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    Philmore 205 电路原理图.pdf

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    Philmore 205 电路原理图.pdf

    .,i!F .iri?1fi I N S T R U C T I O NM A N U A L philnore 5 TUBE SUPERHET RECEIVER KIT MODET 205 t- .l Llke any other piece of electronlo equipnent, the ultinate I perfornance of the Superhet Reoeiver lfode1 20! depends upon three factore I the exoellence of its lnitial engineer- i.:cg design, the guality of its ofupolrents, anrd the care with which it is assemblad. PEIIMORE UASUFACTURISG C0. is justly proud of the nanner in rhich tt bar lundl.ed the first tno; the rernainiag factor - G8,re in assedbly - ls entirely ln your hands. To insure the perfonnanoe designed lnto this receiver, PEILIIORE provideo you rilh one of the most oon- probeneive iastruotlon nanuals evei prepared for the kit bullder. Each step bas been tested thorougby. For naxfunrm ease of assenbl.y aod tbe ftnal pleasurable thrill of bulld- lng an instrreent that works properly thc flrst time it is poserod, PtrIIilORE trges you to follol ell ingtruotlons in I the order given, rithout migsions or nodlftoatl_ons. l- l _ _ pNlnorc mANUFActuRrNc co., rNc. o RTGHmoND Hnt 18, NEw yoRrc u.s.A. RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 CIRCLIT DESCRIPTI0NT This sensitive superheterodyne receiver operates from !0 to i s c a p a b l e o f r e c e 1 v i n g a 1 t A M b r o a d e a s t s 1 a t i o n s i n t h e a r e a . The transn,itted strnnrnetrical ffi signal is reoeived and hoterodyned with the local oscillator and changed to an interrnediate freguency (m) of l+55 kc in the converter tube V-1. ltris signal is coupled across transformer I, amplified by IF anplifier V-2 and coupled to the urultipurpose diode detector-AVC-audio arnplifler tube V-. The diode detector section of Y-J rectifies the signal. so that only half of the slmrnetrical IF envelope, which contains all the transnitted audio infornation, renains. Curent pulses flow in the circuit comprlsed of the lK ohn resistor and 250 nxnf. capacitor, the resistance and oapacitance being so proportioned ttrat the capacitor charges to the peak value of the rectified voltage on each pulse and retains enough eharge between pulses so that the voltage across the 100K ohm resistor ig smoothed out. The DC component of the audio signal is removed by the .002 nfd. capaeitor so that only the variations in signal voltage romain to be anplifled by tha audio section of Y-J. The anplified auCio signal ls coupled to the poxer anpllfier V-h for suffieient anplifioation to drive the Loudspeaker. Automatlc volume control AVC is derived from a portion of the average DC eonponent of the audlo slgnal developed across the 100K ohm resistor and is used to vary the biae on V-l and V-2. Since the voltage is proportional to the average arnplitude of the aignal, the gain of the reeeiver is reduced as the signal strength bieomas greater, thereby keeping the galn at a constant 1eval. Rectifler tube V-! changes the altarnating l-ine voltage to pulsating direct current. These pulses are smoothed out by the electrolytic filter capacitor K and the 2K ohm resistor and supplied to the plate elements of the tubes. pARTS LISTr Veteran kit-builders work nith the firn oonviction that every step is -r Effi1-ffint as every other etep. The flrst etep te to unpaok the kit oarefully and cheok the comnonents against the list of parts. PART NO.STBOL QIIA-ITIlY DEICRIPTTON Cabinet-Cover -FrjroU- rr-r01 s Canacitors Fr-ra. Fr-1O F T-rol+ FT-r05 Fr-to6 Reslstors Ft-ro7 FT-r0B Fr-7o9 r?