check once - Make a new recording, play back and check once more. more. - Use the same level as for Metal tape (= 450 V on - Use the same level as for Metal tape (= 450 mV the millivoltmeter). on the millivoltmeters). - Record, rewind and play back.- Record, rewind and play back. Overall frequency response Overall freqeuncy response Use the same level as for Metal tape (= 25 mV on - Use the same level as for Metal tape (= 25 mY the millivoltmeters). on the millivoltmeters). If outside the tolerance. t 3 dB. 30 - 18000 Hz, If outside the tolerance, t 3 dB, 30 - 18000 Hz, adjust R21021R2202, BIAS ADJ. II. adjust R2101/R2201, BIAS ADJ. I. - Then check the frequency response with the - Then check the frequency response with the Dolby NR. circuit On. Dolby NR. circuit On. Distortion Distortion - Record 1000 Hz at 0 dB (= 77b mV on the - Record 1000 Hz at 0 dB (= 775 mV on the millivoltmeters) millivoltmeters). - Rewind and play back. - Rewind and play back. - Check that the distortion is ( 2%. - Check that the distortion is 42%. If outside the tolerance, adjust R104/R204, REC. If outside the tolerance, adjust R529/R629, REC. LEVEL II and R2102/R2202 BIAS ADJ II. LEVEL I and R21021F.2202, BIAS ADJ. I. - Then check the frequency response and the - Then check the frequency response and the distortion once more. distortion once more. Speed check Play back Tandberg test cassette No. 21 (Speed check 1000 Hz) and measure with a frequency counter.on the output: t 1% (990 - 1010 on the counter). If necessary, adjust to correct speed with R208 SPEED ADJ. on the Motor control board. I I I ,- il t c5? t: E ? T 3341 r I 33LJ $2m lfl 33? lil r19 F*fl r b.l T ll rf 1 llr lra lrH -.1. . . . Baataaaa cgir , T T MIC./LINE, PLAYBACK AND OUTPUT AMP a 6lnE FC,iii-ffi.+ #fi ffi frfr e ffirjf iilL.l url L.l uuLi ffil;.4-* -ffi .qffi *-; g .,g4 oo4qo,3_ 11 * +fl;:,;rr- ii *- 1-;trroz :ffi=-:i 1ffiH<fr:.ryIu5 mii? il ;g: .*-ffi r -ffi Y;5ffi; T; i: .it - ,i*i#-i,:*-H$ffi$s: - ? #l .l I r or-r KF JiliBJ-S tr -H-_:. J + rc$.H HSQ1fl #ffe I t ,* FA$1EE-S#l-4r:#;.Ft ftffi;Q5 rcoo fsE *HA;,* g El.El<.,. ot*tq#ffiS* btl-Er*ffiffi .-, .,*, T r4rp*r.t gffiBj sls,u .f,+:G$%.P .* lirrrtalaafl MAIN ./ I Jr Inrc.r.rv.nlxr.I rffi r. rN r t -TlrT #Jfrh lllj t,fis.1.ffjh3 H f f tlr.l rJ tlgJ tl.l -L r 808 811 8it 8r9 -T T +-F< oE-ll- ,-lFlg- .fffi. .G. ;,-; ;,r *rre3o-rPs -s, el | | | I I I I el,:ffi:ffi DOLBY P60 o6d il FI FI TT lt .e.t$ dEl ?| ir .frmh t -=J Jr. fb +#L r#, ,i HFffi;$*hAA:+- | I reor /ti i=i nI ,Jr I-I ll I lll lnur!_Jl I I ll I -ut I tlt I ll c8o6T_l I tJtJ 4803r I R822- Oscillator measurement points, scen from the component side BIAS Azimuth screw on the recordfplaybach head r 5E =o N3 I cso T, I Icso7 T o501 8C517 B o 503 | o50a ac5178 | BC5a78 MOTOR SIGNAL AMP DOLBY/TAPE SELECTORS 63118 SWITCHES SHOWN FROM SOLDER SIDE, AND IN UNOPERATED POSITION. c 511 OrotI ! METAL J- L I oscrt-uron ffin4 tl r+ IN LMETAL J -,n*- -B1 MOTOR CO-t-O-GES 1-4) - - I 2001 . NOTES: T.UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIEFIEO RESISTANCE tN OHMS. 2, azooz, nzoos ANo R2or aRE r./. METAL FILM REsrsToRs 3. czool. o.rp 5. PoLYKARBoNAT. 