BeoCenter 2 Audio TypeMasterUnit2802 TypeSocketUnit2839,2840,2841,2842,2843,2844,2845, 2846,2847 ServiceManual English German, French, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Dutch and Japanese versions are available in the Retail System This Service Manual must be returned with the defective parts/back-up suitcase ! ABO-CENTER v/HENRIKSENS ELEKTRONIK RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 CONTENTS Survey of modules . 1.1 How to service . 1.2 PIN-code . 1.4 Warnings . 1.6 Adjustments . 2.1 Service menu . 3.1 Service tips . 4.1 Replacement of modules . 5.1 Specification guidelines for service use . 6.1 Overall blockdiagram . 7.1 Wiring diagram . 7.3 Available parts . 8.1 ABO-CENTER v/HENRIKSENS ELEKTRONIK RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 BeoCenter 2 Audio Master Unit PCB2TopInterface PCB4IRreceivertwo(right) PCB5IRreceiverone(left) PCB9Display PCB77CDMainBoardAssy PCB95CDTraverseMechanism BeoCenter 2 Audio Socket Unit PCB1AVpanelDAB PCB6PH8-4 PCB37DABmodule PCB50Analogsoundengine PCB60SMPS PCB85TunerEU/US/JPN Surveyofmodules1.1 594 2 95 77 60 1 6 50 37 85 ABO-CENTER v/HENRIKSENS ELEKTRONIK How to service Front line service BoththeMasterandtheSocketUnithasbeendevelopedforsimplemodule exchangetofollowtheon-siteservicestrategy.Moduleexchangeispossibleon-site, atthedealerorintheserviceworkshopwhateverismostconvenientineachcase. Foron-siteserviceaback-upsuitcasemustbeused. Moduleexchangeistherecommendedwaytoperformservice,duetothefact thatmostofthemodulesaremultilayerbased,andmostofthecircuitsareona singlemainPCB. Anelectricalfaultsymptomcanberemovedduringonevisittothecustomers homeifyoubringaBeoCenter2back-upsuitcasewithyou. Isitamechanicalsymptom,theparticularpartmustbebroughtwithyou separately. TheSocketUnitandtheMasterUnitmustbeconnectedwhentesting,because theSocketUnitcontainsthepowersupply. Service documentation ServicedocumentationforBeoCenter2AudiowillbeaServiceManualwithpart nos.fortheback-upsuitcase,electricalandmechanicalparts,usersguidesetc. 1.2Howtoservice ABO-CENTER v/HENRIKSENS ELEKTRONIK Converting mains voltage supply TheMasterUnithasonlyonevariantforallmarkets. TheSocketUnithasseparatetypenos.foreachmarket,duetocountryapprovals. Themainsvoltageisdeterminedbythetypenos.oftheSocketUnit,thereare onlytwointernalmainsvoltagesettings(ajumper)ontheSMPS,100/120Vand 230/240VAC.(X103,whenmounted=100/120V). FortunersetupusetheServiceToolforreprogramming. TheonlyvariantontheMasterUnit:2802 ThevariantsontheSocketUnit: Type no. Mains Voltage Market 2839230V/240VAustria,Azerbaijan,Belgium, Bulgaria,Croatia,CzechRepub., Denmark,Egypt,Estonia, FaroeIslands,Finland,France, Germany,Greece,Greenland, Holland,Hungary,Indonesia, Iceland,India,Israel,Italy, Kazakhstan,Latvia,Lebanon, Liechtenstein,Lithuania,Malaysia, Morocco,Norway,Oman,Pakistan, Poland,Portugal,Qatar,Romania, Russia,SaudiArabia,Serbia, Singapore,SlovakRep.,Slovenia, Spain,St.Martin,Sweden, Switzerland,Thailand,Turkey, Ukraine,Uzbekistan 2840230VBahrain,Botswana,Dubai,Ghana, HongKong,Ireland,Kuwait,Nigeria, SouthAfrica,UK,UnitedArabEmirates 2841120VBrazil,CaribbeanIslands,Canada, Mexico,Panama,USA 2842100VJapan 2843240VAustralia,NewZealand 2844110VTaiwan 2845110VKorea 2846230VArgentina,Chile,Peru,Uruguay 2847230VChina Howtoservice1.3 ABO-CENTER v/HENRIKSENS ELEKTRONIK PIN-code Theproducthasa4digitPIN-code,oftheusersownchoice,whichmustbeentered