-r10 rT-r11 Fr-rr2 Fr-1L7 FT-r14 Chaesis Assembly FT-rL6 Fr-tL7 M rr-r18 Fr-r-.g a I I Cabinet Rear cover with attached heat sinlc 1oo r,f . (roo pr) arso 2!0 rmf. (z5o pr) aisc .oo2 mfd. (.002- uF) aiso .0, llfd . (.o) uF) aisc .05 mfd. (.05 rrF) tubular 20K ohn, Ll+ v,att (red-bl.ack-orange) IOOK ohn, Irli+ natt (brcmn-btaok-yellol) lOoK ohn, L/h uatt (green-black-ye11ow) 1 megohm, l/+ natrt (brown-b1ack-green) ! negohm, 1/l4 ratt.(green-black-green) 1!0 ohn, L/2 yatt (brown-green-brown) ZICK ohn, L/2 vatt (red-greon-yelloru) 2( ohm, 2 natt (red-black-red) Chas s ls -ptn tube socket mounted on chassis Output trangformer mounted on chaaels Condenser bracket mounted on chasgls Chassis bracket 2 a I t 1 I I I I I I I I I , 1 1 I -?age 2 - RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 PART NO.qUAlTIlY I , I 2 2 I 9 , l+ 2 1 DEiCRTPTION Coils - -r2o P Ft-rzl J FT-r22 E Fr-tz, r Filter F -12t K Ilardwa.rs Fr-t25 Fr-1?6 Fr-127 vr-r29 Fr-r29 FT-0 Fr-ttL FT-2 FT-7 Fr-11+ G Knobs Fr-115 Fr-116 Loudspeaker FT-77 N Poten_tiometer I Antenna coil rith rubber grornmet I J-Iug Local osclllator coLl 1 2-Iug L$5 kc coil I L+55 kc IF transformer oan 1 1 I hO-gO mfd. electrolytic filter capaeitor with nounting braoket, sor6lv, split locl:naeher and nut ,-56 x 5/r2 sorn ,-56 x 7/r2 seron ,-56 x )/d sorevt 5-56 x 9fi6 scrow 6-12 x /h screr J-56 nut Split locloasher FIat washer Polyethylene sasher 2-1ug ternlnal strip L-1/2tt tunLng knob 1l+t control :nob ,-V2 PM loudepeaker Vo1une oontrol-swttch with tuo oontrol washers and mrt L2B6 12BA5 12AI/6 50c5 ,flil+ Variable tuning condenser Iength insulated hook-trp wire Length spaghetti tubing Iength solder Llna cord fnstructlon manual FoLd-out prlnt sxnall packlag boxes, and large packlug carton. F T-B Tubes T5ittg FT-40 FT-rl+1 Fr-,+2 Fr-rl+, Tuner Tt_U+ Fr-11$ Fr-1t+7 r r-lJ+B T v-1 v-2 v-t v+ v-, o Printod Matter FT-5t+9 Fr-t5o lJiscelLaneous poly bags, Thr ?hilnorc lAonulocluring Co., In<., guotonlaar ooch low redio or olocllonic ptoducl monufoclurrd by it lo br lrec fron dcfoclivc molcriol ond workmonrhip ond ogt.t lo rcrnedy ony ruch dchcl or lo turnirh o n.w porl in crchongo for ony Pott of ony unit ol ilr monulo d Attach a J-T/+ tire fron antenna coll- P-l (S-f) to IF transf ormer can I-J (lts). V r P.un this wire through the snall hole beneath tuner O-2. . , ./ Q /,4aconnect a L-./Zn wire fron filter capacitor K-l (lffi) to oscillator coil J-J (ilS). l ./ A.ttach a 2-l/.:rire fron filter capacitor K-I (S-2) to soaket B-7 (ilS). Conneci a 2-t/!4 vrire f ron socket B-7 (NS) to tenninal strip G-I (NS). I4l+ wire fron socket c-a (ilS) to socket B-7 (NS). a Jn wire frorn socket A-2 (s-f) to oscillator coil J-2 (s-f). a L/2 wire fron sockeb B-2 (S-1) to the center shield of socket B a t/2 rpire from sockei B-J (S-h) to the eentor shield of socket B a I/2 wire fron .ot .,-c-z (s-e) to socket c-t (NS). a I/2 wire fron soeket J-, (S-2) to the ce:rter shield of socket, C a L/2 wire fron socket Ci (S-1) to -;he center shield of socket C o 1/+ wire frorir socket )-2 (ils) to socket D-5 (ils). a I/2 wire fron socltet l+ (is) to soeket Ii-J (:rs). ln rire from socket 8-6 (S-r) to l+55 kc coil E-l (S-1). J/an w*e from socket B-! (s-f) 6 455 kc coil E-2 (NS). 1-14 wire frorn socket D+ (s-1) to socket E-, (s-f). (rs). 1s-e). (m). (s-z). G s ( ; attacrr $ /to eL4*aeh Flrtoneet y u*u ff lttactr (tco,nrt $,ryt r Attach a Connect Connect /i fp()7cotnut a Ji+ nire frorn IF transforrner can I-1 (lis) to socket e-6 (trS). take , ,/ sure the nire does not touch the screw on the IF transforoer G- a p-t/2n rire from volwre contro!. F-5 (S-2) to terminal strip G-l (lS). pf Cgr.ct output transfonaer lead i,l-J to loudspeaker N-l (S-1). IFe spa6hetti tubing. /) UgneCT OUIpUE Eranslorltrer leatl !i-2 tu llJuunPEaEsr il-4 u-r,r (/Coct output transformer lead l,t-h to loudspeaker l-2 (S-f). - F a g e 6 - RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 MOUNTINC CO|PON$ITST Cut conponent leadg so that the resietor or capaoitor is evenr %gsrithjustenoughexcess1ead1engtbtorrrap1ead8oDcearourrdcentereo o .