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    tandberg tcd-320-circ-diag 维修电路原理图.PDF

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    tandberg tcd-320-circ-diag 维修电路原理图.PDF

    ffiFo CircuirDn ram l , n/) l,- I - - -t - /- | | ?m!i I lL.- | *r. I Rl I*- -9- :. | ,_-_gz c4r3 cri4 r5op 4209 rcIS SIGML 4PLIFIER d w th .pur mpedonca All OC roLro9. m.o.-r,d rFo.t 9 oi 0.r siqndi volrdqes lroooHu) lmV D.not.s 0C voLloges lr0vl 0.nor.s vdrrd9r . dp.rdi.d mdd , r=j=r tdl L tlTfl |I BB E/ c /lt to o or E(o u d) ac.86 ; ac 543 BC l t_;l El. tl El tl. m l: :l 13 :l l: :l l: :l l: :|: i: 3l : 3l : :l: F : lo ol ! l. J l. J l.la l.l . . lo o1 lo ol lo ole 7 r, . ol - 3 r_jr r 1 i: :l l: :l; : :l; c t.t t .t. .t. r.1 r.1 l,il, rit - t-; tt l*t aB r/./l 1 r E( U )c 8cra6 ;- BC 548 ac 19 6C 557 ac 558 IRANSISTORS SEEN FROM UNOERNEAIN lrrlrgdfg+b_rr i;= i;flE-*fftE$i i . .4Trff l.l. ir#_+.,1 1 .H = flHi LIJi gln z |l-*l I ttlt lll rdl r-rf,i | | to, Hd#a$-fi = I oS:ffiS.r, $ ir*flEfl i_ + ffiffi1 i- *F r*S- -flIfF- .-1hc?r1 l -*-tti -Hl *-lR16Sl.- .c ?13 F-lF- , 521 t|-;n lEl L:ll lpl s25 -T. l ?f IA I tfil I tdl IT ?t A*r t dff e ?Y * 060r g , 3r +a Srrr ?61 -4 3 . rn a r6 t? IJ l3l lF EI Id T 502 tr. a ! ilT :lEl IJ IHIIH IEI E JI :l ilFl, r t- It lE I A .FFr Hl l lFl+j I F 0501 0503 . , drrff EI HT gI IFI | il T l. . ab a r r i-i:mr El rEl . .Lilhl ry.ffi.H; ? l: tH HHHH lT; r H r r gT,* 5? 5 23 5t0 531 ?t lel l9l -r -r .i ADJUSI TCD 32( General - 0 dB le equals 451 - Make the are listed l that previ, correctly l adjustmen button de for Maxel, Clean and the adjust has alread in the Ser (ordering c:to Q 1F. f-rnnn frn hrl lrl nil tllt rllr rlll rllt V LQ/ -q- l: oo ool. . .l TsFl El .-rnzrF EE !I: # # -8!5-ts ?n0 70t l. . . . . . r . .lrrrr 9o9-m- ?09 I : 101 F- -.-.-l - .l* L tol t.J +i tzs I tTt 61. -J L:l IEIJ Kil -F . t.;i1. l 16 -FT-n- BL 3 rrt FI lrl t.t *9 SF$* ff18 - 5* 3t .t I -I.T I .l (9 cl l0 *.rF 6 ts-lt =2 !lu E? Ed e6 uoL =<u FN tr ffi#tr E_ f=s #RS$,S- lttru _l :1Fl No Adjust or cnel Re cc head 2PIayba 3 I ape 4 5Oscilla frcque 6Oscillz CTASC 7Oscillz c7l1 c?c3 dh + *lF. irog s iio: .-rgl .qJ. *- .J. : *-ffiF- t- t -drn _ .-.lE4LF< -*lF*q .Jfll r. r :ffi: *-: iL,li -e- -ff- -F -w-c-th:*t.l *+319!. ._lf1C- .t16.,.J l!.C?11 ru -c?u .-F df c 709 ctlo - -,ozo2- FJF. .-JFJ *lF - -|*+ ,rc?02 i - r ? r ? ? ? ? t:i*1ot:9,1t* *-F< .-lrTtrF - it-iit6If- .*-< .-*.-if1!- t *a I -i TANDBERGS RADIOFABRI KK A/S P.O.Box 9, Korsvoll No. Adjustment or check fape Nleasuring instrume ntNteasrrre atProcedure 2.1Bias (preadjustment) Naxell UD XL II VoltnretersR80l (left channel) R901 (right channel) see location nnect an atrclio generator to the INP(If sockcts. Adlust the gcnerator to -100 lz. 5 dn 1= .1519 nrV on thc voltmcters). 5 dB is used instead of 0 dB in.rrdcr to ar,oicl inac<rrratc results carrscrl bv rarting tapc charactcristics. l Rewind and plal back.flrc voltrncters should norv rcarl 5 dB (= 150 rn) t 0.5 dB. If orrtsidc thc t()lcran( c, nrakc a n<rl rt< ordine whi)c adjustinu R 1 05 (left channel) anrl R205 (right channel) as rcquircci. Ihcn plar back and chcck ()l)ce m()tc. 2.3Or,crall frcquenc) rcsP onse (adiustm enr) laxe ll LII) XI, II roltrnctcrsOItTPUf sockctsSet the crssettc rlcr:k to fapc - l t pe ll