iftheproducthasbeendisconnectedfromthemainsfor15-30min. IfthePIN-codeisactivated,andtheproducthasbeenwithoutmainsfor15-30min., theuserwillbeaskedtoenterthe4digitPIN-codewhentheproductisswitchedon. Beforetheproductishandedintoserviceitisagoodideatoaskthecustomerto deactivatethePIN-code. ThePIN-codeisactivatedwhentheproductisshippedfromBang&Olufsen. Refertotheuserguideforfurtherinformation. PIN-code active prior to service IfthePIN-codeisnotdeactivatedpriortoserviceyoumustusetheServicecodeto unlocktheproduct. Servicecode Theservicecode, -unlockstheproduct,butdoesnotaffectthepin-codesetting -givesyou12hoursservicetime EnteringtheServicecode 1.WhentheproductasksforPIN-CODEpressandholdlfor3seconds. 2.TheMastercodemenuappears. 3.EntertheServicecode:11111. Importantnoticeconcerning Servicetime Theservicetimeisactiveaslongastheproductisconnectedtothemains,including Standby. Toobtainmaximumservicetime: Onlyconnecttheproducttothemainswhileyouareperformingactualserviceon theproduct. Whentheservicetimeisexpired,theproductcanonlybeunlockedbyentering thePIN-codeortheMastercode. Registrationofthemodules Themoduleswillberegisteredtotheproductinthefollowingsituations: -theproducthasbeenconnectedtothemainsformorethan12hours,including Standbytime. -thePIN-codeisactivatedordeactivated. PIN-code deactivated by customer prior to service WiththePIN-codedeactivatedpriortoserviceyoumustbeawareofthemodules willberegisteredtotheproductinthefollowingsituations: -theproducthasbeenconnectedtothemainsformorethan12hours,including Standbytime. -thePIN-codeisactivatedordeactivated. TheregistrationofmodulesintheproductcanonlybechangedatBang&Olufsen. 1.4PIN-code ABO-CENTER v/HENRIKSENS ELEKTRONIK PIN-code1.5 ActivatethePIN-code SelecttheSETUPmenu. PressltwiceandthenSTOPtobringupthePINCODESETUPmenu. Enterthe4digitPin-code.Re-enterthecodetoconfirmitandpressGO. IfyouwanttochangeordeletethePIN-code,enterthecorrectPIN-codeandpressGO. ItisnowpossibletochangethePIN-codeordeletethePIN-code. EnterthePIN-code IfthePIN-codeisactivatedandtheproductisdisconnectedfromthemainsfor morethan15-30minutes,aPINCODEmenuappearsassoonastheproductis switchedon. EnterthePIN-code,andtheproductstartsagain. IfthePIN-codehasbeenforgotten IfthePIN-codehasbeenforgottentheonlywaytounlocktheproductagainisby enteringa5digitMaster-code. TheMaster-codeisorderedbysendingarequestviatheRetailSystem. WhentheproductpromptsforaPIN-code,pressandholdldowntobringupthe MASTERCODEmenu. EntertheMaster-codeandpressGO.ThiswilldeactivatethePIN-codeand reactivatetheproduct. Product locked by PIN-code TheproductislockedbyPIN-codewhen: -ThePIN-codeisactivatedandthemainsisdisconnectedformorethan15-30 minutes. TheproductisunlockedwhenthePIN-codeisentered. ThePIN-codecounterissetto5attemptswithin3hours. WhenawrongPIN-codehasbeenentered5timeswithin3hours,theproduct cannotreceiveanycommandsforaperiodof3hours. AfterthisperiodthePIN-codecounterisreset. Theproductmustbeinstandbymodetoactivatethetimer. ABO-CENTER v/HENRIKSENS ELEKTRONIK Warnings ESD Whenelectricalreplacementsordisassemblyistakingplace,useaESD-mat.The internalelectronicareverysensitivetostaticelectricity. WhenmainsvoltageontheBeoCenter2isrequired,removetheconnectionfrom theBeoCenter2totheESDmat. Laser exposure TheBeoCenter2containsalasersystemandisclassifiedasaclass1laserproduct. TheBeoCenter2mustonlybeopenedbyqualifiedpersonalonly. General Warnings Wearcottonglovestoavoidplacingfingerprintsontheproduct. Thealuminiumanddisplaysurfaceontheproductisverysensitive,sohandling shouldbedonewithgreatcaretoavoiddamage.Whentransportingthe