- rugs f )r tSdtf / sfip a Itr length of spagbetti tubing orr one lead of a IK ohm resistor, /la vatt v - (Urorn-black-ye11ow) and connect thie lead to socket C-l (uS). Attach tho other /1 S1-ip a 1l+ ter.gh of spaghetti tubiag on one lead of f a 2OK oh reslqfor, . Lfla vatt (red-black-orange) and connect this lead to Sscillator coLL J-J (S-2). ffaaln the other end of this resistor to sockat A-1 (NS).- Nu #*.t,i;Hrr:iilrtrirj:* (red-brack-red) rrorn rF transrormer can r-r (s-e) rfrt ? 1 N (l ) c.-,eot a 2!o nnf . (or 25o pF) aapaoitor fron socket c-7 (Ns) to terminal Y strip c-I (lls). n t t:)+t ).a,ttach a .002 mfd. (or .Oo2 rrF) capaoitor fron sooket C-l (s-r) to sooket D-! (s-a). ,X bfe.sure the capacitor leads do not touch pins 2 and J of socket D. /A ,/ KJfi c-rrrt a .07 nfd. (o .o, uF) capacitor fron rF transformer cen I-J (s-r) to Y tqrninal strip G-I (Nfi). KT ,/ -.r,rAtbach a 10O lmf . (or 10O pF) capacltor fron soeket C-5 (S) to l+55 kc coil R H-e (s). t1,./srrp a I l-ength of spaghetti tubtng on one lead of a .002 nfd.-(or .0 uF) oapicitor and oonneot-this lead to iocket c-l (S-2). Slip a t/2 length of spaghottt tubing on the other lsad of this calncitor and ooarneot lt to .n vohno control F-2 (S-1). V ?fior:r.ct a 2!o mf . (or 2!0 pF) capacitor fron vohme ootrol r-f (S-e) to -5 volune control F-, (S-r). ( Vt) Slip a In length of epaghetti tubing on one lead of a 100 mf . (or lOO pf) capacitor and attacn lnis lead to socket A-1 (S-A). Connect the other tean to osqiLlator colI J-l (S-2). 1snp a t/2 lengtn of spaghetti tubing on one lead capacitor and attach thls lead to soaket E-5 (S4). eocket E-? (S-r). of a .0! nfd,. (c .05 uF) Comect the other lead to - P a g e f - RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 order ons of the stripped ends of the line cord to volume control F-L (S-1). Figr:re I,t in socket A, a 12BA5 tube tube in socket C, a jOCJ tube in socket D and a JSII tube 2. z ll. ,.f ./ (bY (,-)lolder the other stripped end. of the lins -l cord to sockot E+ (s-2). -/ t.lf tnsert a 12BS tube in socket B, a L2A!6 in sooket T. This conpletes the wiring and nounting of oomponents. Carefully inspect all the wiring. Shake out Loose bits of wire trinmings and solder splashes. Double check all solder connections. OPIRATIOIi: Plug the line cord lnio a IO5-L25 volt, AC or Dti uall outlet. AIIorry one ninute Tor warrn-up. .idjust tuning and voLrrne. III CASg 0iDIFFICULTY: 1. Read the eirouit description to understand tlre principles of operation. Check the operating voltages against the table of Typical Socket Voltages. Any J.arge discrepancies nay give a clue to the source of difficulty and further investigation in that particular part of ttre circuit, both visually and with a voltmeter, nay reveal irnproper congtruction or faulty oomponents. Check the tubes. Frequently nuch tlnre may be saved by having another .erson check the wirlng nith you. Often a simple mistake becomes invisible to the oonstructor but is clearlv evident to another, even unskilled, person. - P a g e 8 - RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 TABLE OF j TTPICAT SOCTBT VOLTACEI All readings ar taken ritffi o vacuum tube voltmctcr. up to 2t/ are nornal and do belmeeu the pla and tsrniral ars DC unlege otherwise apeclfled. trouble in most oasss. All readlaga Varl.attone are takcn All rcadlnge not lndloate strlp G-l except as LndLcated below. T UBEP I N I P I N 2PIN 3 PIN 4P I N 5P I N 6PIN 7 I 2BE6 SOCKET A -t2 ovV 9592 . ? I 2 B A 6 SOCKET B - 8 oww 9 l9lo I 2 A V 6 SOCKET C - 8 oxx l3o 58 s oc5 SOCKET D 5 4oY Yo 92t 4 0 3 5 W 4 SOCKET E ooz z a il5 VACor 