rccording. Adjust the gcncrator to +0 dB (- l-l m on thrr)ltm.t(rs) anrl recortl a 400 llz and a 10,000 ll signal at this levcl. Rcwind anri plav beck. Usc the 100 llz signal as r reercrrcc an(l check ()n both channels that thc 10,000 IIz signal is uithin thc follorvinr t()lcrance; 0dBto+5dB. I1 outsicle thc tolerance adjust C801 and C90l (hias). Thcn make a nelv rccording, plav back rnd chcck ()nce m()re. 2.4Distort ionIlax cll UI).t, II Distc rtion melcr OUTPUI socketsSet the cassctte dcck to lape I rpe II recorrlinq. (iencrulor to 1000 Hz, 0 <i0 1= 775 nr on the rrrltmcttrs). Rervind and plalback. Cht-ck thrt thc distortion is ( 3%. lf outsirle thc t()lcrance a<ljust C801 and C90l (bias). lakc a ncrv rccording, plav bat:k and chcck once m()rc. Then repeat step 2.3. z.oErasurclaxcll LTD XI, II VoltmetcrsOUTPLIT sockctsRct:orcl a 1000 llz,0 dB sisnal. Ilervinicce. lhe voltmcters should reird < 65 dB, sclectivc mcasured. 2.6S ignal/noisellaxe I I UD XL arrd TID XL rl I OUf PL.t l sockets I ht signal/rroisu rati<ts at 376 55 dB 2,7Overall frequcncl rcsponsc (chcck with Dolby NR bLrtton tlcpressccl) NIPX-FILIER switch to Oll! axcll TID XI, II Volt me t ersC)U |PUT sockcts Set the casscttc det:k to Tape I vpc II, I)OLtlY ( !) recording. Adjust the qtncrat()r to - 35 dli and rec:ortl thc l,rllouing frctlttencies: 400 IIz,55 Hz, 1000 IIz,.1000 IIz, 10,000 IIz, rnd 1f,000 tlz. Rcrvind and plav back. sc the 100 IIz irs a rcfcrencc, atttl chcck that the othcr siqnals lrc uithin thc foll<rling t<rlcrartce: t 3 (lI (40-16,000 Ilz) If orrtsiclc thc tolerance trv changing tlrc ralLrcs of C50l/C50? (lcft channtl) and C601/C602 (right channel). Increased values givc highcr trcble rtsPonse. ,R IndicatorsNlaxcll UI) XI, II I ndicatorsRccord a.100 Hz,0 rlB signal and adjtrst Rl35 (lclt channcl) and R235 (righl channcl) to 0 rlB deflcction on both indicators. No. Adjustment or checkTapc Ilcasuring instrumcn tlleasurc at Proccrlurc 3.1Recording Ievel NIaxc Il UD XI, I l()ltrnctcrs ()1I PL l sockcts Samc .rs irr step 2.2, cxccpt that the Idpe ltuttotr is relcasecl. If orrtsitlc thr tol( rancc ad just I 10l (le ft chune l) and R20l (right channcl). DO NO r-fOtCil Rl05 ()R R205. NOIEI djrrstrncnt ol Rl0:l an(l R204 uill not allcct thc rcadings on the irrlirrt,rrr,f tllr i.t)rlt( (i, k. 3.20rerall freqrrcncy response (arljustment) Ilaxell L D XI, I r()ltnret( t 5 ()U fPU f sockcts Slnrc as in stcl) 2.3, cx(cpt that the frpc ltLttton is rclcascd. If otrtsirle tht tolcrancc arljust R807.I)O OT IOUCII C80I OR C90l. 3.3DistortionIlax cll UD XI, I Distorti()n m( ttr ( )UlPl If sockcts Sumc as in stcp 2.1, c(cpt that thc Tape btttton is relerscd. II outsitlc the t()lcrf,nce adjLrsr R807.fhcn rcpcat step 3.2. DO NO f IO:CII C801 ()R C901. Overall frcqucncl, responsc (chcck with Dolby NR brrtton depressed) trPX-l tI-Tl.rR switch t0 Ol ! l trlax c ll UD I- I VoltmetcrsOUPL.I sockctsSarnc ls in stcp 2.5, ex(:el)t that theIape button is rclcasctl.folcrances: r 3 rlll (40 16,000 ltz-) lf oLrtsitle tht tolerance trv chansing the valucs of C503/504 (left channel) rnd C603/C604 (riqht channcl). Increirsed raltres sivc hiuhcr trcblc rcsponse *special noise measuring equipmcnt requir, 16q? - R - 7R Part Nln 714nRR


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