BeoCenter2itisrecommendedtousetheproductcover,partno.3375021. Theinterfacecableisverysensitivetosharpbendsandotherlargemechanical influence.Alsobesurethattheplugsineachend,areconnectedcorrectly. Cleaning CleantheBeoCenter2surfacesusingalint-freeclothwhichyouhavewrung firmlyinlukewarmwater. Never use alcohol or other solvents to clean any parts of the BeoCenter 2. Lithiumbattery WARNING Short-circuitandoverchargingofsometypesoflithiumbatteriesmayresultina violentexplosion. STATIC ELECTRICITY MAY DESTROY THE PRODUCT 1.6Warnings ABO-CENTER v/HENRIKSENS ELEKTRONIK Adjustments Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) The DAB module (type 2203) for the BeoCenter 2 Socket Unit will automatically adapt to the band and frequency table preprogrammed in the application software for the particular Socket Unit type number. If the band and frequency table setup from the factory do not correspond to the particular country where it is used, the PC-based ServiceTool program must be used. DAB aerial Select a channel transmitting a DAB mutiplex signal. Position the aerial to maximum signal level. Keyboard: Press “LIST” p select “SETUP” n “RADIO” p “DAB AERIAL ADJUSTMENT” then press GO. Beo4 remote control: Press “MENU” p select “SETUP” n “RADIO” p “DAB AERIAL ADJUSTMENT” then press GO. Watch the indicator bar on the display while adjusting the DAB aerial. The white fields indicates minimal risk of signal drop-out. DAB DRC Dynamic Range Control “DRC” appears in the lower right-hand corner of the display if transmitted with the DAB program and DRC is not set to OFF. DRC in nominal NOM or MAX position reduces the signal level between the weakest and the strongest signal and thereby compensates for disturbance from the surroundings. See more information in the Users guide. Adjustments 2. ABO-CENTER v/HENRIKSENS ELEKTRONIK 2.2 ABO-CENTER v/HENRIKSENS ELEKTRONIK Service Menu There are two ways to enter the service menu, either by the keyboard or the Beo4 remote. Keyboard: With the BC2 turned on, press “list” - “Setup” then press n and within 3 sec. Press 0 0 GO. Beo4 remote: With the BC2 turned on, press “menu”- “Setup” then press n and within 3 sec. Press 0 0 GO. Note you have entered the service menu, and have the following options: Select wanted menu using general menu navigation rules. 1. SW Versions 2. Error List Select from the list NVMEM errors or VMEM errors. The NVMEM and the VMEM menu has the same layout, each menu will display the last 15 errors. 1 is NVMEM (non volatile memory) and 2 is VMEM (volatile memory). The errors in NVMEM are stored permanently, and can be used if BC2 has been disconnected from mains after an error has occurred. The VMEM only stores errors that have occurred after BC2 has been connected to the mains. Service menu 3.1 . Service Menu 1 SW Versions 2 Error List 3 Product ID 4 Service Counters 5 Default Settings 6 Keyboard Test 7 Loader Lock 8 DVD Service 9 DAB service display 10 Max. Volume .SW Versions 1 AP 3.61a 2 OS 16.20a 3 AP Boot 1.10a 4 IOP 22.00a 5 FM Tuner 1.00a 6 DAB Tuner 1.9-4 7 Master Unit 3.20a .Error List 1 NVMEM 2 VMEM ABO-CENTER v/HENRIKSENS ELEKTRONIK 1 4F 00000002 10/11/02-09:35:21 Date and time parameter will scroll according to general rules for the error, the cursor points to. By pressing n a more detailed view of the corresponding error is shown. Pressing l returns to Error List. The Error Layout 1 4F 00000002 10/11/02 09:35:21 Err_no, error_code, error_parm, Date, Time 