4. nzooe-rxrcx FILM vARIABLE REsrsroR. ! ooLeY G3o2o L-AND R-cH. ! IN6r48 ! I c710 | 3lt3 i, c117) j r r torT -T- -Euor ll-l ltl J LI-, leH eHtl I I II IIIRI+ ffi -Hl l,+-G lH *H * I A t- L DOLBY 63020 L-CH. e l-effr-l BIAS RECORDRECORO LEVEL RIGHT l I I eause l- PLAYBACK- AND I Msr sLrDE OUTPUT AMP I OUTPUT LE PINCH ROLLER SOLENOID lsl : 63151 :i-q h MIC./LINE- ffiJ I o (nEwtNo $ | sroe 5 wtND 5 | plav H l-necono H ,l .l li n ll r-J ERASE HEAD -L i:13!q- tl-l-391-J- #i+c# f F-irr t-.1 u 301 io:i- 3o!_l_-i sodl 3051-t 3091_-t 301-J 308r I 3091_-l 31q-!-l 311_l_-t 31?_L-.l 313_l-! 3r!_l_-,1 31:-lJ 316r I 3lz_L-l 3r9-l-l t-. 3191_-.1 329_.1_-i 32!_t_-,1 323.1_J 323_l_-l 32!_!_l f -tl-ljn- I -L r,lr rg19 i i r, rBlB Qlr-stt 63121 OSCILLATOR ts IRACK 2t3) RIGHT CH, -L - l-rr 1806 ( * f-: rnl-r eoe - Y-.I.)-Lqo? DFI _t_ ,r,jr r8t6 ( X Llr/ Ylt-rgls t:r I -t- I ,f- I -I J .-iu .l ur I oB01 I I L_-J I L U t H a s2z !9? ! -! 503r r 526 | 6 i.- :99- E r+*i- 63ttg -E 507r I M0T0R SIGNAL AMP soEE To osc. DOLBV/ TAPE SELECTORS 50!-r-1 c. Tl slq_i: s1L_t-.l s1:_l.l 511_!-,1 s14_!-l s1!_l_-,1 512_L-.,1 s1qJ_-l L-l 519r I 520r I 521r , SrD 52!_l_-i s2!)_J ourPu tvr RIGHI t- L DOLBY 63020 R-CH. -l I o6 I r MOTOR CONTROL CAPSTAN 63513 REWINO WINO R2r0 -l R2l2 ACTITINEAR AMP irFrFiFrFrFrFrFrFr I 11111111-tL J 0 t06 8C51? Qlll BC 51t l-;-* AMP I z2jy ! RECORD AMP R-CH. o202 tc557A c103 10! ozlL BCS17 63112 MAIN BOARD -1 i* W: tC228 L BC51?B I I I I i I I I I i I I _.i I I I L I I I I I I _l oNd A_-d oFF l FM-MPX F- ECB Att voltoges or. meosured with V.T.VM. with inpul impedonce min.l0Mohhs. Alt DC volloges neosured without signsl. nno, signol vottoges lloooHz) 16V Oenots 0C voltoges. RI OIJIPUT LEVEL u-l-.n.r / Bc54e l_-9J Bcs57 TRANSISTORS SEEN FROM UNOERNEATH B0 175 BD 176 RIOHI - -fYYYYYYYYYT -1 l-t-l-t-t-t-t-t-t - | FPPPPPF PP I -l I I:Pr I METER AMP. o 110 4c517 METER AME sro2 3l5mAT ;- f._-230v soxz ;- ;-ltov ooHz NEAR i tP. i I I l0l I $ll -1-t I o 111 4c547 I i c221 | 2e2 c122 -F 2tz l00p I i 8 li oo ll -tJ I c126 T zpz J- LEVEL IND, L Tt, i )209 IH TJ 6 t! c226 lc227l rRD c110 | *T I I I TL7, El I.f (t.i) o0,. s,snol voltoses (loooHz) 1mV Denotes 0C vottogls PLAYBACK AMP PLAYBACK AMP 12V i I MIC./LINE AMP R-CH, 31S Ca05 L1t 2n2 63r51Mtc./L|NE-, I PLAYBACK AMP L F l L fo 63151MIC./LINE-, PLAYBACK-, AND OUTPUT AMP SWITCHES SHOWN FROM SOLDER SIDE, AND IN UNOPERATED POSITION. AI I I I + ;-? ART/STOP tcu|r 1727 - G - 80 Part No. 714136 Printed in Norway by Reclamo A/S GrTandbers A/S, 1980l:I Tandberg A/S, Post Office Box 55, Bogerud, N-Oslo 6, Norway


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