4 0 * L15 IJDC if llne voLtage is DC. Heater voltages aoroslt pins v, I, and x ls 12 volts aClor DC (depeading upon line). Eeater voltage acrosa pins y is !0 voltg A0ror D9 lapluai ; tlnc voltage). Eeater voltage across pine z ts 75 vorts acr,or DC (aiar! uion rrne itEj. ALTGNMENTT certain adjustments are nocossary for proper operation and to assure tbat TE6-FsdfI?11.lppr ai the correot plaoe ootir dlar. rhe prooedure outrined berow uaeB no additioll !:tJ equipnaut, honever if a signal. genlrator and vTvt are avallable they should be used. very little ad.justnJnt rJ guria ainoe trre-conponente have been factory pre-aligned. ( ) notate the variable tuning codenser trshaft fully oloohige. Temporarily lnstall tbe L-L/2n tuning lcrob oa-the ehaft rlth the knob eet rcrc,r polntlag utrnrards. Tlghten the eet ecrerr. ( ) ( ) () / Ture in a station. Adjust the volune until the statlon lc barery audible. using-an aligwaent toot (Phirmore No. rE gat, y22 ot gar) or a snarl insulated ecrewdriver, adjuat the elotted ssrsws on the top and bottm of IF trangformer ean I for naxinrn voltme. As the volune Lnoreaseg, reduce the volrne oontrol setting to keep the station barely audlble. AdJust the srotted ecrew of l$i ke ooil E for narinru vohne. i.onsyrt a nerspap:*- f9 the frequelal of a looal station at the higheet end of the broadcast band betreen llo0 and i6oo t. s; the trming pol.nter at the freq- uoncy of that station while referring to the carlbratioog 6o the oabluet faoe. Adjust ttre local oscillator coil J until that station ls heard at naxi.mrn vohne. ( ) - P a g e P - RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 ( ) e,a3ust the screrv above tuner 0- for naxinru volumo. ( ) Set the tuning pointer for anothar statlon in the frequency range of 57O to /00 kc according to the calibrations on the cabinet face. Adjust the screw above tturer O-J for that station. ( ) Remove the tuaer knob. This coryIetes the aLignnent of the receiver. Tune through the broadcast band rvhile observing the location of the stations recolved and conpare them rith the calibrations on the face of the cabinet. If the stations appear at the wron6 place on the dial, repeat the aLignr,ent prooedure. ( ) Insert the chaesis into the cabinat go that the tro shafts protrude frm the front of the cabinet. ( ) Secure the chassls in th: cabinet rlth t;.r.o 1-56 X j/gn sersws and nuts inserted through the bottcn of the aabinet and chassis braoket Q. See Figure . ( ) Rotate the right tuning shaft fully clockqise. Install tlne L-L/2n tuning knob on the shaft with the knob set scrdre pointing uprvard,s. Tighten the set Boreff?. ( ) notate the left shaft fully couutar-cloclcrise until a olick ie heard. Install the 1lt lrlob on the shaft with the knob set screw pointing toward the right. Tighten the set screw. Thls conpletes your Philmore !-tube superhet receiver. SERVICE: If a defective conponent is discovered which has not been caused by irnproper ffilifig by the purchaser, the PIIIIJ,ORE MANUFACTURITIG CO. wilL gladly replace the component if the following conditions are fulfilLedr ldentify the part by part nr.mber as listed in this instructioa rnanual and state tho name and model of the equipment for whioh the component Ls required. In your letter, refer to the date of pr:rchase and the dealer from whom the kit uas bought. Include cornplete dstails relative to the defective conponetrb. In all- cases, roturn the dofective part postllie prepaid and oarefully packaged to avoid breakage in transit. In extrams cases, there the equipment cannot be made operativo by the kit builder, the PIIL- e) -2 -/ (rro. = t r r l ,F. c ) - 2 9 ! o (, o. RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库


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