1-15 dec 0-FF 0-FFFFFFFF dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss 2digit dec 2digit HEX code 8digit HEX code error_parm are divided into 4 sections digit 1 and 2 XX- error_type digit 3 and 4 -XX- error_param1 digit 5 and 6 -XX- error_param2 digit 7 and 8 -XX error_param3 EP1 = error_parm1 EP2 = error_parm2 EP3 = error_parm3 Error_codes are written in bold and error_type in underline 3.2 Service menu .NVMEM 1 4F 00000002 10/11/02 2 08 16000000 9/11/02 3 4F 00000002 8/11/02 4 08 16000000 7/11/02 5 4F 00000002 7/11/02 6 08 16000000 6/11/02 7 4F 00000002 5/11/02 8 08 16000000 5/11/02 9 4F 00000002 4/11/02 10 . . -/-/- 11 . . -/-/- 12 . . -/-/- 13 . . -/-/- 14 . . -/-/- 15 . . -/-/- Complete Error Line .4F 00000002 Date 10/11/02-09:35:21 WATCHDOG RESET ABO-CENTER v/HENRIKSENS ELEKTRONIK Service menu 3.3 Error_ code Error _type Error_parm 1-3DescriptionCause (check/replace) 00NO APOS ERRORNo error 08APOS IOP ERRORP H8 Module 10ILLEGAL TIMER IDSW bug, check for AP SW update 11TIMER NOT FREESW bug, check for AP SW update 15ILLEGAL DATE VALUESW bug, check for AP SW update 16ILLEGAL TIME VALUESW bug, check for AP SW update 17ILLEGAL TIMER PARAMETERSSW bug, check for AP SW update 20ILLEGAL SIMPLE MESSAGE IDSW bug, check for AP SW update 21OUT OF MESSAGE BUFFERSSW bug, check for AP SW update 22MESSAGE BUFFER VIRTUAL LIMIT REACHEDSW bug, check for AP SW update 25ILLEGAL REPOSITORY TYPESW bug, check for AP SW update 26OUT OF REPOSITORIESSW bug, check for AP SW update 27REPOSITORY VIRTUAL LIMIT REACHEDSW bug, check for AP SW update 28NULL POINTER DELETESW bug, check for AP SW update 29ILLEGAL REPOSITORY ADDRSW bug, check for AP SW update 2AREPOSITORY IS ALREADY FREESW bug, check for AP SW update 40NON ISR FUNC CALLED FROM ISRSW bug, check for AP SW update 41PHYSICAL STACK LIMIT REACHEDSW bug, check for AP SW update 42STACK VIRTUAL LIMIT REACHEDSW bug, check for AP SW update 43OUT OF IAS OBJETSSW bug, check for AP SW update 44IAS SIGNAL LOSTSW bug, check for AP SW update 45OVERFLOW IN IAS FIFOSW bug, check for AP SW update 47LSL QUEUE NOT ATTACHEDSW bug, check for AP SW update 48SCAN QUEUE NOT ATTACHEDSW bug, check for AP SW update 4AUART 0 QUEUE OT ATTACHEDSW bug, check for AP SW update 4BTIIC QUEUE NOT ATTACHEDSW bug, check for AP SW update 4CRIIC QUEUE NOT ATTACHEDSW bug, check for AP SW update 4DOUT OF POWER DOWN CALLBACK OBJSW bug, check for AP SW update 4EPOWER DOWN ENTERED WITH TIMER RUNNINGSW bug, check for AP SW update 4FWATCHDOG RESETCheck for others errors in NVMEM 80BAS ERROR 00NO BAS ERRORNo error 01IIC BUS ERRAlways IO_ERROR not in BC2 02Eeprm addrEE WR ERRAlways IO_ERROR not in BC2 03Eeprm addrEE RD ERRAlways IO_ERROR not in BC2 04Eeprm addrEE RD FF ERRAlways IO_ERROR not in BC2 0BEeprm addrEEPROM WRITE OVERFLOWAlways IO_ERROR not in BC2 0CEeprm addrEEPROM CONTROL INIT FAILAlways IO_ERROR not in BC2 0DEeprm addrEEPROM CONTROL CALLOC FAILAlways IO_ERROR not in BC2 A0IO ERROR 00NO APOS IO ERROR 01IIC1 2 ERROR EP 1= 00NO IIC1 2 ERRORUse EP2 EP 1 = 01IIC1 2 ACKNOWLEDGE MISSINGUse EP2 EP 1 = 02IIC1 2 ARBITRATION LOSTUse EP2 EP 1 = 03IIC1 2 BUS BUSYUse EP2 EP 1 = 04IIC1 2 TIMEOUTUse EP2 EP 1 = 05IIC1 2 SLAVE TRANS BUF DIFFUse EP2 EP 1 = 06IIC1 2 SLAVE NOT ADDRESSEDUse EP2 The Error LIST Is a list of all the possible errors in BC2, its divided into, error_code with the sub parameter error_type, error_type which has 3 sub parameter error_param1, error_param2 and error_param3. When ever a error tha